It was an epic battle but someone had to lose. Considering my recent failure, I figured I might as well go out in a blaze of glory. So I concede defeat; Nicole you are victorious in the great battle of not cutting our talons nails for the longest period of time.
Last night I noticed that I had a tiny little break/rip on one of my nails. Then I noticed the same on 3 other nails. That was pretty much a death sentence to my nails because it was just a matter of time before I snagged it on something and ripped it off. Just thinking about it makes me cringe.
I went crazy with my nail clippers. I cut my nails as short as humanly possible without hurting myself. Look how weird my nails look now! It feels amazing to not have to worry about my long ass nails
I give these about a week before they grow enough for me to be able to square them. Fun times.
Tomorrow I am going to pick up the paperwork from my doctor’s office for my dog. I am so freaking excited I can barely stand it. I had an idea today: would it be tacky if I threw myself a puppy shower? You know, like a baby shower but for a puppy. Let me explain my reasoning. I have gone to countless baby showers for friends and family which means that I have bought them countless presents for their babies. I am happy to celebrate their choice to have a baby so does that mean that I get jack shit because I’m fairly certain that I’m never going to have a baby? Why can’t they celebrate my puppy and the fact that I will not be bringing a screaming snot-monster that will one day be a horrible teenager into the world?
Here is some stuff that I bought for my puppy. I really feel like an expectant mother. I always end up having long conversations with people about pets when they seem me buying all this dog stuff.
This bed looks so comfy. I wish I had one of these when I was a baby.
I got him a food bowl and two toys. The newspaper looking one makes a crinkly noise and also has a squeaky ball. The other one yells “Oh noooooooooooooooo!” when you press its belly.
This is like a shamwow for dogs. lol It’s supposed to be super absorbent so I can dry my dog off after a bath. Of course I also bought a leash.
Lastly, I purchased a mat for his crate. I still haven’t purchased a crate, though. I saw a lot of them on ebay so I might buy one there.
Can you tell I’m so ready to get a dog? As you can tell, my carpet is a light color. I am wondering how long it will stay that way once I get a dog. I doubt turds look good on it. I don’t know how I’m going to deal with the mess that comes along with having a dog, but I am sure it will be more than worth it.
P.S. I was kidding about the puppy shower. Well, only sorta kidding. Celebrate my puppy damnit!