I’ve seen this information floating around for an awesome Coterie Butter London deal so I finally decided to check it out. I just purchased 3 Butter London nail polishes + a matte top coat for $11!! How? Well, let me tell you how.
Go to: https://coterie.com/preview and use the access code OBSESSED-VIP. You will have to create an account and just click on the Butter London deal and add it to your cart. There are 6 available colors but only 5 are left. The colors you can choose from are:
Pillar Box Red, Wallis, Bluey, West End Wonderland, All Hail The Queen and Knackered. At this time, All Hail The Queen is sold out.
When you go to check out, use the coupon code VIPMEMBER and you will get an instant $25 discount. Standard shipping is free so you end up paying $11 for 3 Butter London polishes and a matte top coat!!! Wow!
Just thought I’d pass on this deal in case you’re interested. Don’t hate me for making you spend money…I’m just trying to pass on the good deals. Let me know if you take advantage of this awesome Coterie Butter London Deal. I picked up Pillar Box Red, Wallis and Knackered.
sad face…it lets me sign up but nothing else. says cotiere is coming soon
You just need to get creative to get around the block
I entered coteria.com/shop and it circumvented the landing page block. Hope that helps!
YAY got in!
YAYYYYYY! Thank you for posting this! I’ve never had Butter Londons before because of the price ( I only spend that much on indies) but my order just processed for Knackered, Bluey, and West End Wonderland for $11.69 =D
Hmm I’m not seeing where to buy them
I hope it’s still available…I’m still bummed out that I missed the Ulta bogo sale lol
Yay I found a way in lol
ENABLER!!!! I have to check out this deal.
sweet deal!
OMG it worked!!!! Love you, this is freakin *awesome*!
YOU ROCK!!!!!!! Thank you!!
Loving this deal!!! I usually only hear about these things way after the fact LOL Knackered, Wallis, and Bluey coming my way!
Thank you so much for spilling the secret!! I just ordered my very first Butter Londons!! I got “All Hail The Queen” “Knackered” and “Pillar Box Red” and the matte topcoat for only $11! and free shipping, YAY!!
Dayum I missed it. :O)
Thank you!! I’m obsessed with butter london!