Happy Wednesday everyone. I’m not going to call it hump day because it drives me up the wall when people say that, but hey: we are halfway through the workweek…yay! I’ve been uber-busy lately so it feels like time is flying and suddenly I find myself scrambling to get my post together for The Beauty Buffs. Today we are going to be showing you what’s crackalackin in the world of Royal Blue. I have 4 polishes to share with you as well as some eye shadows that I found in my make up stash. Let’s take a look at the polish first.
Color Club Bright Night – Essie Butler Please – Kiko Electric Blue – Nails Inc. Baker Street
The polishes are applied from left to right on my nails with the Color Club on my pointer and ending with the Nails Inc on my pinky. If you are not a polish psycho like me, you definitely don’t need ALL of these polishes since they end up looking fairly similar on the nail. Yes, there are some slight differences, but not enough to justify getting them all. However, if you are a blue lover like me…well, let’s just say they can be justified!
Now for the eye shadows: I have a ridiculous amount of make up as well so I looked through my palettes for some blue shadows. No, it’s not the 80’s as these are not frosty baby blues. While they may not all fit the royal blue mold, I think they are deliciously vibrant.
These colors come from the Kat Von D Beethoven palette, the Smashbox Masquerade palette, the UD NYC BOS and the UD 15 Year Anniversary palette. These shadows are incredibly pigmented! I love these colors but I find them a little hard to wear. Normally I can pull off crazy colors because I’m very tan, but darker blues can look like bruising on my eyes. For example, the blue in the Masquerade palette tends to get a lot of fall-out, so I get crazy blue raccoon eyes. However, if you’re looking for awesome blue shadows, definitely check these out.
So what do you think about my royal blue choices? Do you have any other polish or shadow recommendations? Don’t forget to check out the posts by my fellow Beauty Buffs because they have so much great content to share with you. Thanks for the visit, and I will talk to you soon!

I love this shade on you and thanks for reminding me what colors I have and didn’t think to use LOL
LOL! I’m sure I have a billion more dupes hiding in my melmers.
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
Gorgeous nail color and the swatches of the eyeshadows are really great too!
Nailz Craze recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
Thank you!
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
What lovely royal blue shades!
Lisa N. recently posted..I’m Ready For Spring Skittle
Thank you, Lisa.
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
i love your royal blue collection! you have so many beauties!
LittleMonsterx14 recently posted..The Beauty Buffs: Royal Blue
Thank you! I’m ashamed to say I probably have a lot more…haha!
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
Oh so you are not a fan of the commercial for Geico where the camel is going through the office and asking co-workers what day it is….”Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike What Day is it?….HUUUUMP Day!”. Okay, so I lurve that stupid ad so much.
What I don’t like is the moving company with the camel and the logo on the side of the trucks that state, “Humpin’ to Please”. That just sounds not so funny. But the camel in the office? F.u.n.n.y.
WHY DON’T I KNOW OF THIS COMMERCIAL?! lol I’m going to have to google it.
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
HAPPYY HUMP DAY! JK!! I love the Color Club blue, its so bright!
Eugenia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs- Royal Blue
hehe! Yeah, that CC is really awesome.
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
So many pretty blues. The eyeshadows are def ones I need to add to my collection.
Nory recently posted..The Beauty Buffs: Royal Blue Trend
Yes! This post made me “rediscover” those palettes. 🙂
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
That hue of blue is sooo nice, I really love all of them, and the eyeshadows too! 🙂
tina_tech recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue: Creme, Texture, Glitter and Nail Art
Thank you! I can’t get enough of these blues.
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
1) I’m so jealous that you have the anniversary palette! That is a huge lemming of mine! 2) I love every single one of those blues! They’re GORGEOUS! and lastly, High-freaking-5 about the fact that I am not the only one who says crackalackin.
LOL…yeah, not many people ask “what’s crackalackin?” but I totally do.
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
These are fantastic! I can’t believe how many blues you have.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg, my friend…. 😉
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
I am so glad that you brought Color Club Bright Night into my life. It completely and effectively slayed my lemming for Nails Inc Baker Street, I love it that much.
I have Smashbox Masquerade (probably barely used) and the UD 15 Year Anniversary palette (also barely used). The shade of this color that I actually use the most out of what I have is from a small Stila palette (Precious Pearl). I like that palette. You will tell me it’s too frosty for you, haha.
Have you seen the two new Kat Von D palettes at Sephora? I think they look great, but I am telling myself no deal, haha.
Why do we have all these palettes that we don’t use? And I have absolutely seen pics of the new KVD palettes online and I just can’t bring myself to go look at them in person. Seriously…I mean, I will cave. 100%. I have like 4 or 5 of her older palettes when the line was first launched. I really wanted to love the Adora one but I threw it away because it was so crumbly and two of the shadows were a gigantic mess. I want the Esperanza palette badly. I’m going to stop here…
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
Wow this is just gorgeous! Looks so squishy!!
Thanks, Adriana!
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
So many classic blues!
Gnarly Gnails recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Trend: Royal Blue
Not as many as you had in your post! I was in awe. 🙂
Cynthia recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue
Do you happen to own YSL Bleu Majorelle? if yes – which one of these is the closest to it? Thanks!
I was going to comment about the hump day commercial but I see somebody beat me to it. I HAVE TO google it!!! I love it, it’s one of my favorites!!
Thanks for the comparison, I have one of these and it’s close enough to the others 🙂
Gosia recently posted..China Glaze “Sweet Hook”
I totally justify all my blue polishes with “I LOVE all the blues!” 🙂
I like your collection of royal blue shadows too, I only have a few myself. That UD Radium looks gorgeous!
Krystal Caracol recently posted..The Beauty Buffs: Royal Blue
Those polishes are all a must have! Loving the eyeshadow colors also!
Alaina recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue (Floral Nail Art Tutorial)
Pretty sure you can never have too many royal blues…it’s a staple to any lacquerista’s collection! 😉 These are beautiful on you, as always.
Lindsey recently posted..The Beauty Buffs – Royal Blue Trend
I love this type of blue color! Great comparision but I still think I need them all 🙂
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