Tag: Winstonia

Stamping Saturdays #26

Stamping Saturdays #26

Let me tell you how much I am enjoying my long weekend: I have been a total bum this morning after yesterday’s 4th of July bbq with my parents. I am actually still in my pj’s and don’t care what anyone thinks. I’ve also been watching stuff on Netflix since I woke up. Isn’t this the good life? Did you do anything fun for the holiday? I hate the fact that fireworks are legal in my city because I had to listen to kids set off fireworks all night. Since I was bumming around, I decided to work on a manicure for Stamping Saturdays because I didn’t want to miss out again. Let me show you what I came up with.

Sation Let's Mingle & Jingle 1Sation Let's Mingle & Jingle 2I absolutely love Sation Let’s Mingle & Jingle. The base of this polish is kind of a jelly but it slightly more opaque than a traditional jelly. I think the holo glitter just makes this polish look extra special and festive.

Winstonia W113 1Winstonia W113 2I’m kind of in love with honeycomb designs, so I took out my Winstonia W113 plate and stamped over the gorgeous blue base with my Konad white special polish. The image came out really crisp so I was happy with how it turned out.

So what do you have going on this weekend? I’m probably going to continue being a bum for the rest of the day and will probably scramble on Sunday to do my laundry and everything else I should be doing today. I hope you’re having a great weekend, and I will talk to you soon!


We loved Stamped Designs and now we're bringing them to you every Saturday

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Stamping Saturdays #25

Stamping Saturdays #25

Hey! I’m back! This morning I woke up early to go watch the new Transformers movie; it was alright. It was so damn long, but the action was good so I’ll be a little forgiving. You may notice that I have squared my nails again which I feel is my preferred nail shape. They’re super nubs at the moment, but I didn’t want to miss out on another Stamping Saturdays. Since I love pink so much, I decided to start with a super gorgeous pink polish.

Sephora by OPI What Aura Gonna Wear 1Sephora by OPI What Aura Gonna Wear 2Sephora by OPI What Aura Gonna Wear? is a beautiful bubble gum pink crelly. The formula is pretty nice and was opaque at two coats. I am still sad that this whole line is gone, but you can still find some of these polishes online. I actually found this one at Ross for $4 which is awesome.

Winstonia W112 1Winstonia W112 2I am not too satisfied with my stamping here because it isn’t super crisp. This design from from Winstonia plate W112. Is this supposed to be a maze? I have no idea.

Anywho, I’m looking forward to a short week next week and will be thoroughly enjoying myself this weekend with pure laziness. How about you? Do you have anything fun planned this weekend? Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!


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Mentality Gumdrop

Mentality Gumdrop




I had a super hard time waking up this morning mostly because I had such a strange night. I was basically tossing and turning because of some crazy dreams I was having. Sometimes I like that I have such an active imagination, but other times I just feel like I can never get a good night’s rest. Today I found out that one of my co-workers does personal training so I’m going to start training with him a few times a week after work so he can get my big butt in gear. I always need that extra push to get me going and having a trainer has always been something that really helps me. The last time I had a trainer, it was crazy expensive through 24-Hour Fitness, so I am excited that he has very reasonable rates. In addition, another one of my co-workers will be training as well so now I’ll have a gym buddy! Fun times. Speaking of fun times, I have a super gorgeous polish to share with you today: Mentality Gumdrop!

Mentality Gumdrop 1Mentality Gumdrop 2Mentality Gumdrop 3Mentality is a brand that I love to keep a close eye on because they are always coming up with amazing polishes and collections. Gumdrop is part of their Candy Jelly Holos Collection which I am absolutely obsessed with. There are 3 other colors that I plan on ordering: Pastille, Sourball and Hard Candy. The holo effect on this line is not super strong but in certain lights, you can see some of the linear effect. The color is so outrageously vibrant even though the polish is a little thin. Despite being slightly sheer, the color builds up nicely. My swatches show 3 thin coats but 2 thick coats would probably be enough.

Mentality Gumdrop 4Mentality Gumdrop 5Mentality Gumdrop 6And because I’ve become a stamping fool as of late, I used an image from Winstonia plate W112 along with Konad’s black special polish for this design. I really like how this looks and I got a lot of compliments today!

I’m hoping that I can get some rest tonight so I don’t feel like death tomorrow morning. Since I like my nails so much, I’m going to try to keep this mani for at least 2-3 days. What do you think of this design? Have you tried any Mentality polishes? If you haven’t, I recommend that you give them a try because they are great quality and are very reasonably priced. Anyway, let me know what you think of this mani–I’d love to hear what you think. Thanks for the visit, and I will talk to you soon!

China Glaze I’m Not Lion

China Glaze I’m Not Lion




Brrrrr it’s cold today! We don’t get to say that very often in SoCal so I’m really enjoying the cooler temps and having to bundle up like a tamal. Things have been a little disjointed chez moi, so I that has put me off my usual swatching and posting schedule. Work has been a little off as well, but in a good way, and there have been some major improvements in my work situation so that has put me in a better frame of mind. I haven’t felt much like posting and blogging lately so last night I decided to pull out my stamping plates to see if I got excited by revisiting my first nail art love. Once I picked out an image that I wanted to use, I then had to pick out a polish so I went with China Glaze I’m Not Lion.

China Glaze I'm Not Lion 1China Glaze I'm Not Lion 2One of the beauties from last year’s Fall Collection, On Safari, China Glaze I’m Not Lion is a gorgeous gold holographic fine glitter that offers full coverage with two coats. My lighting doesn’t show the holo beauty of this polish, but believe me: it’s there.

China Glaze I'm Not Lion 3China Glaze I'm Not Lion 4I then stamped the honeycomb image from Winstonia plate W113 with Konad’s special black polish. I just love the contrast here!

What do you think of this mani? I hope you like at as much as I do. So what have you been up to lately? I feel like I haven’t been doing much online lately so I’m woefully behind on reading blogs and commenting. Ultimately, I think I really need this break from blogging EVERY DAY because I’m enjoying just doing my nails when I feel like it without worrying about pictures and all that other stuff. People at work already know me as the crazy nail lady, but most of them seem curious about my hobby so it’s always nice to talk nails…even with the guys. Well, I hope you continue to stop by despite my sporadic posting. I’m sure that this nice break will help refresh and re-energize me for the new year! Have a great rest of your day, and I will talk to you soon!

Guess who’s having a girl…

Guess who’s having a girl…

Nicole from Polish Me, Please! is! Yes, you heard right. After tons of speculation about the sex of her baby who refused to cooperate during her ultrasounds, she finally got confirmation that she will be having a girl. Awww! I am so very happy for Nicole and her husband (and Minnie and Bubba too!) because their life is going to be turned upside down in the most wonderful of ways. I am excited about joining this gender reveal extravaganza with some of the loveliest ladies I have had the honor to get to know. Since we had to wait so long to find out if Nicole is going to have a boy or a girl, we’ve been joking with her that she is actually having a Unicorn who is now affectionately known as Helleborine Bonny Rump. Here is the mani I created to celebrate the fact that Helleborine finally cooperated!

Helleborine Bonny Rump 1

I started by painting my nails with the following China Glaze polishes from left to right: Dance Baby, Pink-ie Promise, Something Sweet and Light As Air.

Helleborine Bonny Rump 2

I then used a dotting took to place some dots on 3 of my nails. I absolutely love dotticures so this is the first thing I thought of. On my middle finger, I stamped a unicorn image using Winstonia plate W117.

So there you have it ladies! Please join us in congratulating Nicole for finally finding out that she will be having a girl.

You can check out some other gender reveal manis here:

Nicole from Polish Me, Please!

Lesley from Twitter and Instagram

Frosso from Lacquer Me Silly

Siobhan from For The Love Of Nail Art

Amy from The Fancy Side

Jessica from Once Upon A Polish

Amanda from Mae’s Beauty

Thanks for stopping by today, and I hope you’re enjoying your Saturday.

Ninja Polish Divinity & Some Stamping

All products featured in this post were purchased by me.

Since it’s hotter than Satan’s crotch lately, I’ve kind of been in a shitty mood. In case you don’t know this about me, I hate the summer. Pretty strange considering I was born and raised in Southern California, right? Well, I was watching the news and it’s supposed to be in the 90’s on Saturday. I am so NOT looking forward to that. I’m going to turn into a raging lunatic trying to stay cool and this is only the beginning. Now we just have to wait for all the lovely wildfires we get each Summer. Anyway, I should stop being such a Summer-hater and just focus on all the pretty nail polish colors that come out during the hot season–yay! Speaking of pretty polish, today I’m showing you a stamped mani that I did with Ninja Polish Divinity as my base.



I’ve previously shown you Ninja Polish Divinity so I’m not going to go on and on about it. It’s glowy. It’s hot. It’s gorgeous. You get it.




And here I decided to use a design from Winstonia Store plate W112 along with the fantabulous Silver Mercedes from Pure Ice. I’m sure people are tired me of saying this, but if you love to stamp, you have to get this polish–it’s stamping perfection for only $2.00. I am very happy with how this mani turned out. I have to admit that I wasn’t expecting to like the Winstonia Store plates as much as I do so I’m pleasantly surprised.

The weekend is almost here–so what big plans do you have? On Saturday I’m going to one of my best friends sister’s wedding. It should be fun but now I have to figure out what to wear and what to do with my nails–decisions, decisions!!! Well, I hope you’re having a nice day and hope your Friday isn’t too crazy although I’m anticipating a shit storm at work tomorrow. Such is life! Thanks for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!

All products featured in this post were purchased by me.

Sation Board Girl Blue

Sation Board Girl Blue was a press sample. All other products were purchased by me.


Wednesdays are fun for me because I don’t have to go to work, but at the same time I feel like I don’t truly enjoy my day since I’m just dreading that I have to go back to work on Thursday. Oh well, nothing can be perfect, right? Today is such a weird weather day since it was really hot the last few days and today is overcast and it has been sprinkling all day. Damn you, crazy California weather! This is the kind of weather that ends up making me get sick so I’m trying to just relax and not get too worried about it. I’ve actually been doing some cleaning all day so at least that has been relaxing. Since the weather was so summer-like in the last few weeks, I decided to look through my summer colors from last year and I stumbled upon Sation Board Girl Blue. I previously reviewed this polish last summer, and I kind of cringe at the quality of my pictures. I hope that I have learned a little about how to improve my pictures since then! I still love this color so much, and I can’t stop thinking about one of my favorite silly movies: Blue Crush. Yes, I know…it’s dumb, but it’s soooooo entertaining. hahaha Anyway, let me show you some swatches of Sation Board Girl Blue.







I’m going gaga about how beautiful and vibrant this color is. The formula remains the same: smooth, highly pigmented and glossy. If you’re not too familiar with the Sation polish line, you are definitely missing out. In fact, for those of you who are subscribed to Ipsy, a Sation nail polish was included in the last bag. How cool! I love that more people are getting the opportunity to try Miss Professional Nail–especially if it’s hard to find their polishes where you live.






I had mentioned earlier that I was reminded of Blue Crush (which is a surfer girl movie) when I wore this polish so I decided to stamp over it. This funky circle pattern from Winstonia Plate W112 ended up reminding me of bubbles in a way! How appropriate.  Let me know what you think about this color and how it looks with this stamping design. Thank so much for stopping by to catch up with me today–have a great day, and I will talk to you soon!



Sation Board Girl Blue was a press sample. All other products were purchased by me.

Precision Shine, Wine N Dine

Precision Shine, Wine N Dine

All products featured in this post were purchased by me.

Hello there and happy Thursday. Normally I would be all excited that it’s Thursday because one of my favorite shows, Scandal, is on tonight but since I have to go to bed so early, I won’t get to watch it until tomorrow. Double poop. Anyway, at least there will be one good thing to look forward to tomorrow. I’m really excited about the polish I’m featuring today because it’s just so dang pretty. I actually got this polish the day that stupid dog bit me–and from the shop where the dog bit me. I’m not going to let that experience taint my love for this outrageously gorgeous baby. Are you ready to see Précision Shine, Wine N Dine?

Précision Shine, Wine N Dine

Précision Shine, Wine N Dine

Précision Shine, Wine N Dine

Précision Shine, Wine N Dine

I decided to post four pictures of Précision Shine, Wine N Dine: the first two in artificial light and the second set out in direct sunlight. It’s not always possible for me to take picture in direct sunlight so I’ve been relying on my light box ever since I started working. Précision Shine, Wine N Dine is a gorgeous pink based red polish with very fine and delicate holographic particles suspended throughout the squishy jelly base. Being a jelly, it’s rather sheer so you do need 3 or more coats for complete coverage. I think that the fine holo particles really kick this polish up a notch.

Pure Ice Silver Mercedes Winstonia W113

Pure Ice Silver Mercedes Winstonia W113

Pure Ice Silver Mercedes Winstonia W113

Pure Ice Silver Mercedes Winstonia W113

Since I just received my Winstonia Store stamping plates, I was dying to try them out. Here I used Pure Ice Silver Mercedes to stamp an image from plate W113. If you’re ever looking for a perfect silver stamping polish, you have to get Silver Mercedes because it’s just perfection. Look how clear it transfers! I was also worried that the full nail images might be too small for my wide and curved nails, but the size was perfect on this image. I can’t wait to try it more of the designs and hope to have a full review of the plates for you in the near future.

Holy shiznit, that was a fun mani! I haven’t been doing much stamping lately just because I haven’t had much time, but there is also a more tragic reason: I think I may have thrown away all my stamping plates by mistake. I am hoping that maybe I put them in a box in my closet the last time I was trying to get everything organized, but I also remember that I threw out tons of stuff so I really hope I didn’t through out my stamping plates. I think I had about 100 plates altogether so that makes me want to cry. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

I bought an extra bottle of this gorgeous polish for a future giveaway. In fact, I’m hoping to reach 1,500 likes on Facebook so I can have a super fun giveaway so spread the word! I’m way behind on responding to comments lately, but I promise to get to them soon. Thanks so much for the visit today and talk to you soon!