Geometric Gumdrops




Does calling Wednesday “Hump Day” annoy you? It usually doesn’t annoy me but for some reason I cringed when I typed it out. Maybe it’s the fact that my pseudo-diet is putting me in a shitty mood cause I want to eat junk. So how is my diet going, you ask?

Yep, just like that. Now that I’m feeling a little better, I’m going to start incorporating going to the gym after work. I think that’s going to help me in a lot of different ways especially to relieve stress and just put me in a better frame of mind. Let’s hope that all happens and that I don’t end up sad and eating a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey.

The other day I was talking with some friends about this bare nail design that Chalkboard Nails did with some Nicole by OPI Gumdrops so I totally wanted to do something in that same vein. This is what I came up with:

Geometric Gumdrops 1aGeometric Gumdrops 2aFor this design, I used Nicole by Opi My Cherry Amour and A-nice Treat and some stripping tape. All I did was to apply the tape in a criss-cross pattern and then carefully filled in the areas with the two polishes. Lastly I applied a silver stud in the middle because I felt that really finished off the look. I really like how this turned out! I’m getting more excited about doing more than just swatching so I hope that you guys like this.

So what are you up to today? I have work tomorrow so I’m getting ready for that…after being off/sick for the last 5 days, it’s going to be rough! My little nephew is coming over tonight so I’m excited to see him. On Monday he had his 2 month check up and he also got some vaccines. Here’s a recent picture of him:

1512341_10202356973818663_226788690_nHe’s being very scratchy lately so you can see the little nicks on his nose and cheek. Isn’t he freaking adorable?? Anyway, I hope you’re doing well today, and I’ll catch up with you later.

20 thoughts on “Geometric Gumdrops

  1. We are oddly on the same page once again. I really lost my appetite after being sick and was starting to see a difference because I was eating less. Yesterday something changed and I wanted to eat all of the things (it’s not even time for that, lol), so I told myself I’d be strict again today. I’ve succeeded so far, but not without significant mental struggle, lol. I also have plans to go to the gym after work, but I’ve been planning that for years, lol. My Ben & Jerry’s ice cream choice would be Phish food, though, lol.
    I’m excited to see nail art from you, too, but I like all of your stuff…certainly your swatches have enabled me many a time! 😉
    Good luck at work tomorrow & have fun tonight with Vincent! 😉

    1. I almost got Phish Food last time. I also got some that was Cinnamon Buns flavored and OMG it was delicious. You know the gym is definitely in my future…out of need for my sanity. Let’s hope that’s enough motivation. haha

      I’m definitely excited about doing more nail art. I love swatching but it doesn’t allow me any kind of creativity. I hope peanut is ok tonight. He got some vaccinations on Monday and apparently he cried so much. Poor baby.

  2. Cynthia you make me wanna go play with more striping tape, but I know once I start I’ll get all frustrated and be in a shitty mood for a few hours. Why can’t I ever get the hang of that crap? haha on a much better note your nephew is adorable! That face is just so smoosh worthy. lol I’m gonna go now before you figure out just how weird I truly am 😉
    Ashlee(PaintedNubbs) recently posted..Incoco Sweet Surprise and Made with LoveMy Profile

    1. I usually also have issues with striping tape, but I found that using it with a textured polish was much easier. You should give it a try. 🙂 I know I’m biased, but he really is such a cutie.

  3. I am in diet limbo 🙁 I was doing good for 6 weeks! Then the holidays threw me off course and I gained back 5 lbs. I exercise a lot, but it doesn’t help unless I stop eating everything in the house! Ahh well…. slow n steady wins the race. We will get there!
    I like your recent nail art! I honestly don’t know how you swatch like you do. Props to you. It freakin drains me and I procrastinate on my swatch posts because getting the pics and wording just right stresses me out. I’d rather be like: Hey, everybody, check out my funky nailarts ! Weeeeeeeee!
    Craftynail recently posted..Dreamcatcher DecalsMy Profile

    1. Uuughhh! Yes, we will get there. We just need to get back on track and not beat ourselves up when we stumble. 🙂

      I really do love swatching because I get to try all the polishes that I get….otherwise I would have even more untrieds. Sadness! The massive collections do tend to drain me because they make me feel like I’ll never finish. I guess that’s why I look forward to those 6 piece Essie collections so much. haha

      1. Was it you that was talking about the brony movie? hahaha I got my boyfriend to watch it with me. Afterwards we were both like, dang- we need to watch some MLP right now to see what the hype is about! Luckyily, netflix has the MLP movie Friendship is Magic in their offerings 🙂
        Craftynail recently posted..Dreamcatcher DecalsMy Profile

  4. AAAAHHHHH cute baby face!! Seriously, you need to put an alert on these posts. 😛 I love cute baby faces. 🙂 I also freakin’ love this design, so simple but totally would impress anyone. 🙂 I hope things go well for you at the gym….I’m giving up gym memberships and just trying to walk more often. We’ll see how it goes! 😛
    Jessica recently posted..Revlon Parfumerie Powder Puff nail polishMy Profile

    1. You know, at first I wasn’t going to do the gym thing because I have the membership and I don’t use it…but my job pays for it now so I think this is a sign that I need to go. heee! It’s funny that this design is so simple, but people were blown away by it in real life. Sometimes I forget that not everyone out there has/reads nail blogs. hahaha

  5. Okay, that video clip was HILARIOUS and I definitely feel the same way! I’ve been loving striped mani’s with no base under it! There’s just something about them that I love! Plus, hello those two colors together! That makes it a million times better!

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