Self-Control? What’s That?

I had mentioned to Nicole on twitter that I had scored a lot of polishes during my latest Ulta escapade. I failed to mention that I also stopped at Walgreens to pick up some polishes for a friend (my imaginary friend that refuses the polishes and I am forced to keep) and that I also went to TJ Maxx and I found an interesting Barielle set. I know what you’re thinking: Isn’t this the girl who is always talking about no-buys? Sadly, yes…that’s me. I am just going to shut my trap from now on about no-buys and just resign myself to the unfortunate fact that I have a serious polish hoarder problem. As far as problems go, this one is not so bad. However, if later this year you see some crazy California chick on Hoarders who can no longer walk around in her apartment because it’s full of polish, yes, that would be me.

I am actually very proud of myself because I got a bunch of polishes for very little money. Let me show you what I got at Ulta before I tell you how much I actually spent.

After my coupon and redeeming some points, I ended up paying around $12.50 for all the polishes above. Can you say fantabulous deal?


I broke down and got a few more bottles of Sinful Colors while the sale is still going on. I actually did grab a few of these for a friend so I don’t feel so bad about this one.

I’m really excited to share these Barielle polishes with you because it will be my first try with this brand.


So how was your Thursday? Happy it’s Friday?

54 thoughts on “Self-Control? What’s That?

  1. well.. i have 3 of these polish, SH Instra-dri lightening, snappy sorbet and the purple one i can't remember its name! haha shame on meee..!!

    i think 12.99 for all these polish is a great deal, here i pay 4.99 per each Insta-Dri polish..

    i'm so happy it's friday, next friday i'll be in chicago "lollapaloozing" hahaha!

    1. I got everything on major sale/clearance and then I used coupons. I love finding great deals. The Inst-Dri polishes are usually around $5 here as well. I got them because I hope they are good for stamping!

      1. they're not too good for stamping..
        when I used these polishes for stamping, i need to cover the whole design instead of the corner.. it really really dries fast!!

        is this the first time you buy these?

        1. Yes, I don't have that many sally hansen polishes but nicole started getting me into them because she uses brisk blue for her stamping. I hope mine work ok…but there is nothing better than the konad special polishes.

  2. You either love the Insta-Dri brushes or you hate them. I happen to be one of the freaks that love them. I think they are great for stamping!

    It's a shame about the whole 'Sinful Colors stole bloggers pics' scandal. They seem less professional as a company to me now.

    1. I think that the brushes are kind of interesting and haven't used them yet. The main thing is that I hope they are good for stamping. I tried them a little already and it looks like the images transfer pretty well.

      I was in shock with the whole Sinful Colors situation. How does that even happen? I mean, this kind of stuff doesn't just go through one person. You would think a big company like that would have a whole department working on their marketing/images so it really is beyond surprising.

  3. OMG! Why don't I live in the USA?! All these beautiful nail polishes so far away!
    Did you take Choose Me by Essence? They say it's a good dupe of catch me in your net (opi). I am looking for it for so long! ^^

  4. well.. i have 3 of these polish, SH Instra-dri lightening, snappy sorbet and the purple one i can’t remember its name! haha shame on meee..!!

    i think 12.99 for all these polish is a great deal, here i pay 4.99 per each Insta-Dri polish..

    i’m so happy it’s friday, next friday i’ll be in chicago “lollapaloozing” hahaha!

    1. I got everything on major sale/clearance and then I used coupons. I love finding great deals. The Inst-Dri polishes are usually around $5 here as well. I got them because I hope they are good for stamping!

      1. they’re not too good for stamping..
        when I used these polishes for stamping, i need to cover the whole design instead of the corner.. it really really dries fast!!

        is this the first time you buy these?

        1. Yes, I don’t have that many sally hansen polishes but nicole started getting me into them because she uses brisk blue for her stamping. I hope mine work ok…but there is nothing better than the konad special polishes.

  5. You either love the Insta-Dri brushes or you hate them. I happen to be one of the freaks that love them. I think they are great for stamping!

    It’s a shame about the whole ‘Sinful Colors stole bloggers pics’ scandal. They seem less professional as a company to me now.

    1. I think that the brushes are kind of interesting and haven’t used them yet. The main thing is that I hope they are good for stamping. I tried them a little already and it looks like the images transfer pretty well.

      I was in shock with the whole Sinful Colors situation. How does that even happen? I mean, this kind of stuff doesn’t just go through one person. You would think a big company like that would have a whole department working on their marketing/images so it really is beyond surprising.

  6. I went to Ulta today (as I promised yesterday, ha) and guess what? They had a whole whopping 4 colors of essence left. :'( And they weren't on discount at all. Wtf?! Clearly they had been on clearance (hence the cleared out state) but no longer were. I'll have to try the more expensive, different bottles when they restock. Waaaa. Also- again I'd like to applaud your fantabulous deal at ulta! That's amazing. And hey- just look at the bright side to hoarding polish- its small and doesn't poop. At least you don't binge on HSN every night for small electrics or have 8 billion cats. I say you're ahead of the game!! 😀

    1. Well, they were .99 right? Did you have your 20% off coupon? My ulta usually doesn't have that many essence polishes because it seems people snatch them up as soon as they restock. There weren't that many yesterday but I did grab the few that were left. The Insta-Dri polishes were marked down to 2.49 and then I had that 20% off coupon AND I redeemed some points. I figured I might as well since I never even know how that system works and the cashier asked me if I wanted to do it so I said sure. lol I think the Zoya was marked down to 4.99 but when I got home I noticed she charged me 2.49! :O I just scored, I guess.

      If I ever start talking about getting a cat, you will know I have officially cracked.

      1. Hahah ok no cats for you! My ulta SUCKED!!! No marked down insta-dris (although I did get a semi ugly super-light green at the dollar store) and seriously 4 Essences, of which I bought zero. I went into Ulta and came out with nothing, I was so disappointed. 🙁 You have the best luck!

        1. I'm going to go to a different Ulta tomorrow to see if they still have a lot of essense polishes. I want to get them before they raise prices. The green insta-dri I got is kind of light and so is the yellow. They're not totally opaque and are kind of shimmery. The design stamped well but it was on white paper so who knows how that will look on my nails.

          Look at it this way: you didn't spend any money so you have more for CC holos! 🙂

          1. Yep that's what I told myself!! Haha. That's the only good thing. The green I got is like SUPER light and shimmery- I'm thinking it may not stamp so well but who cares, it was a buck! haha The name of it is…… (digging through my stamping bag to find it)….. chartreuse chase. Oh- and I got blue by and some neon-y orange instadri at target. Those should work, they look pretty opaque. 🙂

            1. Blue by works really well. Since you have both, is it pretty close to that other blue you have? I couldn't decide which one to get. I think the orange one I got at Ulta is going to stamp really well too.

              1. Yayyy!!! Let me look at Brisk Blue and I'll tell you….. ok so when I look at the bottles Blue By looks marginally darker (I don't care tho cuz I use Brisk Blue 24/8 so I'll need more anyway) but I'll let you know how they behave on the nail. 🙂 The orange I got was Heat Flash, just FYI.

                1. I'm going to try to find some more super discounted polishes at Ulta today. There are 3 Ultas that are pretty close to me so I'm going to the third one today because I haven't been to that one yet. I hope I find some stuff. 🙂

  7. OMG! Why don’t I live in the USA?! All these beautiful nail polishes so far away!
    Did you take Choose Me by Essence? They say it’s a good dupe of catch me in your net (opi). I am looking for it for so long! ^^

      1. OMG yes I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        I would love have a bottle if that doesn’t bother you. That is so sweet of you! 🙂
        Let me know if you want something that you can’t find!

  8. As of this day I have never stepped foot inside an Ulta. I hope that changes eventually. Although in the long run, that's good for my wallet. That's a really awesome deal you got.

    1. Do they have them where you live? I really hadn't shopped at Ulta until the last year or so. I felt like I was cheating on Sephora. haha Sephora CS and perks have really gone down the drain a lot lately so I don't feel bad anymore.

      And you're right…your wallet thanks you. 🙂

    2. I used to like Sephora better than Ulta, and they still have some brands that Ulta doesn't, but I feel Ulta is more accessible. They also have the drugstore brands, there, too, so you can get in MAJOR trouble. It's pretty much $100 minimum when I walk in there!

      1. I like that Ulta always has coupons and sales on drugstore brands. For all my high-end stuff, I still shop at Sephora. I also like how big Ulta is compared to my Sephora.I don't spend that much money at Ulta since I always zero in on the clearance and sale sections.

  9. I went to Ulta today (as I promised yesterday, ha) and guess what? They had a whole whopping 4 colors of essence left. :'( And they weren’t on discount at all. Wtf?! Clearly they had been on clearance (hence the cleared out state) but no longer were. I’ll have to try the more expensive, different bottles when they restock. Waaaa. Also- again I’d like to applaud your fantabulous deal at ulta! That’s amazing. And hey- just look at the bright side to hoarding polish- its small and doesn’t poop. At least you don’t binge on HSN every night for small electrics or have 8 billion cats. I say you’re ahead of the game!! 😀

    1. Well, they were .99 right? Did you have your 20% off coupon? My ulta usually doesn’t have that many essence polishes because it seems people snatch them up as soon as they restock. There weren’t that many yesterday but I did grab the few that were left. The Insta-Dri polishes were marked down to 2.49 and then I had that 20% off coupon AND I redeemed some points. I figured I might as well since I never even know how that system works and the cashier asked me if I wanted to do it so I said sure. lol I think the Zoya was marked down to 4.99 but when I got home I noticed she charged me 2.49! :O I just scored, I guess.

      If I ever start talking about getting a cat, you will know I have officially cracked.

      1. Hahah ok no cats for you! My ulta SUCKED!!! No marked down insta-dris (although I did get a semi ugly super-light green at the dollar store) and seriously 4 Essences, of which I bought zero. I went into Ulta and came out with nothing, I was so disappointed. 🙁 You have the best luck!

        1. I’m going to go to a different Ulta tomorrow to see if they still have a lot of essense polishes. I want to get them before they raise prices. The green insta-dri I got is kind of light and so is the yellow. They’re not totally opaque and are kind of shimmery. The design stamped well but it was on white paper so who knows how that will look on my nails.

          Look at it this way: you didn’t spend any money so you have more for CC holos! 🙂

          1. Yep that’s what I told myself!! Haha. That’s the only good thing. The green I got is like SUPER light and shimmery- I’m thinking it may not stamp so well but who cares, it was a buck! haha The name of it is…… (digging through my stamping bag to find it)….. chartreuse chase. Oh- and I got blue by and some neon-y orange instadri at target. Those should work, they look pretty opaque. 🙂

            1. Blue by works really well. Since you have both, is it pretty close to that other blue you have? I couldn’t decide which one to get. I think the orange one I got at Ulta is going to stamp really well too.

              1. Yayyy!!! Let me look at Brisk Blue and I’ll tell you….. ok so when I look at the bottles Blue By looks marginally darker (I don’t care tho cuz I use Brisk Blue 24/8 so I’ll need more anyway) but I’ll let you know how they behave on the nail. 🙂 The orange I got was Heat Flash, just FYI.

                1. I’m going to try to find some more super discounted polishes at Ulta today. There are 3 Ultas that are pretty close to me so I’m going to the third one today because I haven’t been to that one yet. I hope I find some stuff. 🙂

  10. As of this day I have never stepped foot inside an Ulta. I hope that changes eventually. Although in the long run, that’s good for my wallet. That’s a really awesome deal you got.

    1. Do they have them where you live? I really hadn’t shopped at Ulta until the last year or so. I felt like I was cheating on Sephora. haha Sephora CS and perks have really gone down the drain a lot lately so I don’t feel bad anymore.

      And you’re right…your wallet thanks you. 🙂

    2. I used to like Sephora better than Ulta, and they still have some brands that Ulta doesn’t, but I feel Ulta is more accessible. They also have the drugstore brands, there, too, so you can get in MAJOR trouble. It’s pretty much $100 minimum when I walk in there!

      1. I like that Ulta always has coupons and sales on drugstore brands. For all my high-end stuff, I still shop at Sephora. I also like how big Ulta is compared to my Sephora.I don’t spend that much money at Ulta since I always zero in on the clearance and sale sections.

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