How you doin’? Yes, I said that in my best Joey Tribbiani voice sans the pervert tone. I’m not up to much, just working and living, living and working. I am gearing up to starting my gym stuff. I know that I’ve been saying this forever but now that it’s been a couple of weeks since my mom’s surgery, she is doing a bit better and now I don’t have to be worrying about her needs 24/7. This weekend I’m going to purchase a few sets of workout clothes, and I’ll see if I need more once I get going. Today I have a beautiful and vampy shade to share with you. I have always been a fan of dark and saturated colors so it’s no wonder I like this one. Le me show you some swatches of Sally Hansen Miracle Gel V-Amplified. Continue reading “Sally Hansen Miracle Gel V-Amplified”
Tag: Drip Marble

Drip Marble Nails
I know hat I’ve said that I am going to try to incorporate more nail art into my posts, but it’s so hard when you’re a nail art dunce like me. I can paint my nails with my eyes closed, but when it comes to even the simplest of nail art techniques, I have to practice and practice and then practice some more. While I have seen drip marble nails all over the interwebs, I have never actually attempted the technique myself. When I started seeing Tiffany from Polish and Paws do some gorgeous drip marble manis, I decided to give it a try. Let me show you how my first attempt turned out. Continue reading “Drip Marble Nails”