I knew that Angora Cardi was a color that some might call matronly and for a momicure mauve when I first picked it up. But that didn’t make a difference to me: I love mauves dangit. I think I just like how it looks on my darker skin tone. Now that I’ve worn it, I really love it. The color is pretty and the formula is fantastic. I decided not to do any stamping today because my konad stuff needs a little break. However, I did do an accent nail using Wet N Wild It’s All In The Cut. The collection that it comes from is probably my favorite glitter ever…and that’s saying a lot because I don’t usually use the words favorite and glitter in the same sentence. Were you able to pick up any of the limited edition Ice Baby ColorIcon Collection from Winter 2011? That whole collection was just beautiful but I hate how thirsty the glitter is; it sucks up topcoat like there’s no tomorrow.
So here is what my nails ended up looking like. Once again I was forced to take picture inside with artificial light because there was zero sun today.
Today wasn’t a really interesting polish day. This manicure feels safe to me but sometimes safe is good. I purchased 4 Sinful Colors polishes because they were on sale for $1.00 at Walgreens. Now I’m waiting for my 14 other Zoyas to show up….