How’s it going today? I hope you’re nice and caffeinated by now just like me. I don’t understand how some people function without a nice cup of joe, but I will drink coffee until the day I die. I come from a long line of coffee addicts, so this should be no surprise. Today I have some multichrome goodies to share with you from a brand I really like. The Dare To Wear Metallux Collection is made up of 6 multichrome polishes, and I picked up two at my local beauty supply. While this collection came out last year, I didn’t really pay much attention to it until I saw the polishes in person. Let me show you some swatches of the pretties I did pick up. Continue reading “Dare To Wear Metallux Collection”
Tag: Dare To Wear

LeChat Dare To Wear Sugar Me Up Collection
I don’t know if it’s just my hot flashes or what, but it’s been really hot here lately. In fact, this morning I was sweating and it was only 5 am! On second thought, it probably is just hot flashes so ignore me. This morning was pure torture waking up so I hope that I’ll be able to get to bed early tonight. You know what my favorite part of my morning ritual is? It’s when my alarm rings and I hit the snooze button for 5 more minutes of sleep. Those 5 minutes feel heavenly even though I know that I’ll have to be up soon. This made me think of a question that I asked my group of girlfriends yesterday: How are people happy? What does it feel like to be happy? I honestly don’t think that I am happy, and I am constantly envious of those who appear to be happy. I dwell on all the things that I don’t like about myself and my life instead of focusing on the good things. This made me think of how necessary it is to be unhappy in order to truly appreciate happiness. Would we appreciate youth without old age? Life without death? Probably not. I just need to find some balance in my life. Sometimes I tend to complain a lot about work, family stuff or other inconsequential things because they do seem overwhelming to me, but in the grand scheme of things, they are definitely not bad. I think that I am a worrier by nature so things will always seem a million times worse than they really are. I don’t really know where I’m going with all of this, but I just felt that I needed a little dose of reflection. Now that I got some of the heavy stuff out of the way, can we get back to polish? Ha! Today I have something light and delightful to show you: the LeChat Dare To Wear Sugar Me Up Collection. The formula on all of these is rather similar so I’ll show you my swatches, and then we can get into the details.
LeChat Dare To Wear Rock Candy
LeChat Dare To Wear Mint Jubilee
LeChat Dare To Wear Cotton Candy
LeChat Dare To Wear Lemon Drop
Overall, I really like this collection. It’s sugary, sweet and fun which is just what I would expect from a Spring collection. I can’t say that the colors are all that unique, but these polishes have a nice formula that I enjoyed. A couple of these polishes (Spearmint and Rock Candy) have some shimmer in them, but the rest have a crelly type formula. Since I prefer using thin coats, I applied 3 thin coats for all of these but 2 thicker coats would have gotten the job done. I think that we have seen a lot of similar colors as of late, so I’ll be putting these up on my blog sale. If you’ve never tried LeChat’s Dear To Wear line, this would be a good opportunity to give them a try. I’ve been very happy and impressed with their polishes and was excited about the way they have revamped their line. What do you think about these polishes? Do you have any suggestions on how to relax and live in the moment instead of worrying about anything and everything? I hope you’re having a nice Monday, and thank you so much for visiting today.

LeChat Belle La Vie Collection
Oh man you guys, I broke my pinky toe yesterday so I’m kinda pissed about it. I stubbed my toe so hard on the coffee table that I heard it snap and now it’s swollen and bruised. It sure was fun going to work today without being able to wear a shoe. To top it all off, I had my interview today for the position I applied for. I actually think that it went well, and now it’s just a waiting game. Since I had this interview today, I thought it would be fitting to share with you a trio of beautiful work appropriate polishes from the LeChat Belle La Vie Collection. If you’re not familiar with LeChat and their Dare To Wear line, you are missing out. Their line was recently relaunched with a new bottle design and new polishes, so I definitely recommend checking them out. The Belle La Vie Collection is comprised of 6 neutral polishes and today I have the three that caught my attention to share with you.
LeChat Dare To Wear Mi Amour is a gorgeous light putty color. I absolutely love how this looks on me and the formula was pretty nice. I applied three thin coats, and it covered beautifully. It’s such a shiny and creamy nude color!
When I first saw LeChat Dare To Wear Heart & Soul, I thought it would be my favorite of the three, but I ended up not liking it as much as I thought I would. The shimmer is really pretty, but it almost borders on frosty which is a finish I definitely don’t like.
And in the book of greyed taupes, LeChat Dare To Wear Utaupia is a star…a two coat creamy and glossy star.
You may think that these colors are a little boring, but they really are not–at least not in my book. What do you think of these three neutrals? Are they something that you would wear or are they too safe? Well, I’m going to cut it short here since I’m going to go catch up on two of my favorite shows: The Following and The Black List. Talk to you soon!

Dare To Wear Kiss The Rain
Oh, hai there! Yes, I’m still around. I know I’ve still been posting regularly, but I feel that I’ve been kind of absent. I haven’t really been playing much with polish–it’s like I lost my polish boner, but my Viagra kicked in when I decided to swatch Dare To Wear Kiss The Rain. Ahhh…Kiss The Rain. Do you guys remember that Billie Myers song from the late 90’s?
I get so nostalgic when I hear old 90’s songs because this song came out right around the time I graduated from high school. My first year of college was kind of a strange experience–but in a good way. Anyway, let’s get back to the polish! Let me show you the beauty that brought me back to my senses.
Dare To Wear Kiss the Rain is a beautiful steel blue-gray with scattered holographic glitter. The formula feels a little thin, but it builds up very easily. I applied 3 thin coats for my swatches, but I think I could have gotten away with two coats. The polish dries rather dull and still doesn’t look super shiny after a coat of Seche Vite. I decided to change my lighting up a bit so you could see the beautiful holo.
Now you can really see the holo, right?! This is pretty close to what it looks like in sunlight. Holy Fish Jesus, this is pretty!
So…whatdaya think? Isn’t it beautiful? I am soooo obsessed with finding older and unique Dare To Wear polishes so I’m going to have to make a trek out to my polish warehouse to see what else I can discover amongst the ruins of collections of yore. Anyway, I’m going to cut this short because I’m about to go out with a friend so we can catch up. I need to get out tonight! Thanks so much for stopping by today!

Dare To Wear Gold Crush Holiday Lacquer Set
Hi there! Yes, I am still on a baby high, and I can’t wait to see my little nephew again because he is just the cutest little thing ever. Since there was so much baby commotion this weekend, I didn’t get a chance to do too much swatching, but I did manage to swatch this fun holiday set. Dare To Wear by LeChat is a brand that I am really keeping a close eye on because they have some amazing polishes. Let’s get to the swatches of the Dare To Wear Gold Crush Holiday Lacquer Set.
First of all, here is the box set. Pretty, right? So festive!
If you are familiar with this brand, you may notice that the bottles are very different. I was told that the bottles were redesigned recently and that all new polishes will have this new bottle design. Personally I find them very substantial and kind of luxe looking. Someone who shall remain nameless made some jokes about the caps being “ribbed for her pleasure,” but we will just move right along from that comment.
What would a holiday polish set be without a staple red? Dare To Wear Holly Berries is that staple red polish. The formula on it is pretty great as it can be a once coat polish. The color is very saturated and extremely smooth so it’s definitely a great polish even if it is a staple color and very expected.
Gold. Barf. Ok, I just can’t get on the gold polish train (I’m looking at you, V!) Dare To Wear Gold Chalice is a ghetto gold foil-like polish that applies rather smoothly. I applied two coats and that was enough for full coverage. Other than that, I don’t have much to say about this polish.
I wasn’t expecting to like this glitter as much as I do, but Dare To Wear Holiday Lights is just so freaking festive that it made me happy to have such shiny and bright colors all over my nails. The glitter in this polish is rather small, but it managed to apply rather evenly as only two coats were needed. I’ve got to warn you, though: removal was a pain.
So what do you think of this holiday set? Is it something that you’d purchase? Since I have similar colors, I have put this set up on my blog sale in case you’re interested. Are you familiar with this brand? If you have any polish recommendations from this line, please let me know because I absolutely love what I have tried from Dare To Wear. I bought a second holiday trio that is blue based so hopefully I get around to swatching it for you soon. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will catch up with you soon.

Dare To Wear Night At The Cinema
You know when you wake up with a son stuck in your head? This morning I woke up completely obsessing over Hotel Song by Regina Spektor. I went around singing it all morning while I swatched a bunch of polishes. Then I was trying to figure out what movie to watch on Netflix and I settled on Friends With Kids and something weird happened: Hotel Song was on the movie’s soundtrack! The movie was pretty good and now I’m still singing Hotel Song. That’s weird, right? Anyway, if you’re not familiar with this song, take a listen because Regina Spektor is freaking amazing.
The polish I have for you today is another beauty from Le Chat Dare To Wear which is quickly becoming a brand I’m super impressed with and that I will hunt down every chance I get. Let’s take a look at my swatches of Dare To Wear Night At The Cinema.
Dare To Wear Night At The Cinema is dark plum/raisin colored polish with copious amounts of pink/purple glitter that really pops against the darker base. The contrast gives this polish the look of almost glowing from within. I absolutely love this!!!! The formula was ok…it felt thin at first, but it was very easy to build up. I ended up applying 3 thin coats for my swatches because I wanted even glitter coverage.
I am seriously excited about getting my hands on more polishes from this brand because they are like little hidden gems. I know this brand can be a little difficult to find in retail locations as I have only seen them in random beauty supply stores, but they seem to be pretty easy to purchase online. Even better, they are way economical so you don’t have to feel guilty about buying ALL THE THINGS. If I remember correctly, I got this one on sale and it was under $3. What a steal, right? I hope you like this polish as much as I do, and I apologize if you now must get it. I know enabling is a specialty of mine so I’d like to say I’m sorry to your wallet in advance–well, not really because your nails will thank me. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I hope that you’re enjoying your weekend.

Dare To Wear Ready For My Close-Up
Yay it’s raining today! I absolutely love this kind of weather, but hate driving in it. I guess it was my lucky day because I didn’t have to work today. I did however totally forget about the street sweeper this morning so I had to run out half asleep to move my car before I got a ticket. Last night, Lesley tweeted me about a polish we had both picked up when we went to PM (Polish Mecca), and I immediately wanted to go swatch it because she said it was amazing. It was 11:00 and I was already in bed, so I decided that I’d rather sleep than swatch a polish. Well, I woke up thinking about that polish (why must I be so obsessive?) so despite my gimpy broken nail, I decided to once again do a three finger swatch for today’s post. So what is this mystery polish, you ask? It is Dare To Wear Ready For My Close-Up.
I had to share that clip. Beejus she was good in that movie.
Dare To Wear Ready For My Close-Up is a gorgeous combination of a blurple jelly-esque base full of blue and magenta glitter as well as holographic goodness which unfortunately wasn’t captured in my pictures. Since it was raining, I didn’t have any sun out to take some decent sunlight pictures but trust me: this baby sparkles. The effect of this polish is breathtaking when you see it in natural light. The formula feels a little thin but it builds up nicely. You can get away with two coats, but I applied three because I had a few bald spots. I applied 2 coats of Seche because it sucks up top coat–not terribly, but it does.
Breathtaking, isn’t it? I bought another polish from this brand that reminds me a bit of Chanel Taboo. Well, I wouldn’t call them dupes at all, but they have a similar feel and look. I can’t wait to try it out. I’ve purchased Dare To Wear polishes in the past, but I don’t think any of them were as interesting as this one. They are definitely on my radar now. GREAT! Another brand to obsess over. Let me know what you think about this polish. Have you tried this brand before?
Talk to you later!

Dare To Wear Starstruck
The product featured in this post was purchased by me.
Hi there. Long time no blog. I’ve got to admit that my mind just hasn’t been on blogging much this past week. I wasn’t really going to post for a while but I have a bunch of polishes swatched that I might as well post. I didn’t want to be a total Debbie Downer so that’s why I was staying quiet, but then I realized that this is my blog and I can be a Debbie Downer if I need to be. The polish that I have to share with you today is Dare To Wear Starstruck.
When I first saw this polish, it reminded me so much of SpaRitual Meditate On This which I was super disappointed in. Unfortunately, this polish was also a little disappointing in that it’s really hard to capture the purple undertones. Don’t get me wrong–this is a really gorgeous blue, but I was definitely looking forward to the purple in this polish as well. The formula on this polish is a lot better than the SpaRitual one at a third of the price so save your moola ladies. I applied 3 coats for the swatches above, but I probably could have gotten away with 2 thick coats. Also, as an aside–even though I wasn’t really a fan of SpaRitual Meditate On This, it is a special polish to me because I got to meet one of my super duper favorite friends because she found my blog when she was looking for swatches of that polish. Love you, Lesley!
So, now about my craptastic life. I have a new development in the great battle of “Why does God hate me so much?” It’s been a fierce battle and once again, God is winning. I seem to have carpet beetles in my living room–and thankfully it doesn’t seem to be widespread yet. For those of you who are fortunate enough not to know what carpet beetles are, they are kind of like bed bugs but less disgusting as they feed off natural fibers. In the most bitter irony, the only way to really get rid of them is to clean, clean, clean. And then clean some more. If you know me well, you are probably snickering a bit about this solution. I don’t know if you’ve ever had any kind of gross bugs in your home, but I am seriously stressed out a bout it because I feel disgusting like bugs are crawling all over me–like an acid trip without the acid. I know it’s all mental, but I already am mental…like insane in the membrane mental so this is the absolute last thing that I needed at this point.
On the job front, I am still fairly miserable. I’ve been slowly trying to motivate myself to look for something else but even that is difficult to do. As much as I hate my current job, I dread the idea of jumping back into the job search process even more. The other day we had a team building type of workshop and I nearly threw up on their faces. I could not believe what they were preaching to us about passion and accountability in the workplace when they do nothing to support that kind of behavior from their employees. Maybe if they didn’t treat us like disposable property, we would be motivated to stay and enjoy our jobs and the place wouldn’t be a revolving door of hires, firings and resignations. Employers like this are just taking advantage of how bad the job market is right now. Of course I feel lucky to have a job and to be able to make a decent pay that allows me to take care of my financial obligations, but we all know how hard it is to deal with a job you hate. I have sent out a few resumes and I have gotten some responses so hopefully things start to materialize.
Anyway, that’s what has been going on with me. I really resent it when bloggers that I follow just disappear so I wanted to let you all know that I’m not planning to disappear and that I am around but probably won’t be blogging daily like in the past. I will try to post a couple of times a week just so I don’t feel so pressured and overwhelmed. I still very much enjoy blogging and interacting with all of you, but I don’t want it to become another stressor in my life. Thanks so much for continuing to visit even when I’m not posting daily.
Love ~C
The product featured in this post was purchased by me.
Dare To Wear Sweetheart
If you follow me on twitter, you may have heard about me getting bitten by a dog…on my swatching hand to boot! Now, before you imagine some gross puncture wound, blood and tears, it was actually just a minor bite and it was more annoying than actually painful. Since I’ve been really stressed lately, I decided to go to scope out some nail polishes after work. Well, normally I get off work at 1:30 but at about 1:25, I got a crazy complicated client so I ended up staying an extra half hour to deal with his issues–great, thirty extra minutes at a place I abhor. I should have just gone home, but noooooooooo…Cynthia needed some new polishes. I went to two of my usual nail places but I didn’t get much (most of the newest Orly collection and a new bottle of Seche). I then decided to stop by another place that I rarely go to because they don’t have the best selection, but I just felt like checking them out. When I walked in, the place was empty but then I saw this cute little dog walking towards me. Since I am absolutely nuts about dogs, I got all excited and bent down to pet him. Well, at first he seemed fine with it and then he snapped and bit my hand. The owner yelled at him and he walked away. She was apologetic, but I just brushed it off and got a few more polishes. So my lesson here is: I am not the Dog Whisperer so I need to not be so grabby with strange dogs.
One of the polishes that I got this past weekend, is Dare To Wear Sweetheart. I can’t explain why I’ve been gravitating towards pink polishes lately–maybe I’m just in a girlie mood.
Are four pictures of the same polish overkill? I’ve been wondering if one or two pictures are enough, but since I’m not really changing the lighting, I’m thinking that maybe 4 are too much since I’m only changing the angle. Let me know if you have an opinion or preference. Anyway, Dare To Wear Sweetheart is a super hot pink with holographic and silver glitter throughout. This polish dries a little matte and super gritty. I applied two thick coats of Seche to try to get a smooth surface, but this polish pretty much sucked it right up. The formula was pretty good, though. It was super opaque and it was kind of goopy in a good way where I was able to control it really well and didn’t have to do any clean up at the end. That’s my favorite.
I’ve mentioned my health a little bit from time to time, and I’ve been stressing about not having health insurance a lot lately. For the last week, I’ve been stressing out about everything…my health, my craptastic job, my even more crappy car that’s one step away from the junkyard and just EVERYTHING in general. This is one skip and a hop away from major anxiety attacks so I’m just trying to keep it together. One way that this stress has been physically manifesting itself is that I wake up almost every night throwing up. It’s really bad because it basically happens a couple of hours before I have to get up for work so I feel like I’m not even sleeping. I really don’t want to go back on meds and I really can’t afford to be paying for therapy and doctor’s appointments out of pocket so I feel like I’m just between a rock and a hard place. Maybe for now, polish has to be my therapy. Sounds like a plan to me!
So I hope that you don’t think I’m just sharing this for attention or because I want sympathy…I just feel like it helps to get this stuff out, and I know that some of you soooooooo understand what this feels like. I just hope this passes and I start feeling better about everything. Thanks for listening. <3
Discolsure: All products featured in this post were purchased by me. For more information, please see my disclosure policy tab here.
Stamping Sunday: Silver, Gold or Bronze As An Accent
I seriously feel like I need to tone it down. This is the second week that I create something for the group Adventures In Stamping and it’s a big fat fail again. I don’t know what it is about challenges, but it seems that I come up with the tackiest ideas ever. I don’t even know what I imagined anymore when I came up with this monstrosity, but at least it wasn’t as bad as last week’s look…at least in my opinion.
I started out innocently enough with China Glaze Exotic Encounters. I don’t know how many times I have said this, but the On Safari collection blew me away. I was really excited when the promo pictures came out and after I got them, they were everything I had hoped for and more. Kudos, China Glaze. “Well done. Whoo, whoo, whoo !” à la Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.
Beautiful color, right?
The next step was taping off my nails in a diamond pattern and I used plate MASH 46 for the design and Wet N Wild I Can’t Stand Up Straight for the stamping polish. I should have taken a picture of that before I went ahead and added the glitter but I spaced out and forgot. It actually looked interesting before I added the glitter. This Dare To Wear glitter called Disco Ball and it is full of different holo glitter shapes. I think it will look very pretty over a dark base. Once again, I’m not thrilled with this manicure, but I like it a little better than last week’s.
And for Sunday’s food porn, here is my breakfast: a delicious egg and chorizo breakfast burrito. Yes, it was heavenly!
Hope you’re having a nice Sunday! Let me know what you think of my stampicure.