I am so very glad that I finally got done swatching the third and final part of the China Glaze Autumn Nights Collection. At this point, my nails kind of hurt yet I still have a bagillion polishes to get through today. Hey, I’m not complaining because I have a lot of pretty polishes to swatch and a few are giving me some serious polish sweats. In case you don’t know what I mean by polish sweats, it’s when you see a polish so pretty that you get the sweats just thinking of how pretty it will look. Maybe it’s just me…? Anyway, as I had predicted, I do like the shimmer polishes from this collection. In fact, I actually love 4 of the 6 which was definitely a surprise. Let me show you the swatches.
China Glaze Don’t Make Me Wine
China Glaze Scandalous Shenanigans
The formula on all these polishes was very similar so I didn’t feel the need to discuss each one individually. I applied two coats of each polish and that’s really all they needed for full opacity. The formula was not too thick and not too thin and it was extremely easy to control. I did find that it was very easy to create bald spots when I didn’t wait enough time in between coats. The worst offenders in the bald spot and streakiness departments were Kiss My Glass and Public Relations. In fact, those are the only two polishes that I didn’t like from this half of the collection. The remaining four are just beautiful and if I had to pick just one, I would pick…Tongue & Chic just because I have a current obsession with teal. I picked up this whole collection during last week’s major binge shopping escapade with my friend Lesley. If you had seen what ensued when we were informed that this collection was available, you might have laughed. We literally grabbed everything we could get our hands on. I don’t even want to think about what kind of look I had in my eyes but it was probably something like this:
Whenever I go polish shopping, I kind of go into a trance and literally grab EVERYTHING in sight and think about consequences later–and yes, that always backfires but the high I get is totally worth it. Yes, I am still talking about nail polish.
So there you have it. What do you think of the China Glaze Autumn Nights Collection as a whole? Are you excited about these colors and finishes or do you find them very been there done that? As you know, the chromes were horrible in my opinion, but the cremes and most of the shimmers were total winners in my book. I guess 6 out of 12 isn’t too bad, but I wish this collection had more cremes…ahhh my lovely cremes. Well, that’s all I have for you today. Thanks for stopping by, and I will talk to you soon!
Have you thought of using glue as a base coat when you’re swatching? It’d cut down on the amount of remover you have to use on your nails and mani’s are super easy to just pop off with a glue base.
I actually did try using glue a while ago and it was kind of a nightmare. when I tried to remove the glue (elemers), it peeled off some of my nails. Plus, the time it takes to apply the glue and wait for it to not be tacky just added so much time to my swatching. I wish it had worked out for me!
That cartoon…LMFAO! I think that’s what I do too. Someone could come in & rob the store I’m polish shopping at and I wouldn’t give 2 effs unless they got in my way. And, for this set of swatches…the first 2 are pretty but nothing really special other than the cute names. I WANT those other 4 though!
Tami Willis recently posted..The Devil Wears Polish < (that's me!) Holo Swatches + A Giveaway!
LOL…that is so true! I think we just go into a polish trance and aren’t even aware of our surroundings at that point.
i didnt like the foils.. and i didn’t like kiss my glas and public relations, OTH, the 2 blues of the shimmer.. well. hello beautiful.. this was my face when i saw these beauties: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/008/549/Naamloos-2.png
i get so sad when i see a brand i like so much releasing so many polishes i hate, first the bird feathers collection and now all this weird autumn thingies.. meeeh..
whenever i get in my mail your last post i feel like the first picture, and when i see all these ugly ChG colors/formulas i feel like the second one
mariaemmafaria recently posted..Manicure Fail
You always make me crack up with your images. I know what you mean about all the ugly collections. I mean, some of these are nice but they aren’t winners. For example, last year’s On Safari collection that CG put out was AMAZING. I loved every single polish so hard. I mean, the whole thing was perfection.
ohhh!! on safari was the beeest i have kalahari kiss and into the wild. loved both.
the bohemian luster oth.. frustrating.. the only polish i got was disappointing

mariaemmafaria recently posted..Julep Maven GIVEAWAY!
Haha I know what you mean by buying everything! That’s like me

Lisa N. recently posted..Born Pretty Store Review – Round Glitters
lol…it should be classified as a psychiatric condition as far as I’m concerned. It’s not really a shopping addiction…but pretty close. ha!
Wwweeelll….I have to admit, these are the best part of the collection.
I agree with you about the colors, too. The gray & gray/purple…eh, OK (although I like the gray/purple better), but the fuschia, red, blue, and teal…SO glowy and gorgeous!!!
That graphic made me laugh out loud. To anyone reading this, I can 100% confirm the trance that she mentions…I SAW it happen. And not only did I see it happen, the lure of this trance was SO STRONG that I just followed suite. For a second I was like, OK, let me check these out here, and then I was like, ah, eff it, and just chucked them all in the basket. We CLEANED them out…their display looked so sad after we demolished it. We were proud…proud and guilty.
Oh, you were just as bad as me if not worse since you did spend like triple what I did?
However, I think you had an excuse because this was a one time thing for you while I do this…every week? lol I am going on a no-buy at this point because I just can’t buy anymore polish when I literally have hundreds of untried and about 30 polishes lined up for swatching. And of course now that I broke a nail on my money hand, I don’t know what to do. Should I resort to a fake nail????
OMG, girl, no! No, no, no. Patience, grasshopper!
Yyyeeeaaahhh, the full gravity of my hoarding just hit me when I realized that between my crazy spree and gifts, I just got about 50 polishes in the span of, like, a week for my birthday. That’s…that’s a lot. On top of the hundreds of untrieds I already have. I think I need to cool it down….like, immediately.
I also love the four you like. They look amazing. Hope to find them soon
Perfect jewel tone polishes for fall.
Yes, you are right! Very beautiful jewel tones. Let me know when you get them and what you think.
I am so apathetic to this entire collection and that makes me sad.
Mmm, polish highs…. those are my favorite.
Well, it’s definitely good news for your wallet!
It’s ok, we’re not always going to like everything. Yes, polish highs rock!
Don’t Make Me Wine and Red-y & Willing are gorgeous, even though I feel like I’ve seen a lot of similar shades from China Glaze. Whatever, still love ’em

Squeaky Q recently posted..Sugar Mat Roses
lol…I know, right? We can have a million dupes but if the colors are great, we end up getting them every time. I’m trying to stop myself when I see dupes, but it’s so darn hard! I guess this is what addiction is all about.
The first two don’t do it for me but the rest are just goooorgeous! Especially the Red-y and Willing and Don’t make me Wine!!!
I know, right? The first two are just…ick! Brush stroke heaven!
Cynthia recently posted..OPI DS Raw Granite For Fall 2013
I love all of these with the exception of the first one. You can see the frostiness and the lines a little more on that one, the rest of the collection I am totally to die for in love with !! <3
Amanda (mae) recently posted..NOTD 160 – OMG Nail Strips Review
Brush strokes are my enemy!
So pretty! I don’t mind a bit of brush strokes as long as the polish isn’t streaky. If it’s brushstrokey, but no streaks, I can handle that. Hubby bought me the whole set for my birthday, can’t wait to get them.