Hello first freaking Monday of March which also means 2 more months before I move back into my newly remodeled and revamped apartment. I have been spending a ridiculous amount of time looking at furniture online since I’m going to be furnishing my new place with 100% new stuff. I actually trashed every bit of furniture and appliances that I had at my own place so now I’m going to have a lot of choices to make. Other than that, I’m just plugging along at work and getting ready for a bunch of changes. Today I have a gorgeous polish to share with you and I hope you don’t hate me because it’s not currently available. Tonic Juice Box Chaser is one of those colors that just seems to glow and that you never want to take off. Let’s take a look at my swatches below. Continue reading “Tonic Juice Box Chaser”
Tag: Tonic Nail Polish

Tonic Bauble
How’s your Tuesday going? I’m chugging along hoping for the weekend to get here as quickly as possible because I’m taking an extra day off. We are having Jonas’ second birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese this weekend so I need to rest up for that…hahaha! A few weeks ago, I posted my bottle of Bauble Oops and today I have the replacement I received. Tonic Bauble is just as beautiful as I thought it would be! The addition of the flakes takes this polish to another level. Let me show you some swatches. Continue reading “Tonic Bauble”

Tonic Lagniappe
Believe it or not, this is the last of my unswatched Tonics. I have one arriving any day now and possibly three in the coming month so it’s not going to remain that way for long. I feel kind of accomplished for having gone through a handful of untrieds because I always feel guilty for adding more polishes to the pile. How do you rationalize buying more and more polish when you know that you have a massive stash of untrieds? Even when you do use your polish as soon as you get it, does it bother you to know that your stash just keeps growing and you won’t really get the chance to use the same color often? I think that this is the main reason that I am focusing on buying less polish and using what I already have in my melmers. I’m going to have to delve further into my melmers to pull out some untried gems. Today’s untried is Tonic Lagniappe from the Secrets & Soulmates Collection. Let me show you some swatches below.

Tonic Ambrosia
When the latest Tonic restock was announced, I was very excited about the new unicorn pee polishes with flakes, but I think that I was most excited about Tonic Ambrosia. When I sat down to make my purchase list, I knew that Ambrosia was going to be my #1 pick and I would get it no matter what. It was so difficult to cut down my list but I am rather proud of myself for only picking up three polishes in the month of February. While this polish is not as in your face as other, I feel that it’s so complex and beautiful. It’s one of those polishes that comes to life at unexpected times and you suddenly can’t stop staring at your nails. Let me show you some swatches of this pretty. Continue reading “Tonic Ambrosia”

Tonic Bauble Oops
One of the things that I love about Tonic is that they are very responsive to any issues that arise. Even before I got my bottle of Bauble, I saw a post in the Tonic fan group about an error that had occurred. Apparently, there was a mix-up with the recipe used for some of the first batches of Bauble. We were assured that replacements would be shipped out soon for those who were affected. It really sucks that it happened, but I appreciate how on top of it they were! I decided to swatch my Tonic Bauble Oops because it’s still a gorgeous polish even though it’s not exactly what it was supposed to be. Continue reading “Tonic Bauble Oops”

Tonic Happenstance
Hello there and happy Tuesday. I hope you’re doing well today and that you’re ready to get back to work after the long weekend (if you had it off and are in the US). I’m still basking in the glory of a 4 day weekend so forgive me if I rub it in. This weekend I did some minor swatching just to get some posts ready. I am expecting a few packages in the coming week so I am definitely going to be a busy swatching bee. My most recent Tonic order came in on Thursday, only days after placing the order, so of course I had to pull out my new pretties to play with. Today I have Tonic Happenstance to show you.

Tonic Sophia
So how did you make out on the latest Tonic restock? Since it was a pre-order, I did not have to hunger games it when the website opened. I only purchased three polishes: Happenstance, Bauble and Ambrosia. I will go back in March to buy the other three that I wanted because I have to stick to my budget. Did you buy anything? The polish I have for you today is one that is sadly no longer available. I managed to snag it in December when they were temporarily brought back for pre-order. Tonic Sophia (2017) is a much coveted polish from the Golden Girls Collection that was a Multichrome Madness exclusive. It’s soooo pretty, and I am so glad that I was able to snag it. Let me show you my swatches below. Continue reading “Tonic Sophia”

Tonic I Pink You Blue Me Off
How’s your Wednesday going? It’s always nice when you realize you’re pretty much halfway through your work week but the weekend still seems like it’s sooo far away in the distance. Since the Tonic February restock is about to happen, I am trying to finish up all my Tonic untrieds posts. I think I may have 1 or 2 more polishes to show you, but I seriously can’t find them in my melmers. Have you seen the stuff that will be releasing? Holy mother of God, I want everything. I am going to have to implement some serious rules in order to stick to any kind of budget. You’ll know soon enough how it went because I’ll probably have a billion more Tonic posts coming up. Let me show you my swatches of Tonic I Pink You Blue Me Off below. Continue reading “Tonic I Pink You Blue Me Off”

Tonic Hush
Hey look! I’m back on my Tonic kick. I was looking through my pile of untrieds, and I was shocked at how many Tonics have joined my little polish family in the last few months. I really wasn’t buying that much polish in 2017, but I feel like I started purchasing more indies towards the end of the year. I was having a real crisis wondering if I really wanted to keep the blog going in 2018. I’ve been at this for 6 years now and sometimes I just feel so tired and like no one even reads blogs anymore. I am so disappointed by how bad Instagram is now so sometimes I just want to shut it all down. Continue reading “Tonic Hush”

Tonic Love Yourself First
Hey, so California is stupid. Why is it so hot here in January? I want to throw the whole state away in the garbage. If you didn’t already know this about me, I hate the heat. Like really hate it. I struggle through summer every year, so excuse me if I get outrageously upset when it gets close to 90 degrees in freaking January. I’m glad I got that out of my system so I can move on to the polish on hand: Tonic Love Yourself First. It’s such a simple name for such a glorious polish, but isn’t that one of the hardest things for many of us to do? Let me show you some swatches before I get all crazy in my head. Continue reading “Tonic Love Yourself First”