Today I will start my post with an apology the my fellow bloggettes from The Lacquer Ring: I am sorry I chose watermarble as our prompt this month. I truly am sorry because I also had a hell of a time doing a proper watermarble. I attribute my trouble to the weather because last week it was hotter than Satan’s nutsack in a leotard. I made 4 attempts at doing a presentable watermarble to share with you guys today, but it just did not work out. I basically gave up at my 4th attempt and you will be seeing the results shortly. I don’t think I will be doing another watermarble while the heat is still torturing us. Anyway, let me show you my pitiful watermarble…
The clean up was a bitch because I kept getting air bubbles at the cuticle area so the gap next to the cuticle is larger than I would normally like. I used two KBShimmer cremes for this watermarble because KBShimmer is awesome for watermarbling due to the creaminess and pigmentation. I’m almost embarrassed to post this, but I could not pass on posting today since I tortured everyone else with my prompt.
So what have you been up to? Anything cool? Well, I hope you’re doing well. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and don’t forget to check out the other watermarbles below. Talk to you soon!