I went shopping at Ulta today because my mom wanted to buy some make-up so of course I had to get another Layla holo. I know…I know. Afterwards, we went to CVS to purchase some vitamins and other health stuff and I saw a Wet N Wild stand with a bunch of neon polishes. Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was a Wet N Wild Saved By The Bell collection. OMG!!! I nearly shit myself. Saved By The Bell?!
(For whatever reason, it was really hard to find a clip of the intro to the show. Totally weird…that’s why I went with this crappy one. Sorry.)
I used to watch Saved By The Bell religiously when I was a kid. It was one of my favorite shows along with Small Wonder, California Dreams, I Love Lucy and Gilligan’s Island. Fuck, I feel old. If you’re in your late 20’s-early 30’s, you probably watched some or all of these shows. It’s ok to cringe when you think about the Screech sex tape or Jesse in Showgirls. Anyway, on to the polish!
Pom Pom Kelly
Nerd Alert: Screech
Straight A Jesse
Pin ‘Em Slater
Fashionista Lisa
Chick Magnet Zack
I really liked this collection despite the fact that I think I’m on neon polish overload. My favorite color is Nerd Alert: Screech. I love that it’s such a fun, shimmery, neon lime green. I’ve never really been too impressed with the brushes on Wet N Wild Wild Shine polishes because they seem to work against me when I try to apply smooth coats. I did not apply any top coat to my swatches because I wanted to show you the satiny finish. Overall, I am beyond happy with this collection. Come on…for $.99 a bottle, can you really complain? Let me know if you spot these. I don’t know if they are exclusive to CVS and I haven’t been able to find any information about this collection online. I find it very strange.
Ah, memories! Would anyone be interested in a Fresh Prince of Bel Air nail polish collection? No? Just me, huh?
wow this is a major blast from past!
No kidding! lol I can almost feel the anticipation of Saturday morning because of this show.
I must be honest, I was not a fan of Saved By the Bell. It was just something about that show that just irked me. I've tried watching now to see what was the appeal, sadly I just can't do it. However, I do like the Wet N Wild polishes. I'm not a huge fan of neons, but for $.99 I'd buy the entire collection. Nice colors and from your pics they look nice cremes. Hopefully I can find them.
One of my friends HATED the show and she would try to convince me not to watch it. LOL It just really reminds me of being a kid and carefree. Watching it now makes me cringe most of the time, but it's still fun.
I agree that the price makes them VERY attractive. The stand I saw of them was empty by the time I got mine. lol
I LOVED saved by the bell! That's awesome they WnW had this collection. The colors are cool, I like how bright they look but they're nothing to special. EXCEPT that they're SBTB
You said the green was your favorite, right? Aren't you the one who doesn't like I'm With The Lifeguard…?
Exactly! If these had been just some regular old polishes, I probably would have passed. Damn those marketing geniuses.
Yes, I remember I said I didn't like I'm With The Lifeguard but once I wore this one, I changed my mind. lol I wasn't that excited about it but I ended up liking it a lot.
Huge blast from the past and the colors are stunning!! love it!!
Thanks! I know this whole collection is just all about nostalgia!
wow this is a major blast from past!
No kidding! lol I can almost feel the anticipation of Saturday morning because of this show.
I must be honest, I was not a fan of Saved By the Bell. It was just something about that show that just irked me. I’ve tried watching now to see what was the appeal, sadly I just can’t do it. However, I do like the Wet N Wild polishes. I’m not a huge fan of neons, but for $.99 I’d buy the entire collection. Nice colors and from your pics they look nice cremes. Hopefully I can find them.
One of my friends HATED the show and she would try to convince me not to watch it. LOL It just really reminds me of being a kid and carefree. Watching it now makes me cringe most of the time, but it’s still fun.
I agree that the price makes them VERY attractive. The stand I saw of them was empty by the time I got mine. lol
"Good looking, smart and funny, that's Zack Morris!" – From the mind control episode.
I think my fave episodes were The College Years, and the episodes with the core cast, not the extras like Tori and Violet. I watched every single one, even the middleschool Miss Bliss Years, which I hated because Vikki always went out to ruin Zack's fun and Kevin seemed like a guy that just hung out with Zack because he had nothing else better to do. I swear, Kevin probably became either a doctor or a car thief, I could NEVER figure him out.
I like these, but agree they are only special/interesting because they bring up some awesome childhood memories. I can see it now: a cool basement on a scorching summer day, bag of chips on one side, glass of grape pop on the other. Memories..
LOL…I also watched the early miss bliss episodes and actually liked them. However, I just couldn't get into The College Years at all. I think that's when I stopped watching it religiously but would still catch an episode here and there.
We would get new episodes on Saturday morning so I remember eating Lucky Charms for breakfast while I watched this block of teen shows.
I totally forgot about The New Class! Mostly because I never watched it. Did you watch that one?
No, I had given up on SBTB by that time. I bet it was lame.
I LOVED saved by the bell! That’s awesome they WnW had this collection. The colors are cool, I like how bright they look but they’re nothing to special. EXCEPT that they’re SBTB
You said the green was your favorite, right? Aren’t you the one who doesn’t like I’m With The Lifeguard…?
Exactly! If these had been just some regular old polishes, I probably would have passed. Damn those marketing geniuses.
Yes, I remember I said I didn’t like I’m With The Lifeguard but once I wore this one, I changed my mind. lol I wasn’t that excited about it but I ended up liking it a lot.
These look like pretty standard neons, with typical neon formula. But who can beat Saved By the Bell names?? And they were only a buck, so there's another win.
When I was younger I watched this show all the time (in the morning?) along with a bunch of older stuff too, like The Odd Couple, Dragnet, Get Smart, I Dream of Genie, and so on… We liked old shows lol.
This collection is a win because of SBTB. Well, these are cheap alternatives to a lot of the other neons out there but serious polish maniacs probably already have a lot of dupes. How could I resist this collection at that price?
Ahhh….older shows rule. Did you ever watch a show called Sledge Hammer?
yesterday night I was talking with my husband about dawson's creek (he's 8 years older than me) and how i just watched the show for Joshua Jackson, and now that we watch fringe together he was all like are yoou kidding me!!! then we started to talk about my teenage crushes and he was showing me his.. including the saved by the well people haha!
my favorite color was the chick magnet zack, but TBH i don't think i would use this color, it won't look good on me..
I am a total Pacey fan too. I really didn't like Dawson that much because he was such a whiney girl on the show. I was glad Joey ended up with Pacey.
I haven't really watched Fringe but a lot of people tell me that it's good.
I think almost everyone was obsessed with Saved By The Bell. LOL
I liked Chick Magnet Zack, but it wasn't my favorite.
me too!! when i watched the last episode i was soo happy.. i was all like suck it dawson.. you cry like a little giiirl
LMAO suck it. hahahahaha That clip was priceless.
hahaha I know right.. since i watched this priceless clip online, I always look at the way artists cry on movies to compare it with dawson.. i even made a "meme" to make fun of my boss, he plays on a rock band and i found a picture of him online that looked like dawson crying.. hahaha
OMG that is hilarious. I actually went and watched the series finale yesterday just because of our conversation. lol
I watched Small Wonder! Vicki!
I like Nerd Alert: Screech, Pin 'Em Slater, and Chick Magnet Zack. I'm actually not a huge neon fan and likely have lots of similar colors to the teal, but the 0.99 is appealing to me. If I see 'em, I'll pick 'em up!
Definitely haven't heard anything about this collection. I am loving the idea! I am also loving the idea of a Fresh Prince of Bel Air Collection! First up in the collection: Haughty Hilary (red).
That was one of my favorite shows. My brother and I may have played that I was Vicki and he was Jamie. I don't even remember what we would do, but I am sure it was just me walking around and talking like a robot. The best character on that show was definitely Harriet. Hi-eeeeeeeeee!
I am thinking that my dream job would be to name nail polishes and come up with collection ideas. Oh man…that would be awesome! I love the idea of Haughty Hilary. LOL
Do you remember I think it was called out of this world? Where Evie would stop time & talk to her alien dad in a glass cube thing? I feel like that and Small Wonder were like right around the same timeframe.
You just solved my job conundrum. We'll start a polish company! We'll just need lots of magic seed money from magic investors who have lots of cash to spend on our dream for no particular reason, lol!
OMG…you are not going to believe this but I swear that I was going to mention that show when I was responding to your comment but my brother interrupted me and I lost my train of thought. I can still sing the theme song to Out Of This World.
I could totally come up with the freaking craziest collections…but yeah, good luck on me getting licensing. LOL Dream job for sure. Maybe OPI can hire us and we can stop all the lame names.
I can't believe someone else on this planet remembers Small Wonder!!!!! I have every season of SBTB on DVD lol Just bought half this collection from someone online but neeeeed the other 3. Thanks for swatching!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting! LOL…totally laughed over here. Ahhh…Small Wonder….so many memories.
I used to watch Saved By the Bell every morning before school!
Loved that show! Also love this collection – very neon!
So many memories!
Huge blast from the past and the colors are stunning!! love it!!
Thanks! I know this whole collection is just all about nostalgia!
Omfg Saved By The Bell was so awesome. I still watch it now when it's on eeeearly in the morning! Except the college years. Wtf was with that?
I just watched the episode where Jessie gets addicted to caffiene pills and they make a really bad exercise music video lol
And yes, I totally watched California Dreamin. You're the first person who remembers that show besides me! Haha something else came on in that block too, but I can't remember what it was… :/
The colors aren't anything new, and I'm sure I have dupes for all of them, so I'll pass.
LMAO…omg that is like the most memorable episode ever. "I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so…scared." LOL I know it was supposed to be all dramatic but it just made me laugh.
Yeah, the colors aren't new at all but I couldn't pass them up because of SBTB. And for $.99…yeah, I just couldn't walk away.
I hated Sly from California Dreams. Omg…HATED. "Surf dudes with attitude…." Why can't TV be that innocent again…now it's all Gossip Girl orgies and shit.
Omg lol Sly was suuuch a bad boy hahahaha
Watching old episodes of those shows now makes me really confused about why I liked such nonsense when I was younger. When Nickelodeon started bringing back Doug, All That, Kenan & Kell, etc. I freaked out and dvr'd everything. Then I started watching them and was like, "uhhh, this is so retarded." And deleted the rest lol
haha…sometimes I don't watch old shows on purpose because then I'm disappointed by how lame they seem now. I'd rather keep the good memories.
“Good looking, smart and funny, that’s Zack Morris!” – From the mind control episode.
I think my fave episodes were The College Years, and the episodes with the core cast, not the extras like Tori and Violet. I watched every single one, even the middleschool Miss Bliss Years, which I hated because Vikki always went out to ruin Zack’s fun and Kevin seemed like a guy that just hung out with Zack because he had nothing else better to do. I swear, Kevin probably became either a doctor or a car thief, I could NEVER figure him out.
I like these, but agree they are only special/interesting because they bring up some awesome childhood memories. I can see it now: a cool basement on a scorching summer day, bag of chips on one side, glass of grape pop on the other. Memories..
LOL…I also watched the early miss bliss episodes and actually liked them. However, I just couldn’t get into The College Years at all. I think that’s when I stopped watching it religiously but would still catch an episode here and there.
We would get new episodes on Saturday morning so I remember eating Lucky Charms for breakfast while I watched this block of teen shows.
I totally forgot about The New Class! Mostly because I never watched it. Did you watch that one?
No, I had given up on SBTB by that time. I bet it was lame.
These look like pretty standard neons, with typical neon formula. But who can beat Saved By the Bell names?? And they were only a buck, so there’s another win.
When I was younger I watched this show all the time (in the morning?) along with a bunch of older stuff too, like The Odd Couple, Dragnet, Get Smart, I Dream of Genie, and so on… We liked old shows lol.
This collection is a win because of SBTB. Well, these are cheap alternatives to a lot of the other neons out there but serious polish maniacs probably already have a lot of dupes. How could I resist this collection at that price?
Ahhh….older shows rule. Did you ever watch a show called Sledge Hammer?
yesterday night I was talking with my husband about dawson’s creek (he’s 8 years older than me) and how i just watched the show for Joshua Jackson, and now that we watch fringe together he was all like are yoou kidding me!!! then we started to talk about my teenage crushes and he was showing me his.. including the saved by the well people haha!
my favorite color was the chick magnet zack, but TBH i don’t think i would use this color, it won’t look good on me..
I am a total Pacey fan too. I really didn’t like Dawson that much because he was such a whiney girl on the show. I was glad Joey ended up with Pacey.
I haven’t really watched Fringe but a lot of people tell me that it’s good.
I think almost everyone was obsessed with Saved By The Bell. LOL
I liked Chick Magnet Zack, but it wasn’t my favorite.
me too!! when i watched the last episode i was soo happy.. i was all like suck it dawson.. you cry like a little giiirl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLgI-qbrWVo hahahaha
LMAO suck it. hahahahaha That clip was priceless.
hahaha I know right.. since i watched this priceless clip online, I always look at the way artists cry on movies to compare it with dawson.. i even made a “meme” to make fun of my boss, he plays on a rock band and i found a picture of him online that looked like dawson crying.. hahaha
OMG that is hilarious. I actually went and watched the series finale yesterday just because of our conversation. lol
I watched Small Wonder! Vicki!
I like Nerd Alert: Screech, Pin ‘Em Slater, and Chick Magnet Zack. I’m actually not a huge neon fan and likely have lots of similar colors to the teal, but the 0.99 is appealing to me. If I see ’em, I’ll pick ’em up!
Definitely haven’t heard anything about this collection. I am loving the idea! I am also loving the idea of a Fresh Prince of Bel Air Collection! First up in the collection: Haughty Hilary (red).
That was one of my favorite shows. My brother and I may have played that I was Vicki and he was Jamie. I don’t even remember what we would do, but I am sure it was just me walking around and talking like a robot. The best character on that show was definitely Harriet. Hi-eeeeeeeeee!
I am thinking that my dream job would be to name nail polishes and come up with collection ideas. Oh man…that would be awesome! I love the idea of Haughty Hilary. LOL
Do you remember I think it was called out of this world? Where Evie would stop time & talk to her alien dad in a glass cube thing? I feel like that and Small Wonder were like right around the same timeframe.
You just solved my job conundrum. We’ll start a polish company! We’ll just need lots of magic seed money from magic investors who have lots of cash to spend on our dream for no particular reason, lol!
OMG…you are not going to believe this but I swear that I was going to mention that show when I was responding to your comment but my brother interrupted me and I lost my train of thought. I can still sing the theme song to Out Of This World.
I could totally come up with the freaking craziest collections…but yeah, good luck on me getting licensing. LOL Dream job for sure. Maybe OPI can hire us and we can stop all the lame names.
I can’t believe someone else on this planet remembers Small Wonder!!!!! I have every season of SBTB on DVD lol Just bought half this collection from someone online but neeeeed the other 3. Thanks for swatching!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting! LOL…totally laughed over here. Ahhh…Small Wonder….so many memories.
I used to watch Saved By the Bell every morning before school!
Loved that show! Also love this collection – very neon!
So many memories!
Omfg Saved By The Bell was so awesome. I still watch it now when it’s on eeeearly in the morning! Except the college years. Wtf was with that?
I just watched the episode where Jessie gets addicted to caffiene pills and they make a really bad exercise music video lol
And yes, I totally watched California Dreamin. You’re the first person who remembers that show besides me! Haha something else came on in that block too, but I can’t remember what it was… :/
The colors aren’t anything new, and I’m sure I have dupes for all of them, so I’ll pass.
LMAO…omg that is like the most memorable episode ever. “I’m so excited. I’m so excited. I’m so…scared.” LOL I know it was supposed to be all dramatic but it just made me laugh.
Yeah, the colors aren’t new at all but I couldn’t pass them up because of SBTB. And for $.99…yeah, I just couldn’t walk away.
I hated Sly from California Dreams. Omg…HATED. “Surf dudes with attitude….” Why can’t TV be that innocent again…now it’s all Gossip Girl orgies and shit.
Omg lol Sly was suuuch a bad boy hahahaha
Watching old episodes of those shows now makes me really confused about why I liked such nonsense when I was younger. When Nickelodeon started bringing back Doug, All That, Kenan & Kell, etc. I freaked out and dvr’d everything. Then I started watching them and was like, “uhhh, this is so retarded.” And deleted the rest lol
haha…sometimes I don’t watch old shows on purpose because then I’m disappointed by how lame they seem now. I’d rather keep the good memories.
I loved Saved by the Bell!! I also watched Small Wonder and California Dreams too. I thought I was the only one who remembered those shows. Great collection! I hope I spot it!!
Ahhh…those were the good old days of TV…at least in my mind. Those shows were still innocent and cute.
So far I've only seen them at CVS. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
I loved Saved by the Bell!! I also watched Small Wonder and California Dreams too. I thought I was the only one who remembered those shows. Great collection! I hope I spot it!!
Ahhh…those were the good old days of TV…at least in my mind. Those shows were still innocent and cute.
So far I’ve only seen them at CVS. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
I SO wish I lived near a CVS!!
I guess they really are a CVS exclusive!
My daughter met Dennis Haskins (Mr. Belding) @ a baseball game this summer. Her friend invited her, so I missed it! She had no idea who he was…"who's this old guy?" I would have flipped! I would have! I loved SBTB! I am working the neons this summer!
That is so cool, Julie! I always liked Mr. Belding. lol I'm sure he's dead already, but I would have lived to meet Mr. Belvedere. hahaha
Thanks for stopping by and entering.
I SO wish I lived near a CVS!!
I guess they really are a CVS exclusive!
My daughter met Dennis Haskins (Mr. Belding) @ a baseball game this summer. Her friend invited her, so I missed it! She had no idea who he was…”who’s this old guy?” I would have flipped! I would have! I loved SBTB! I am working the neons this summer!
That is so cool, Julie! I always liked Mr. Belding. lol I’m sure he’s dead already, but I would have lived to meet Mr. Belvedere. hahaha
Thanks for stopping by and entering.
Too bad they are not to be found, unless someone can give me some ideas! I live in central IL.
Apparently they really are SUPER limited edition. They have pretty much disappeared from all the CVS stores in my area. I'm very lucky that I was able to get a few sets.
Too bad they are not to be found, unless someone can give me some ideas! I live in central IL.
Apparently they really are SUPER limited edition. They have pretty much disappeared from all the CVS stores in my area. I’m very lucky that I was able to get a few sets.
I was keeping an eye out for this collection but was never able to find it. I ran by Kmart earlier and saw the display but was a little sad cause it was empty. Their nail polish section was a complete mess. I started looking around for other interesting colors and ended up finding them randomly mixed in other displays. It was kinda fun, like a scavenger hunt. I found them all except straight A Jesse. It made my day! Lol
Oh wow! Congrats on finding these. It seems that so many people can't find them at all. I seriously went to like 10 CVS stores this last week and found a few (ok, more than a few and I got them all!) lol I was able to get 3 complete sets when they first came out but then they pretty much disappeared
I was under the impression that these were exclusive to CVS but I guess not every state has CVS so it makes sense they would be at other places too. I have a kmart near me and their polish section is always a mess too!!! It drives me bonkers.
I totally get the feeling of triumph when you finally find them! haha. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you enjoy your polishes.
I was keeping an eye out for this collection but was never able to find it. I ran by Kmart earlier and saw the display but was a little sad cause it was empty. Their nail polish section was a complete mess. I started looking around for other interesting colors and ended up finding them randomly mixed in other displays. It was kinda fun, like a scavenger hunt. I found them all except straight A Jesse. It made my day! Lol
Oh wow! Congrats on finding these. It seems that so many people can’t find them at all. I seriously went to like 10 CVS stores this last week and found a few (ok, more than a few and I got them all!) lol I was able to get 3 complete sets when they first came out but then they pretty much disappeared
I was under the impression that these were exclusive to CVS but I guess not every state has CVS so it makes sense they would be at other places too. I have a kmart near me and their polish section is always a mess too!!! It drives me bonkers.
I totally get the feeling of triumph when you finally find them! haha. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you enjoy your polishes.
Super Sad Face! I want these all cause of the names but I shouldn’t buy dupes. BTW Fashionista Lisa is a dupe for WnW Fuchsiarma