I have a confession to make: I don’t like thermals. Ok, I shouldn’t say that I don’t like thermals because obviously I bought this one, but I think what I meant to say is that I don’t like the fact that thermals will eventually stop transitioning after a while so you lose the factor that made them special to begin with. I actually only have two thermals in my few thousand bottle stash and they are both by Vapid. If you want to check out my swatches of Vapid Sweaters N Denim, you can click here. Now, the polish I have for you today is another deliciously complex thermal: Vapid Disambiguation. Continue reading “Vapid Disambiguation”
Tag: Vapid Lacquer

Vapid Lacquer Nail Sauce
You guys have no idea what a deplorable state my hands an cuticles have been in lately. I am going to 100% blame this on the face wash that I bought last month. Since I’ve been getting random acne (poo to adult acne!), I bought this Murad Anti-Aging Acne Cleanser that has salicylic acid as well as hyaluronic acid which is supposed to help keep skin moisturized. My skin is drier than the Sahara so I figured this would be a good product for me. So far it’s been ok–I haven’t noticed any bad side effects–but it has basically killed my hands. My fingers got so dry they started to crack and peel and my cuticles were pretty disgusting. I kept hearing about Vapid Lacquer Nail Sauce so I figured I might as well give it a try and added a little jar to my last order. Buying creams or anything with a scent online makes me nervous because I am so particular about product scents, but I decided to get the Wandering Rose scent against my better judgement. Let me tell you what I thought about this product.
First of all, I was not happy with the scent. You know what it smelled like? Those cheap religious candles that you buy at Hispanic markets. Yeah, not good. Vapid’s website described the scent as “Wild roses, fresh, wonderful and true rose scented cream. This is not a perfumey fake rose, this is the real deal, a plant based natural fragrance.” NOPE. Maybe I’m being kind of critical and I do have a crazy nose when it comes to scents, but I was super unhappy. Whenever I don’t like a scent, it will give me a headache and will actually make me nauseous, so I wondered if I would even be able to wear the product long enough to test it. There is a certain type of spiciness to the scent that I think is what I don’t like overall, but it wore off enough once the product soaked into my skin. The product has a typical cream consistency: not too thick and not runny. It is very easy to work into the skin and cuticles and it soaks in pretty quickly. I’ve been using Nail Sauce consistently for the last 6 days, and I really love the results. My cuticles are softer than they have ever been. I would like to try some of the other scents but I am cautious about disliking the other scents even more. I do not like sweet scents which most of the scents seem to be. Maybe next time I will purchase the original scent which is supposed to be more of a citrus. I’ll let you know if I end up getting it.
Overall, I am happy with the product despite my issues with the scent. While I won’t claim that the product is revolutionary, it is nice. I do realize that if you use any moisturizer consistently, you are bound to see similar results. Still, I like this creme and will continue to include it in my regular rotation of cuticle products I use. Do you have any favorite cuticle products that you can’t live without? Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!
Brand: Vapid Lacquer
Price: $5.00 /1 oz
Purchase: Vapid

Vapid Lacquer Sweaters N Denim
This might be hard for you to believe, but I do not have any thermal polishes. Sure I have some random cheapie solar polishes somewhere in my hoard, but I have not purchased any thermals…until now. I think that my main concern when it comes to thermals is that they have a shelf life so when you have 4,000+ bottles of polish like someone whose name starts with the letter CYNTHIA, it’s almost a waste. However, every time I see swatches of Vapid Lacquer Sweaters N Denim, I just die a little inside for not having it. So of course I put my objections aside and bought this little bottle of autumn gorgeousness. Every time I see this polish, I think of this song:
Before I get too carried away, let me show you my swatches of this polish in both the warm and cold states.
Vapid Lacquer Sweaters N Denim (warm)
Vapid Lacquer Sweaters N Denim (cold)
Vapid Lacquer Sweaters N Denim (transition)
Vapid Lacquer Sweaters N Denim is breathtaking any way you look at it. Because the polish has a nude color in its warm state, it looks a little sheer. It took three coats for the polish to look opaque on my nails but it was well worth it. Since I did not initially know if top coating it would affect the color changing qualities, my swatches do not include a top coat. I was a little giddy watching the polish change colors so of course I had to capture it in this nerdy video:
Pretty, isn’t it? The polish remained in the warm color on my nails unless I ran them under cold water or got close to a cold draft. Considering I live in California and it’s basically never cold here, I guess I will have to console myself with seeing the beautiful coppery shimmery nude most of the time.
How do you feel about thermals? I am still not happy about the short shelf-life, which most people say is about a year, but I really wanted to have Sweaters N Denim in my collection. I don’t see myself buying many other thermals just because I won’t get enough use out of them before they stop changing colors, but I do not regret this purchase. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!
Brand: Vapid Lacquer
Price: $11.00 /15ml
Purchase: Vapid

Vapid Lacquer Who Needs Luck?
Happy Tuesday, friends! I hope this day finds you well and that you are ready to be blinded by sparkly rainbows. Ok, not not really–I don’t want to blind you. However, I do want to show you a beautiful polish that I ordered a couple of weeks ago. I feel that all of us in the nail community are fairly used to seeing “different” nail polish colors, so sometimes I forget that not everyone is into “non-traditional” colors. Personally, the brighter the colors are, the happier they make me. As you can imagine, Vapid Lacquer Who Needs Luck? makes me very, very happy. Let me show you this green jewel!
Vapid Lacquer Who Needs Luck? is an extremely saturated and bright green holographic polish. The first coat can appear slightly thin, but a second coat will give you completely opaque results. The first two pictures were taken under direct indoor lighting and the second set of pictures were taken under LED lighting to better show off the holo. I hate to admit that I am pretty sure I bought this polish by mistake because for whatever reason I thought this polish had flakes in it. Despite my initial confusion and disappointment, I am very happy with this polish.
What is your favorite polish color–if you have one? Tomorrow I have my absolute favorite Vapid to date so don’t forget to check in tomorrow. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!
Brand: Vapid Lacquer
Price: $10.00 /15ml
Purchase: Vapid

Vapid Lacquer Resting Bitch Face
Let me welcome you to the week of Vapid here on Of Life and Lacquer! Recently I’ve been keeping an eye on the restock times for Vapid because there are quite a few polishes that I want, so I am happy to report that I’ve gotten my hands on a few of them. I don’t know about you, but red was the first color that attracted me when I first started wearing make up. I remember this bright red Revlon lipstick that my friend Veronica had in Jr. High School and how much we all loved it. Also, one of my favorite polishes of all time is a gorgeous red: OPI Vodka & Caviar. Well, it should come as no surprise that one of my first purchases was Vapid Lacquer Resting Bitch Face. If you don’t know what Resting Bitch Face is, watch this:
As someone affected by RBF, all I have to say is…
Anywho, let me show you this beautiful polish!
Vapid Lacquer Resting Bitch Face is a gorgeous red creme that is basically a one coater. You really can’t go wrong with this polish. While you may be thinking: “Oh, it’s just another red,” I can tell you it’s a perfect red and who wouldn’t buy it just for the freaking name? For swatching purposes, I applied two thin coats and one coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top.
So what do you think of this beauty? If you are someone who deals with RBF, go out and get this polish and polish your nails in solidarity! Or just get it cause it’s an awesome red. You know us polish addicts can justify just about any purchase. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!
Brand: Vapid Lacquer
Price: $9.00 /15ml
Purchase: Vapid

Vapid Lacquer Birthday Bitch
How’s your Wednesday going so far? I’m having a good week so far–busy, but good. Last night my parents arrived for a visit so I’m pretty excited because I haven’t seen them in over 6 months. They’re coming to visit because they want to see their first-born, moi, but also because my brother and sister-in-law are having their baby this weekend. I’m soooo excited to be an auntie for the second time. This past weekend I picked up Peanut in the morning and we had a super fun Peanut/Auntie day. Yes, he’s spoiled but he’s my little love and now I’ll have two to spoil! Yay! Since I was kinda busy this weekend, I didn’t get too much swatching done, but I did swatch couple of polishes because I just could NOT wait. Today I have a beauty that I’ve been eyeing for a while: Vapid Lacquer Birthday Bitch.
Isn’t this a gorgeous polish? I’m completely obsessed with it because it’s unlike anything in my stash. The formula was pretty good and you only need two coats. In fact, I applied 3 coats and I think it looks much better at two coats.
So what do you think of this beauty? Do you own any Vapids? Which are your favorites if you do? Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!

Vapid Lacquer – More Holos
Happy Sunday, friends! Of course I slept in today even thought I had planned to wake up at 6 so I could do my laundry, clean and write up my next 5 posts. Yup, didn’t happen. I’ve been struggling to get posts done in advance which I know ensures regular posting. Even though I get home from work so early, I am usually tired and grumpy so the last thing I want to do is try to figure out what to post. Yesterday I ended up going to my nail places and I bought a few things, and then I proceeded to spend most of my day swatching and editing photos. I now have enough material for about two weeks worth of posts which I may need since I chopped off my nails. Yep, the oval/almond shape is gone. I kept that shape for about a week before I got sick of it so I am not back to my traditional square shape. Hey, it was a good experiment but I think I might prefer a square shape on my fingers. For today’s post I have the last two of the Vapid Lacquer holos that Krys sent to me. I had a hard time taking color-accurate photos that showed off the holo because the stupid sun would not come out. I took some pictures in my light box and ended up also swatching the colors on a nail wheel trying to catch the sun. You should have seen me: I would run outside, try to snap a picture in the sunlight and then it would get overcast before I took the shot. Seriously?! I did this about 8 times before I managed to get a picture with good sunlight. Anyway, let’s take a look at my swatches of In The Pink and Twerk-uoise.
Vapid Lacquer Twerk-uoise is a lot more green than my pictures show. I also did not get a very strong holo effect with this polish and I’m wondering if I needed to shake it up more in case the particles were all settling. Still, it’s a very pretty jelly-type polish that was a little sheer, but it did build up nicely at three coats.
I knew that i was going to really like Vapid Lacquer In The Pink because the holo effect was so pretty and strong. The polish was a little sheer, but it did build up easily so I applied three thin coats. While the linear holo effect isn’t super evident in these pictures, this polish comes alive in the sun. One thing I do want to mention is that the pink base color stained my nails a bright pink so make sure that you were a good base coat if you’re using this polish.
These two swatches on the nail wheel show the colors and the holo effect much more accurately than my light box pictures. Aren’t they pretty?!
Well, now I have to get back to cleaning and doing some other errands. Don’t you have that weekends end up being all about doing work instead of just being a lazy bum? Hey, at least I didn’t have to wake up at 3:45 am today so that’s an improvement. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon.

Vapid Lacquer Purp-etrator
Don’t you love the rain? It was raining so hard this morning and now it’s nice and sunny but a bit chilly. I wish I would rain all day since we’re in the midst of a terrible drought, but I guess a little rain is better than no rain. I took the day off today since I’m still nursing my broken toe back to health. It’s feeling better but my foot just feels all hard and swollen so I’m just going to keep trying to keep it elevated and all that. Today’s polish is a gorgeous creme that I wore last week. If you know me, you know that cremes are my absolute favorites so I loved wearing Vapid Lacquer Purp-etrator. Let’s take a look at my swatches below.
Vapid Lacquer Purp-etrator is a gorgeous creme with insane shine. It least more purple than what my pictures show, but I would still call it blurple. The consistency is nice but slightly thicket than I’m used to. The pigmentation is great so I only needed two coats for full opacity.
I then used Dior Perlé to do some dots. I fail at dots–they look all random but I still liked the end result. My nephew, who loves dark colors, kept staring at my nails so I think that he approved.
I hope that you’re having a good day and that you are ready for the weekend. I’m glad I got two days off to rest but I do work Friday and Saturday so womp, womp. If you’re interested in Purp-etrator or any other Vapid Lacquer pretties, I suggest that you check out their big cartel site here. Purp-etrator can be purchased for $8 for a full size bottle and $4 for a mini. Speaking about buying polish, yesterday I updated my blog sale with a bunch of new stuff. I even added the grab bag option that I had first brought up on Facebook. Help me destash and regain some of my sanity and space!!! Check out my blog sale here to see if there’s anything that you’re interested in. Well, enjoy the rest of your day, and I will talk to you soon!

Vapid Lacquer – Grape Stomp & In The Pink
Usually I look forward to Wednesdays so much because I don’t work on Wednesdays. However, a few weeks ago I had agreed to work overtime and completely forgot until my manager sent me a reminder on Tuesday. Working on my day off?
Do you know how much it sucks to not have two consecutive days off? I feel like I never have enough time to do anything or really have a break. However, I could always use the extra cash for polish…I mean bills…I mean polish. I only worked half a day so I guess technically it wasn’t that bad, but I had a bunch of errands to do and also needed to do a bunch of laundry. Now I’m doing laundry instead of playing with my nephew the entire time. Harrumph! Anyway, I did get a chance to swatch a couple of polishes earlier in the week that Krys from Vapid Lacquer had sent me. These are some delicious linear holos so I hope you enjoy the rainbow.
Vapid Lacquer In The Pink is a great pink holo that comes alive in sunlight. I tried to swatch both of these in direct sunlight for about 3 days, but every time I was ready it became overcast–every single time! I had to use my light box and some different lighting to get this to show the awesome holo. The formula is a little sheer so I applied 3 coats for my swatches above. You guys know I love pink nail polish, so I love this. The only thing I want to make you aware of is that this polish stained my nails a lot. I had bright pink nails after I removed this and not even pure acetone helped so I buffed them lightly to get rid of the staining. I didn’t wear a base coat when I swatched it so I do recommend a good base coat to minimize any staining.
As an avid purple lover, I was instantly in love with Vapid Lacquer Grape Stomp. It is such a vibrant purple with a strong holo effect. In direct sunlight, the linear holo effect is much more pronounced–it’s absolutely gorgeous. This also needed three coats for full opacity and did not stain at all.
Overall, I am very happy with my first experience with Vapid Lacquer. I have three other polishes from this brand that I will be sharing with you later this week and they are all very pretty. Both of these polishes can be purchase at the Vapid Lacquer shop for $9.50 each for a full size bottle and $5.00 for a mini. Let me know what you think about these beautiful holos. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!