I am super excited about the polish that I have for you today. I know that I say that a lot, but you will understand once you see it in all its glowy glory. Last week I showed you OPI Movin’ Out from the 2003 Holiday On Broadway Collection and today I have another beauty from the same collection. A couple of weeks ago, I saw Jessica from Be Happy and Buy Polish use OPI Man Of La Mancha in her mani, and I knew that it had to be mine. Are you ready to see what I did with it? Continue reading “OPI Man Of La Mancha – #vintagepolishfriday”
Tag: Deborah Lippmann

Stamping Saturdays #31
I am super late today with my Stamping Saturdays post but better late than never, right? This morning I was supposed to go watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but I totally overslept and ended up going to my nail places. It was a total waste of time because two of my favorite stores were closed. The only good thing was the coffee macaron I had at this awesome Vietnamese-French bakery I like to go to. Anyway, once I got home I started planning my mani. I decided to use Deborah Lippmann Let’s Hear It For The Boy.
Deborah Lippmann Let’s Hear It For The Boy is a streaky nightmare, but it sure is pretty. If I had paid full price for this, I would be pissed but I got it on clearance on HSN so it’s ok. This is three coats and it’s still kind of streaky.
Have you heard of the brand Kiara Sky? I had not until I saw a huge shiny new display today. I picked up one glitter and two cremes to try the brand out. This is Kiara Sky Serene Sky.
This is two coats of Kiara Sky Serene Sky over Deborah Lippmann Let’s Hear It For The Boys. The polish is full of glitter and is very easy to apply. Isn’t it pretty?
I then used an image from Konad M51 to stamp with Mentality Black Opaque. I just recently purchased this polish for my stamping needs and it’s a decent stamping black. I noticed that this polish dries a lot quicker than the Konad black so you have to work fast before the image dries on the stamper. The image on my pointer finger did not transfer nicely because I waited too long to stamp it. Once thing I like is that the polish isn’t a huge pain to clean up. If you get the konad black on your skin, it is a PITA to clean up because it’s so incredibly pigmented. I will have a more in depth review of the two Mentality stamping polishes that I purchased in a later post.
So what do you do think of this mani? I’m not in love with it, but it’s ok. I can’t wait to try the other two cremes I bought from the new Kiara Sky line so I’ll let you know how they work out next week. Thank you for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon.

Deborah Lippmann Footloose
Getting ready for another day of heat misery sure is a process! But hey, there’s nothing to do except to try to stay cool so I’ll concentrate on that. I’ve been hanging out with Peanut and yesterday I had him choose what nail polish I would wear in a sort of “Peanut Picks” moment. I know I’m nuts, but I love this little guy so much.
After I explained the whole process to him, he gave me this excited look. I mean, at 5 months old he totally gets what I’m talking about, right? Look how excited he is. It’s either excitement or he’s thinking about pooping. I placed 4 polishes in front of him to see which one he would “pick” so let’s see which polish won.
And the winner is…Deborah Lippmann Footloose! I kind of figured he would pick this one only because it’s the brightest one in the bunch.
To be honest, I have never really been a fan of Deborah Lippmann polishes. I mean, I think they are nice and all, but I’ve just never felt that they are worth the price. I purchased a bunch of polishes on super clearance so I didn’t feel bad when I bought them. Footloose is a bright tomato red polish that has a crelly consistency. It is rather opaque, but I could still see some VNL which annoys me. I don’t think this is anything special, but it is a nice juicy summer color.
I hope you’re all doing well and that you’re having a nice week. Thank you for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!
Stamping Sunday: Using Two Stamps In One Manicure
This is my third week participating in Stamping Sundays, and I think I finally like how my manicure turned out. First of all, I want to complain a little bit about how disgustingly hot it has been in Southern California. I spent hours in the pool yesterday which was the only way I thought I would get any relief. It doesn’t look like it’s going to get cooler any time soon so I’m going to have to just deal with it.
This is the first time I use Deborah Lippmann Dancing In The Sheets and I really like it. Orly Mysterious Curse, which I love, appears to be a very close dupe.
I finally decided to use my bottle of Max Factor Fantasy Fire, and it is all my little lacquered heart had ever hoped for. Look how gorgeous this looks with just one coat! I can’t even imagine what it will look like layered over different colors.
And lastly, I used stamp BM 310 and Wet N Wild I Can’t Stand Up Straight. We weren’t obligated to use two stamps on each nail so I decided to just alternate these two stamps. I like how this came out but it almost pained me to cover up the Fantasy Fire goodness.
What do you think of my effort today? I hope you like it as much as I do. Thanks for stopping by and keep cool!
Deborah Lippmann Almost Paradise
I finally got around to using another one of my Deborah Lippmann beauties. This is one of the 4 Deborah Lippmann polishes I got on major clearance on HSN, and I love them. Yes, they are expensive but I think the formula is pretty freaking dreamy. I think these would be a perfect splurge for a special occasion like a birthday, Christmas or Saturday night…hee! I don’t see myself splurging too often on DL polishes, but I think I will really be on the lookout for special and unique colors that catch my attention.
The first thing that comes to mind when I look at this polish is key lime pie. Hmmmm…who doesn’t like that?! Just the sound of it sounds decadent with a refreshing citrus punch. Have you ever had key lime cheesecake? Enough food talk; can you tell I’m hungry right now?
This is such a pretty color! I wasn’t sure it would suit my skin tone, but I actually really like it. Since cremes are my favorite polish finish anywhere, this was a no-brainer for me. The first coat was streaky, but I wasn’t expecting any less. The second coat evened it all out perfectly
It’s official: Insta-Dri polishes are awesome for stamping. Doesn’t Blue By! look amazing over Almost Paradise? I used plate MASH 43 for this design.
I think my stamping mojo is 100% back! Let me know what you think of this design.
Hope you’re having a great weekend, and thanks for stopping by!
Deborah Lippmann Let’s Hear It For The Boy
Today I got to try my first Deborah Lippmann polish: Let’s Hear It For The Boy. It’s one of the 4 polishes I got on super-sale-clearance on HSN. Considering how much people rave about this brand, I thought that angels would sing and a ray of divine light would illuminate me when I opened the bottle. (That only happens when it’s Vodka) The first thing I noticed is that I do not like the handle on the brush. It’s too small for me. *That’s what she said*
Despite how awkward the handle felt in my hand, I absolutely loved the brush. It was so easy to apply the polish in a very precise manner so I basically had no clean up. The formula was pretty good but I don’t know about $16-good. Something weird happened with my top coat. I think that it has thickened up so it did not apply evenly. As you can see, the tips of my nails look like the top coat shrunk a bit. Weird…
I’ve really been into using my dotting tools lately so I did this simple pattern as an accent nail. I like how it turned out.
I have an update on my puppy quest! I spoke with my landlady today and she let me know that the pet deposit would be $450 which I can make payments on if I want to. I thought that was really nice of her. I am so happy that I got the ok from everyone involved in this process so that when I am financially ready to get my Alfie, I don’t have to do anymore paperwork. Of course I’d love to go out and get him right this second, but I’m trying to be responsible and make sure that I have enough money saved up to anticipate some extra expenses.
Last week I was going to write a post about people invading your personal space in public but forgot about it until today. I was waiting in line at the supermarket and some guy got behind me and placed his stuff on the conveyor belt even though there was no space left: he just pushed my stuff. Just like that. Not cool. I didn’t want to seem uptight so I didn’t say anything but then I could feel that he was way too close to me. Sorry buddy: if I can feel your breath on the back of my neck and smell your disgusting breath, then yes you are invading my space. So what did I do? I turned around and stood there facing him. Was it awkward? A little bit in the beginning but I love that he took a couple of steps back and looked away. It reminded me of the time that my sociology professor in college asked us to do an experiment as part of our homework. She told us to get on an elevator and stand facing the people who were already there instead of walking in and turning around to face the doors like everyone else. It was kind of comical to see how uncomfortable it made people! They were trying to look away, fiddle with their phones…they looked nervous. Anyway, back to Mr. Stank Ass Breath. When the line moved forward, he once again was up on my back…what the hell was his problem? He was literally standing right over me when I was trying to enter my PIN on the card reader so I asked him: “Do you mind?” He seemed confused which made me think that he just did not understand the concept of having a space bubble. Either that or he was just an asshole who was trying to get my pin.
I am totally sad that House is ending tonight. The last episode is going to start in a few minutes so I can’t wait to see how it all ends. What are some of your favorite shows right now?
I <3 My UPS Man
I only love him when he delivers my package to me and not my neighbor. I had to clear that up because I have always been very resentful about the time that UPS delivered my plane tickets to some random neighbor that I bought when I was drunk on priceline.com. When they couldn’t track them, they basically told me I was SOL and priceline wouldn’t do anything about it either. This was a round trip ticket to Rome so I was pretty upset as you can imagine. This was pre-electronic tickets so you had to have the paper tickets. Eventually I went all around the neighborhood asking if anyone had accidentally accepted my tickets and I tracked them down. Fuck you UPS and Priceline. That trip was awesome, by the way…even though I got the flu when I was in Italy by myself in the dead of winter. Ah…to be young, retarded and carefree.
I really wanted to go see The Dictator today so I went to a super early showing in order to avoid crowds. I hate crowds. It was really dumb so watch it at your own risk. Borat was a gem. Bruno and The Dictator? Not so much. Because I was so disappointed by The Dictator, I sneaked in to see The Avengers. I know, how very Jr. High of me. I just didn’t have that much going on today and I thought I might as well watch a movie…or two. I loved The Avengers!
Back to UPS: I had two packages waiting for me when I got home: my nails inc. set from Sephora and my 4 Deborah Lippmann polishes from HSN.
Before you think I’m insane for buying all those Deborah Lippmann polishes, I have to confess that they were on clearance at HSN. Each duo was priced at $9.95!!! Can you believe it? Thanks to Vienna’s post, I jumped right on these. She has some swatches up if you want to see what they look like. This is my first DL purchase so I’m glad I was able to get such a super deal. I can’t wait to try them out.
I am really excited to see what happens on Grey’s Anatomy tonight. Any other fans out there? Who do you think is going to die?????
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that I did get my dog letter from my psychiatrist and I sent it off to my landlady. Now I just have to wait to hear from her so that we can talk about the pet deposit. I hope it’s not a super ridiculous amount. Here is a copy of the letter. It seems so basic that I am a little concerned that it won’t be enough. My psychiatrist did tell me that they try to make it as vague as possible for confidentiality reasons. I’m sure they don’t want to advertise: Hey, your tenant is cray-cray!
So keep your fingers crossed for me. I am sooooo close to getting my pup pup.