Dum dee dum…oh, hello. How are you today? I’m having a kind of craptacular day today not because of anything specific–it’s just one of those days. I woke up today feeling kind of down on myself so what did I do? Stayed in my pj’s all morning and continued my job search. I always get excited right before I open my email in the morning hoping that some amazing job opportunity might pop up. The most promising email I got today went something like this:
We are contacting you regarding your resume post on Monsater.com.We would like to invite you either on Tuesday Dec 18th at 7:00 pm or Thursday Dec 20th 1pm.Please find more information in the attachment.Looking forward to hear from you.Thank youBest Regards
Sation RV There Yet? is another beauty from the Nailstock Collection. I think that this color leans a lot more green in real life than it does in my pictures, but it’s gorgeous either way. I was super excited about this color because who doesn’t love a good teal? I love the final result, but I found the formula a little hard to work with because it was so darn sheer. This is a crelly polish–a jelly and creme hybrid–which is quickly becoming my FAVORITE type of polish. I love how squishy this looks.
I used an image from MASH plate MASH 39 for this design. I had heard that the Layla holos were pretty good for stamping, and I’m happy to report that they do work. I used Layla Ocean Rush for this fish scale looking design. It’s fairly delicate so the holo isn’t as in your face, but I like how it turned out nonetheless. I am going to try a bigger and more intricate design next time.
I have a very special request today. One of my very best friends in the whole wide world is having a biopsy today, and I know she has been really nervous and scared. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers (if you pray) so that everything turns out ok. I know that her doctor is probably just being super cautious, and I know that she will be ok. It’s just a scary thing to go through. I’ve known Veronica since we were about 10 years old, but we didn’t become friends until we were 13. We actually hated each other’s guts before we became friends, but we don’t exactly know why. We were stuck working on a school project together with two other girls who were morons and didn’t want to do any work. Since we wanted to get a good grade, Veronica and I just took the whole project on. I guess we have Mrs. Wright, our 8th grade English teacher, to thank for cementing our friendship through group work. Am I the only who hated doing group work in school? (One of my favorite teachers in High School used to tell us that group work is just “pooled ignorance. lol) Anyway, ever since then we have always had a strong friendship despite the fact that we went to different high schools. We’ve taken two very memorable trips together: one to Hawaii and one to Europe (Paris, Florence & Rome). For me, traveling with someone is the ultimate litmus test: if I can travel with you and we don’t try to kill each other, we will be friends for life. I’m hoping that she will join Nancy and I for our trip next winter so Europe better get ready for us because we will be causing some serious damage.
Thanks for stopping by today, and I hope you’re having a good day.
P.S. Are any of you on Reddit? I’m getting “bullied” on there. (lol…sorry, I couldn’t help it, Nicole!) I guess it’s getting a little crazy in there because I had some random weirdo be totally rude to me. Don’t worry–it didn’t hurt my feelings. I thought it was amusing.
Disclosure: Sation RV There Yet? was provided by the manufacturer or their PR firm. For more information, please see my Disclosure Policy tab. Layla Ocean Rush was purchased by me.
1) Your friend is definitely in my prayers. Hopefully everything is fine, but always better on the safe side!
2) I always hated group projects. The slackers never did anything so I would end up doing the whole project because I didn’t want a bad grade.
3) This color is beautiful! How many coats did it take?
Thank you! I’m sure she will be fine too.
Grrrr…group projects are the worst!!!
Veronica is in my thoughts and prayers. Lovely colour.
Lauren recently posted..Clinique – Airbrush Concealer
Thank you, Lauren. <3
Agh… BULLIED?? Jk. But I couldn’t see the comment! Did you delete it? I’ve gotta know what they said. I love the stamping w the Layla polish. I’m gonna have to try that! Oh and this polish is lovely as per usual w Sation. Love it!
Nicole recently posted..Badger Cuticle Care Review
I went back and the comments are hidden because they were downvoted but this is the thread:
[–]whoelsewoulditbe -10 points 12 hours ago
sorry i dont feel like reading all your shit and watching a 60s rasins commercial… how did you make the designs?
give gold
[–]darkwavechickI need this one and this one… 5 points 11 hours ago
That’s rude
give gold
[–]whoelsewoulditbe -7 points 11 hours ago
i mean wtf shes a dumb bitch lol
give gold
[–]darkwavechickI need this one and this one… 4 points 9 hours ago
Is just leave and stop commenting if I were you. You’re getting reported to the mods.
give gold
[–]Ashesela 4 points 10 hours ago
Wow, just wow. Really, what is the point in being rude like this? Your comment doesn’t even make any sense.
give gold
[–]castleal 3 points 10 hours ago
Why is it necessary to say something like this? You do realize that when you say that about someone, that people automatically think that about you, not the person you are directing it at?
That person totally cracked me up…I’m assuming it’s a girl but you never know.
Love the swatch! Gorgeous colour. I’ll keep your friend in my thoughts. I’m sure she will be just fine. Also thanks for the tip with the Layla polishes! I have a bunch and I find they chip too quickly to wear so the stamping idea is so exciting! Finally, that person on reddit was downright nasty for NO reason and I reported her instantly. Don’t listen to a word she says. Some people have nothing better to do than to bring you down but it’s not worth giving them the satisfaction. Hope you’re feeling better soon!
Kater recently posted..Oh Christmas Tree!
Thank you!
Ahh…people are just weird on Reddit sometimes. It didn’t bother me at all because it was just so weird and random.
I saw these on facebook this morning! And I almost dead! So beautiful! I love the color!
ps.. are you no longer on wordpress?
Thanks, Megan. I actually went to self-hosting a few months ago so wordpress is no longer hosting my blog. I still have some wordpress features, but they mostly mess up. lol
This is a gorgeous color! I love it with the holo on top!
NailsLikeLace recently posted..Essence – Date in the Moonlight
Thank you so much! I am really loving it too.
Firstly, how did your friend’s biopsy go???
Secondly, I was meant to say this on the previous post (the birthday purple polish) no I’m not tired of your stamping, although this design is my fav of yours. It’s like quilting. Just sexy.
Thirdly, like the teal! Very summer. Muted but sexy!
She still doesn’t have the results…I think maybe later this week. I think that if it had been bad news, they would have told her right away so we’re going to stay positive.
I’m glad you like the stamping. Sometimes I think maybe I’m doing it way too much.
I do love this teal as well. I even want to wear it again already. lol
Noooooo keep stamping! Some of us LOVE it! If I ever start stamping I hope to be as good as you and Nicole! It always looks so sexy!
You have a good point. If there was bad news, they’d tell you immediately as it would show up soon. So *holding thumbs*
Siobhan recently posted..Silver Gel Pen Swatch
hey!! I am behind on my comments here, I see that you got something possibly promising here, hopefully it was and I will read about it uin the newer posts. but on to your nails I love this color. it is so stunning!! love the stamp over it too!
amanda (mae) recently posted..Guest post from Hottie McNaughty
A 7:00 p.m. job interview from an email full of misspellings and containing a sketchy attachment? Sounds legit!
I love this Sation color, I love the holo stamping, I love the stamping design! I hope it succeeded as a pick-me-up because it is FAB!
I hope that your friend is doing OK. I am entertained that her name is my “fantasy name,” haha.
And yes, I *hated* group schoolwork in pretty much all forms. The only time it was kind of OK was if you got paired up with a good friend, but even then, it could be kind of dicey.
I also completely agree about the traveling. I have done all sorts of trips with my best friend (and her husband) and we do just fine. I am the pain in the ass because I take so damn long to get ready (everyone makes fun of me for it, and I know it’s bad), so I try to get up early to avoid inconveniencing everyone else.
Hello, I’m just here to say I’ve used your picture from this design and fully credited your blog, so no worries
Thanks, Marta! I’m glad you liked them enough to share them.
Wow those are indeed the prettiest and loveliest fishscale nails I’ve seen (they were on reddit.com/r/redditlaqueristas). Gorgeous!
Hope your friend’s biopsy gave her nothing to worry about, and that she’s ok.
Lauren recently posted..Rimmel Green With Envy avec a rhinestone chevron
Thanks so much, Lauren!
Ahh…yes, my friend got her biopsy results and everything was ok.