I had such a huge plate of pad thai for dinner that I’m afraid to go to sleep. I didn’t really eat lunch which I know is bad so I was pretty freaking ravenous come dinner time. I went to this hidden Thai place that my friend introduced me to eons ago and ordered my usual shrimp pad thai and thai iced tea. My brother had the same and he said he really liked it. I think he is the most adventurous one in the family when it comes to trying new foods. I try to be good but sometimes it’s just so hard to eat something that looks strange to me. I was ok with eating escargot when I was in France so I guess I’m not as bad as I think I am.
In other news, I today I picked up two melmers at Michaels. I seriously need a better storage solution for my nail polishes. Since I am close to the 400 mark, I think two melmers will suit me just fine. If I outgrow both of them in less than 6 months, I’m going to have to go to some sort of nail polish addiction therapy. Right now, they are 50% off so I paid around $18 for each 3 drawer melmer. Score! Once I get them all set up and decorated, I will post some pictures.
I also chopped all my hair off today. I love how light my head feels. Is that weird? My hair is so short that I don’t really have to fuss with it at all because it just does its own thing. My hairdresser was talking to me about getting some kind of mohawk, but I don’t think that it would be the best look for job interviews. When my hair grows out a little, I can totally do the flock of seagulls hairdo. Does anyone remember the look? I know it’s pretty atrocious, but it’s so like me to do something crazy with my hair.
Soooo…after all my babbling, here I am with my second bottle of Layla. Once again, I love it. Love.It.
Sorry I’m all over the place tonight. I’m finding it really hard to focus, but I still wanted to share this beauty with you. Thanks to all of you who continue to visit my blog and read my posts even when I’m not making much sense! I really appreciate all of you who leave comments to let me know someone is actually reading!