A few days ago, I had a dream about my cousin. In my dream, she was her usual loud, boisterous and animated self. We all knew that she was gone, but she was still there talking to everyone and she was castigating us for being sad. I do believe in my dreams and maybe it was her way of saying that she was ok. I wish I had spent more time with her. I wish I had known her better. You always think that there will be more time to make it to the family get-togethers. You always think that there will be more time…until there isn’t.
A month ago today, we lost her. We lost a daughter, mother, grandmother, wife, cousin and friend. My cousin had a lot of stories regarding dragonflies and how they showed up at random times that ended up being not so random. I decided to do my own dragonflies today.
I used Sation Gimme Jimi from their limited edition Nailstock Collection as my base color.
The dragonfly design comes from plate MASH 41, and I used Konad special polish in black for stamping.
These are my dragonflies for her. Her passing has left a big hole in our family, but I am grateful for having known her. She will live on in the fabric of our family’s love that will weave us all together always.
I am so sorry you lost your loved one. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Would it be okay if I send you a hug?
You are so sweet, thank you.

Cynthia recently posted..31 Inspired Days of Nail Art – Day 15: Jelly Sandwich
A nice tribute to your cousin. <3
Thanks, Dominique.
Cynthia recently posted..31 Inspired Days of Nail Art – Day 15: Jelly Sandwich
I woke up this morning with this blog post in my inbox. Then went onto FB and saw the pretty dragonflies THEN went to read the blog post.
(I have a bb so I do everything on this gadget)
I feel so touched and so inspired that now I want to do feathers for my brother who passed on. We never got to meet as he was still born so I’m an only child but he left me all alone & wish I had a brother… Ok getting soppy!
Anyways beautiful Cynthia! I’m sure she sees you and she is loving it!
And loving the new blog look too!!!
I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. I have two younger brothers who always drive me insane, but I couldn’t imagine my life without them. One of them is 2 years younger than me and the other is 10 years younger than me so they are quite different. The youngest one lives with me so we’re quite close even though we fight and bicker all day long.
It would be nice to see what you do for your brother if you feel inspired to do something.

Cynthia recently posted..31 Inspired Days of Nail Art – Day 15: Jelly Sandwich
10 years ago, my aunt passed away. my mother is from colombia, so the only member of her family that lived in Panama was her. so my mum and her were pretty close, she was my godmother and we really had a close relationship, she was like a 2nd mother to me, besides we used to have the same name. we were both Maria Emmas. so the thing was that she passed away unexpectedly.
I spent like 3 weeks crying and it took me a while to let go the pain.. I kept thinking in how I should had spent more time with her, called her often or sharing more time with her (the truth was that I did spent a lot of time with her).. I felt guilty. So, one night I had the weirdest dream ever, she was there, DEAD, i mean, she was wearing the hospital clothing and she was happy.. and i remember i was crying on her lap and she was telling me that she was ok now, that she didn’t have pain anymore, she was a suffering a lot and now she was happy. And she asked me to take good care of my mum. I woke up in the middle of the night and I was crying. it was weird, but after that night I didn’t feel sad anymore when thinking of her.
So I do think it was a message, to overcome the sadness, but remember her of the happy times. I think it was that.
regarding the manicure, i love dragonflies in design.. but that bug scares the hell out of me in real life LOL.
mariaemmafaria recently posted..GIVEAWAY ALERT – Of life and lacquer
I totally get how that feels. Actually, I have kind of a parallel experience because my nina (she was my dad’s sister AND my godmother) passed away after a long illness…this was over 10 years ago. I still miss her so much. I was at my cousin’s house this weekend and she recently put up a picture of her mom and when I saw it, I almost burst into tears but I didn’t because I know that as much as I miss her, my cousin misses her more since she was her mom. Every time that my cousin is having a problem, I dream about my nina…like she is telling me to call her. A few years after she passed, every year around that same time, I would get weird things happening to me at night. I started thinking it was her visiting me.
I’m glad that you got some closure with your aunt and that you no longer feel sad when you think about her. It’s so hard not to miss them…I’m selfish. I want them here.
Cynthia recently posted..31 Inspired Days of Nail Art – Day 15: Jelly Sandwich
the night my aunt died, even though it was unexpected she was sick for a while, she had lupus and she was in the transplant list for many years. So we received one call from her son saturday morning, that she was in the ER of a private hospital and they were sending her to the public hospital, because they didn’t have the equipment to help her.
but it was normal, i mean, we didn’t expect her to die right. So I didn’t visit her because i was on finals of the school.
At 1700, my mum received a call, she had a heartache. So my mum went to the hospital. At 1900 I was in the kitchen, getting a glass of water and I had this spooky feeling, la piel se me puso de gallina, it was weird and i felt this voice, her voice telling me: take care of your mom, she’s lonely.. don’t let her alone. never.
I called my mum immediately, she was crying so bad that it was obvious my aunt just passed away. She died at the very same hour I felt her. She was saying good bye.
I never speak about this, because people think I’m crazy, but I’m glad you understand me.. as I understand how you feel.
mariaemmafaria recently posted..Matte Jelly Sandwich
A lot of people think I’m crazy too when I talk about this stuff. I totally believe this happens all the time but people are popen to seeing it and believing it.
I very much believe in my dreams, too. I had a dream about Shaggy just a few days after he had passed and I felt relieved, like he was telling me that he was OK. I also had a dream about him on Saturday, that I found him downstairs in my childhood house and I was so happy because I didn’t think I would see him again and he was very chill (which was not his personality, I used to joke that he had Metallica playing in his head at all times), so I feel like he’s telling me, “Of course you will!”
When my dad passed, I always thought I would be scared when I had dreams about him, but when I have, it is not that way at all! So I completely believe that your cousin was communicating with you.
Dragonflies are powerful symbols and they are significant when they show up! You did a lovely manicure in her honor and I’m sure she will smile.
I keep wondering what Shaggy looked like! I remember you saying that he looked kinda hairy like Alfie.
I guess that when we are going through rough situations, our mind tries to find ways to make us feel better. I like to think that she’s still around. I mean, even though I’m not a particularly religious person or anything, I imagine her still being around and looking over her kids and her grandkids because they were her life.
What are your dreams like when you dream of your dad? I dream a lot about family members who have passed, and I feel there is always a reason–like they want me to do something. When I dream of my aunt/godmother, I know that she is telling me to call my cousin and check on her.
Cynthia recently posted..31 Inspired Days of Nail Art – Day 15: Jelly Sandwich
I’ll send you some pics of Shaggy. He was a really special dog.
My dreams with my dad were never really anything super-significant, just that he was present in them. I guess back when he passed I was scared that it would upset me, so maybe he was just showing me that our “relationship” wouldn’t be anything to worry about. I don’t think that I dream about him too often, so I hope that means that he approves of how I am handling life. I think he would…I mean, I’ve had a lot to deal with since he passed, so I know I certainly try!
I think he would be very proud of you! <3
Cynthia recently posted..31 Inspired Days of Nail Art – Day 15: Jelly Sandwich
What a beautiful tribute to her, that is so sweet! we have a thing like the dragonflies in our families but it’s with butterflies. This is a gorgeous mani, I love the color and I really think it was her in your dream trying to let you all know she is alright. Sorry once again for your loss :/
Thank you. <3
This really is a beautiful manicure, Cynthia, because of your tribute. My heart still goes out to you. <3
Jessica recently posted..All That Glitters Boo-tique Collection – Skittle Swatches and Review!
Thank you! <3 We're still processing it all, I think. I still can't believe she's gone.

Cynthia recently posted..Nail Care and My New Gym Rant