Silly Lily Three’s A Crowd

It feels really fan-freaking-tastic to be writing my first post of 2013. I know that making a big deal out of the first day of the year doesn’t really make that much sense, but I can’t help but feel like it’s a chance at a fresh start. I always remember one of my teachers in high school telling us that we all had A’s when the semester started and that it was up to us to maintain it–what a novel idea that was! Applying that to my life today, I have to work really hard to maintain some equilibrium. I know that I have some difficult things to work through, but I will make things work.

I’m usually not a super festive person and I wasn’t really in the mood to do much anyway so I spent my new year’s eve at home with the mooch and I got chocolate wasted–where you replace chocolate with a lot of beer and wasted with…wasted. We watched a lot of episodes of The Walking Dead, drank beer and ate snacks so it was definitely good times. The mooch turns 23 tomorrow but I don’t think I’m getting him a gift since he didn’t even get me a Christmas present–he can be such a turd.  Besides, my gift is a year-round gift since I basically give him a place to live and food to eat. He should be grateful for that, right?

So what did I decide to wear on this first day of 2013? I busted out another bottle of Silly Lily Polish that I bought at the same time as Halloween 2012. I couldn’t decide what base color to use so I just went with my tabula rasa polish: China Glaze White Out. (John Locke is probably cursing at me from his grave.)

China Glaze White Out Swatch

I’ve used China Glaze White Out quite often–especially when I was doing the nail art challenges because I really like having a white canvas to get my creative juices flowing. I also really really like wearing white nail polish because it’s such a huge contrast to my darker skin tone.

Silly Lily Three's A Crowd Swatch

And here is Silly Lily Three’s A Crowd which is full of  matte pink squares, black diamonds and white bar glitter. Holy John Ritter, I love how this looks. Yes, I know the name of the show is Three’s Company but I couldn’t stop singing the theme song while I was using this polish.

I think I was way too young to be watching this show, but I loved it. I used to jump around and try to sing the theme song even though I didn’t know the words. Ahh…to be a kid again! Anyway, back to the polish: I love how it looks but it was a major biatch to place the glitter evenly over my nails. I should have added some thinner to the polish because the base was super goopy. Overall, I think the finished look is worth the work because I am loving the combination of white, black and pink. Since I decided to use a white base, you can’t really see the white bar glitter so maybe next time I will use a red base.

So what do you think of my first 2013 mani? If you like these super cute Silly Lily polishes, then you are in luck because she is having a pretty awesome sale right now. You can use coupon code: NEWYEAR10 to take 10% off your total order and it is valid until 1-13-13. Also, any order over $20 (before shipping charges) will receive a free surprise jewelry item as well. Lily has some really great polishes for sale on her Etsy shop so head on over there to check everything out. (If I had polish funds right now, you better believe I would be destroying her clearance section!)

I hope you all had a fantastic New Year’s Eve no matter what you ended up doing. I’m super excited to really attack the whole job hunt now that the holidays are behind us–and that is NOT sarcasm. Thanks for stopping by today, and I hope to bring lots of crazy new content for your this year. I have a bunch of ideas that are probably golden ticket ideas….so wish me luck!


Disclosure: All items featured in this post were purchased by me.

14 thoughts on “Silly Lily Three’s A Crowd

  1. White polish is a great way to start out. It looks so fresh and clean and then lets all the colors shine through that you put on top. I like how you wrote you got chocolate wasted which is like being wasted with… wasted. Someone OBVIOUSLY was a little beer wasted too! 😉 This polish is really cute. Since you mentioned Three’s Company now I’m thinking about their outfits and everything and I think this polish LOOKS like three’s company.. like I could see John Ritter wearing a white polo shirt with an argyle-y pattern in these colors across the front. Maybe I’m nuts. Whatever. Nice first post of the new year. 🙂
    Nicole recently posted..Christmas Wrapping Paper NailsMy Profile

  2. YAY, 2013!!! Thank God. I am simply enjoying the fresh start. It’s just a relief to know that 2013 is gone!
    Your NYE sounds better than my misadventures, haha. It sounds like it was fun!
    Tabula rasa polish, LOL!
    OMG, I used to love Three’s Company as a kid, too! And I seriously didn’t realize what it was about until after I graduated college. I remember I was at a friend’s place after a night of drinking and we were watching it I think on Nick at Nite. I was like, wait, this show is about a guy pretending to be gay so he could live with two girls? I seriously had no idea. Ah, alcohol bringing clarity. I remember watching Grease while drunk in college and marveling at how dirty it really is. This makes me sound like I drink a lot, hahaha.
    YAY to crazy new content! 🙂

  3. Firstly I think I’m adding this CG to my wishlist because I want a proper, non streaky WHITE polish!!!!
    And then I LOVE the glitter you used! It’s so cute!!!!

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