What a busy week this has turned out to be! I took an extra day off this week since I had planned a bunch off Easter stuff with my nephews this weekend, but I’m still tired even though I had a short work week. One of the new things that I am planning to start is getting my butt to the gym. You don’t know how long I have put off going to the gym, but I am going to force myself to take the first step. Physically, I have been feeling terrible for a long time, but it seems like my close brush with death last year did not sufficiently motivate me. Seriously…what will it take? I guess that I am just tired of feeling bad and it’s depressing that feeling terrible is my normal. Anywho, I hope that this is my first step to a better me. As for today’s Vintage Polish Friday, I have another beautiful sating finish polish to share with you: Orly Satin Finesse. Let’s take a look at some swatches. Continue reading “Orly Satin Finesse – #vintagepolishfriday”
Tag: Orly

Orly Uniquely Satin – #vintagepolishfriday
When I first started being a serious polish hoarder collector, one of my favorite things was finding beauty supply stores that are off the beaten path. Luckily, the area where I live is full of independent beauty supply stores and I quickly learned the ins and outs of these stores. A handful of them have closed and opened since I started collecting, so I ventured out further, even driving 2+hrs in search of the next great beauty supply. I have found a few that have new products as well as plentiful stock of old and discontinued polishes. In the last year, I had a lot of things going on that sucked the interest in nail polish out of me. Luckily, as you can see by my consistent posting, I’m back on track and hope to visit some of these polish stores soon. During one of my outings, I discovered a bunch of old Orly polishes, one of them being Orly Uniquely Satin. Let me show you some swatches below before I tell you about the polish. Continue reading “Orly Uniquely Satin – #vintagepolishfriday”

OPI Color Paints Watermarble
I don’t normally start my blog posts by saying my mani is awesome, but today I will say it loudly and proudly. I have had my ups and downs when it comes to watermarbling, so every time that it works out, I rush out to buy a lottery ticket in case my good fortune decides to continue. I have really begun having fun with my OPI Color Paints, and I can’t tell you enough how awesome they are to play around with. In one of the many nail polish groups that I am in on Facebook, someone had posted a watermarble that they had done using the Color Paints with a base of Orly Mirrorball so of course I had to try it immediately. With Mirrorball as my base, holo is life. Let me show you again how gorgeous this polish is on its own.
Do I really have to say anything else about Orly Mirrorball? Nope. One great thing I have heard is that this polish is now part of the core line so you shouldn’t have trouble getting your hands on it. For once, a polish company didn’t discontinue a polish that everyone loved. Shocker, I know!
For my watermarble colors, I used OPI Color Paints (press samples) in Landscape Artist, Magenta Muse and Purple Perspective. I am in love with the outcome and will trying different variations of this mani in the future because it’s just so damn gorgeous. It’s so sparkly and gorgeous that it pained me to remove this mani, but I had so much swatching to do that I just couldn’t keep it on for very long. I am not super excited about trying more techniques with my Color Paints! You can see my first attempt here which turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.
Well, I hope you like my mani as much as I do. Have you tried the OPI Color Paint before? Let me know what you think of them. I hope that your Monday is going well! Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon.

Stamping Saturdays #63
Hey there! Welcome to another installment of Stamping Saturdays! Last week I went to Sally’s telling myself that all I needed was a bottle of Yellow Stopper, but of course I was lured in by the discount/sale section. By the way, do any of you guys use Yellow Stopper as a peel off base coat? I guess I was under the (incorrect) impression that it could be used while swatching but no peeling happened so now I ended up with a huge bottle that I have no use for. It’s so annoying. Anyway, while I was at Sally’s I saw this Orly polish off on its own and it ended up being under $2. When does that ever happen? I guess I am just lucky when it comes to polish. Why can’t I be lucky with the lottery, hmmm?
Orly Teal Unreal is a gorgeous teal polish that unfortunately photographs blue because my camera hates me real bad. The polish is incredibly pigmented and is gorgeous at two coats. The best part is that it does not stain at all so it’s a total winner in my book.
I’ve been wanting to use this design from plate MoYou London Back To The 70’s – 03 (press sample) for a while now, but it always seemed kind of a weird image. I ended up liking this quite a bit because my placement came out pretty good. It also helped that my Pure Ice Silver Mercedes stamps like a dream.
So what do you think about this mani? Is it just kinda weird or are you digging it? Do you have any fun weekend plans? We are probably going to be going out to dinner for my dad’s birthday since he turned 76 yesterday. Well, I hope you’re doing well and make sure you check out the other manis below. Thanks so much for the visit, and I will talk to you soon.
PSSSST! Hey, you! Yes, it’s me again. I wanted to invite you to join our stamping group. If you like to stamp, come join us by clicking on the image below to be taken to the group page. The group is growing, and we’d love to have you participate.

Vintage Polish: Orly Satin Luxury
Well, I am sure that you are on pins and needles for the unveiling of my second #vintagepolishfriday right? RIGHT? To be honest, I have a bunch of super old polishes mostly because there are some massively awesome dusties in my area, and I like to hoard weird old stuff. I have talked about the old Orly Satin Hues polishes that I have purchased but I really didn’t recall wearing this one before until I checked my blog tags. Regardless, I decided to wear it again because it’s pretty and because I felt like it. Today’s oldie is Orly Satin Luxury.
It’s nearly impossible to find good information about this line of polishes. I’ve seen people say these are from early to mid 90’s. I have no idea. I contacted Orly eons ago hoping they would be able to give me some information but they pretty much ignored my email and social media inquiries so whatever. I always get a kick from seeing the huge old massive bottles that Orly used to have: .75 oz!!! I think this polish is absolutely gorgeous, but the formula is kind of bad–super thin and it will flood your cuticles like it’s nobody’s business. Despite having to apply 4 coats–yes, 4–I really love the color and the finish. Although the polish looks a little brush-strokey in my pictures, it’s not that noticeable in person. There are other colors from this line that have an amazing satin shimmer so I’ll definitely show some others at a later time.
So I hope that you liked today’s polish blast from the past. I am looking forward to sharing more of the oldies in my stash so don’t forget to check in next Friday. Also, other ladies may be participating in #vintagepolishfriday on Instagram so check out the hashtag for more vintage polish goodies. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!

Stamping Saturdays #56
Heeeeeeeeey! Can you tell how excited I am? The reason why I’m so happy is because I have a 4 day weekend and I’m going to be the laziest person in the history of the world. In fact, I’m still in my pj’s right now and I don’t care what anyone thinks. Last night my friend and I decided to go watch 50 Shades of Grey. I know, I know. The theater was packed which didn’t really surprise me, but I was surprised at how bad the movie was. The books were so poorly written that they made me want to barf, but they were somewhat entertaining so I thought maybe the movie wouldn’t be too horrible but it was. I think Jamie Dornan is hot lava, but I don’t think he was what I was expecting for the Christian Grey character. On the other hand, Dakota Johnson was good in he role. Overall, the movie was choppy and just strange. When I got home, I saw that I had gotten some free passes in the mail (thanks, OPI!!), so I’m going to give them away so they don’t have to be mad like me about paying full price to see this film. Anyway, let’s move on from putrid films to awesome nail polish! For today’s Stamping Saturdays I have another holo beauty to show you.
I had such a hard time finding Orly Mirrorball, so when I finally found a bottle, I freaked out. It’s a really gorgeous and delicate linear holo with small holographic glitter. The formula felt a little thin, so be prepared to apply 3 coats
I used a delicate stamp from Konad plate M73 and Mentality Black Opaque stamping polish. I really like how this turned out.
What do you think about this mani? I hope your weekend is going well and that you enjoy your long weekend if you get Monday off. Thanks for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon.

Orly Color Blast Bright Blue Neon
I feel like I’m the only one who is super excited about the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. So many people are already talking smack about the movie, and I am shitting my pants with excitement about it. TMNT is one of those cartoons that I absolutely adored as a kid. I can still clearly remember how it would take me 30 minutes to put on one sock because I was so engrossed in the cartoons. My mom would be so pissed yelling at my brother and I about being late to school, but we just did not want to tear ourselves away from the television. Then the video games came out and I wanted to kill myself every time I couldn’t get through TMNT 2. That game was ridiculously hard but it was so much fun. Did I mention that the first movie I ever saw at a movie theater was TMNT? I still remember the excitement of that day and how fun it was! So now that I’ve rambled about this movie, I can’t wait for this weekend so I can go watch it. So…for today’s post I have a cute little polish to share with you: Orly Color Blast Bright Blue Neon. Have you seen these polishes around? I ran across a big display at on of my nail places and this super bright blue really called out to me.
Since this is a neon, the formula was a bit difficult. It dries really fast so it is prone to overworking. I had to work quickly and had to be careful not to go over the same spot twice while the polish was setting. I applied 3 coats to get a smooth and even finish which is rather normal for neons.
I had to make this baby shiny so I applied one coat of Seche Vite. Do you love this as much as I do? The color plus the shine are an amazing combo.
Let me know what you think of this small but explosive polish. Despite the difficult formula, I am so pleased with the end result. Are you excited about the new TMNT movie? Let me know if you’re planning to see it. Do you remember what the first movie was that you ever saw in a movie theater? Thank you for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon.

Orly Terra Mauve
You know those days when nothing really bad happens, yet you happen to feel super shitty? That’s me today but I actually think I’m PMS’ing so that’s normal, I guess. Yeah, TMI but whatever. I haven’t painted my nails in a few days so today I sat down to pick through all my untrieds and I zeroed in on Orly Terra Mauve. I know that a lot of people think mauve is such a grandma color, but I actually love how it looks on me. Even though this lighting washes out my skin a bit, it usually gets the polish color right which I find is really difficult with my other lighting. I guess it’s a trade off, so I’m while I’m searching for a better (and economical) lighting set up, this will have to do.
I found this bottle of Orly Terra Mauve in this crazy polish warehouse and of course I grabbed it because it’s in the huge old style Orly bottles. Look how humungous it is at .75 fluid ounces! The formula on this smelled kind of horrific. It is a very old bottle and I’m sure it is full of those 3 chemicals that everyone tries to avoid nowadays. It seriously made my eyes water a bit! I also found that the formula was beyond thin and it took multiple coats to get a good, even result. While I like the color, I don’t think it’s worth the annoyance.
So what do you have planned for the weekend? Anything fun? I work on Saturday so maybe I’ll do something fun Saturday night but usually I’m so tired and annoyed after work that all I want to do is veg out. I do have to work on my stamping mani for Saturday tomorrow night so wish me luck because I’m totally blanking on ideas. I am planning to go polish shopping tomorrow after work (I will limit myself to 3…max 5 items) so maybe I will find a cool polish to use. Anyway, thanks for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon.

Orly Satin Hues Satin Luxury
Hey, guess what? I had to get up at 5:00 am today so I could be at work at 6:00. I hate my life today. I know I’ve mentioned a few times how much I hate waking up in the morning, and I honestly feel that I will never be a morning person because I wake up absolutely pissed no matter how many hours I sleep. The one good thing about this is that I am in a nice air conditioned building while it is a million degrees outside. Since I had the bad break on my pointer finger, I am going to be showing you some of the swatches that were in my pending folder—thank God for previous swatching fits! Until my nail grows out (which will take about 2-3 weeks), I will be posting swatches I did pre-break. I am expecting a couple of collections in the next week so I may just buckle down and do three finger swatches because I don’t want to get crazy behind on my reviews. Tomorrow I will be posting the Essie Winter Collection so I hope that the three finger swatches don’t bother you too much. I had asked this question on my Facebook page and most people didn’t seem to care too much. Personally, I can’t stand three finger swatches (and I’ve seen two AND one finger swatches!!!) because they just seem lazy. But hey, that’s just how I feel about what I post on my blog so everyone has the right to decide what works for them on their blog.Today I’m going to show you another HTF Orly polish from their discontinued Satin Hues line. I previously reviewed Uniquely Satin and totally loved it so let’s take a look at Orly Satin Hues Satin Luxury.
While this isn’t a color that I would normally gravitate towards, Orly Satin Hues Satin Luxury is just so unique that I can’t help loving it. It wants to look frosty, but I think that the satin finish keeps it from crossing into the abyss of frost city. The application can be a little tricky because it is prone to brushstrokes so I had to try not to go over the same spot twice. Unfortunately, the formula is super thin so I needed 4 coats for full opacity. I know…I know…ain’t nobody got time for that. Well, I had time for that and I will make more time for that when I wear this polish again.
If you’re interested in getting your hands on some of these Satin Hues, you may be able to find them on evilbay for a reasonable price. If you love older polishes and enjoy the pre three free formula fumes (am I the only one?!?!?!), these are definitely worth getting. I am also a big fan of collecting older looking bottles so I do love these .75 oz Orly behemoths. Well, I hope your weekend has been better than mine….and everything starts up all over again tomorrow. Being an adult sucks. And this sums up my sentiments about growing up in general:
Talk to you later!

Orly Satin Hues Uniquely Satin
I am on weather cloud 9 today. It has been an absolutely gorgeous day so I really have nothing to complain about. I had a pretty nice day so I’m trying to keep the good vibes going at least until the end of the week so I can really have a fun weekend. I’m not feeling super talky today so I’m just going to jump right into the polish talk. You may remember that about a month or so ago, I went on a polish shopping binge with Lesley. One of the places we went to was this massive warehouse that had so much polish I thought I was going to have a heart attack brought on by pure polish awesomeness. I am always drawn to old polishes so I had 5 shits when I saw a bunch of Orly Satin Hues. I already have a few that I love but had resigned myself to not having other colors. Well color me obsessed because I was able to add two more colors to my collection. Let’s take a look at Orly Satin Hues Uniquely Satin.
Yes, this needed 3 pictures. I had about 10 pictures, but I figured that would be overkill. I was actually surprised by how much I liked this polish since I am such a fan of glossy and shiny cremes, but seriously: look at it and drool along with me. I felt it would be sacrilegious to topcoat this baby because the beautiful satin finish is what these polishes are all about. Orly Satin Hues Uniquely Satin is a very VERY sheer polish so I needed 4 coats for complete coverage, and I can honestly say that I would gladly do 4 coats again for a polish this lovely. The good part is that these bottles are so ginormous at .75 fl oz that you don’t have to worry about running out.
Let me know what you think about this polish: do you think it’s swoon-worthy? I seriously can’t wait to wear it again! Thanks so much for the visit, and I will talk to you later.
P.S. I put up a bunch of stuff on my blog sale so take a peek here.