Hey there, thanks for stopping by today! I didn’t get a chance to do much nail stuff over the weekend except for some basic swatches, so that’s what I will have for the coming week. I had all these ideas about nail art and stamping, but I just felt like I had no energy to do anything. This week I’ll be getting out of the house and going into the office for work because I’m having some work done at my apartment–hopefully the change of pace will be good for me. This weekend, my Polish Pick Up order came in early so I was super excited. The first polish I pulled out to play with is Vapid Anything 4 Selenas. Read on for some swatches! Continue reading “Vapid Anything 4 Selenas”
Tag: Vapid

Favorite Nail Care Products
As a nail swatcher and all-around nail polish enthusiast, I have to be on top of taking care of my hands and nails. I feel that I am lucky in that I have naturally strong nails, but I do tend to have very dry skin which obviously affects my cuticles. Many years ago, I used to bite my nails and cuticles to the point of making them bleed which is why I started wearing acrylics. Lucky, this helped me kick the biting habit but I also have to stay on top of avoiding hangnails and such because it will tempt me to bite them. Gross, I know! Well, today I have some of my favorite nail care products to share with you; these are items I use often to help keep my hands and cuticles well hydrated and soft. Continue reading “Favorite Nail Care Products”

Vapid Disambiguation
I have a confession to make: I don’t like thermals. Ok, I shouldn’t say that I don’t like thermals because obviously I bought this one, but I think what I meant to say is that I don’t like the fact that thermals will eventually stop transitioning after a while so you lose the factor that made them special to begin with. I actually only have two thermals in my few thousand bottle stash and they are both by Vapid. If you want to check out my swatches of Vapid Sweaters N Denim, you can click here. Now, the polish I have for you today is another deliciously complex thermal: Vapid Disambiguation. Continue reading “Vapid Disambiguation”