My nail polish boycott begins now. Since I was so close to the end of the month, I just decided to start everything May 1st. I will not buy nail polish for one month. I think that I have enough new polishes to last me a month or more and I want to save up some money for other things. Today I bought a few new polishes and some “interview shoes.”
I had never heard of this brand so when I saw these at one of my nail places, I picked up a couple to try them out. They had about 4 other colors that looked pretty interesting, but I’d rather wait and see what the formula is like before I buy more. The first one is supposed to go from Teal to Turquoise and the second one is supposed to go from Blue to Neon Blue.
I didn’t see too many Essies that I wanted. Neither of my main nail places have the new bridal collection or the poppy razzi collection so I am just going to wait to get a couple of colors after next month. The two colors I picked up are Watermelon and Haute As Hello. I almost got Tarte Deco but I liked Haute As Hello a little better. They look pretty close from the bottles so I didn’t want to get both.
I also got two new Orly polishes from two new collections. Mysterious Curse was the one polish that really drew me in from the Dark Shadows Collection. There was another one that looked cool but I just picked one. I can’t wait to see the movie because who doesn’t like Johnny Depp? The other one I purchased is called Skinny Dip and it is from Orly’s Feel The Vibe Summer 2012 Collection. The whole collection is full of super bright colors and one dark glitter. I loved this one because it’s one of those blues that I adore, and it has some purple microshimmer. I suspect that it’s not going to show up much once it’s on my nails but I’ll probably still like it.
I am really loving Poshé way more than Seche Vite. I never thought I’d say that but I just really like it. I got the professional size and it came with an extra regular size bottle. Best of all, I only paid $11 for it. For those who have used Poshé for a while, does this thicken up the way Seche Vite does? Do you need to buy thinner for it?
Here are the shoes I bought:
I got them in black and beige so I can wear them with anything. They are a little “grandma” but they are a perfect height and I like the cut out on the sides. They are SUPER comfy so I’ll be able to walk around for a long time. I bought two new pantsuits: one in black and one that is light lilac with brown pinstripes. I may not be confident about many things, but one thing I am 100% confident about is job interviews. Maybe it’s because I have hired a lot of people in the past…I just know how to work the interviewer. And maybe I’m weird, but I really like going to interviews.
And these just for fun:
I love flats, and I love peeptoes even though I hate my feet and really don’t like feet in general. I know I’m not alone on this so at least I don’t sound like a total freak.
I don’t know what to do with my nails today. There is zero sunlight…it’s all overcast and windy. I love this kind of weather but it’s not good for taking pictures of my manicure. I’ll see what I come up with. I can’t believe I haven’t cut my nails yet. I think this is the longest they have ever been, and I haven’t broken one yet. I am using this new Nail-Aid Strengthening/Growth thing so maybe that’s made a difference.
How is your Monday going?
Monday is awesome! I got a job and ordered my graduation cake, which will be me riding a dinosaur.
That is super awesome! Congratulations on your job and on your upcoming graduation!!! That cake sounds awesome, by the way. lol What flavor will it be?
Just a marble cake. I wanted to do carrot cake but I don't think that would hold up well with everyone in the family. We have some picky eaters over here
Doh! I love carrot cake. Whoever doesn't like carrot cake is just missing out. hehehehe
I love the shoes what are they?
Which ones?
The black and tan.
I got them at Ross for cheap. If you mean the brand, they're Sam & Libby.
Monday is awesome! I got a job and ordered my graduation cake, which will be me riding a dinosaur.
That is super awesome! Congratulations on your job and on your upcoming graduation!!! That cake sounds awesome, by the way. lol What flavor will it be?
Just a marble cake. I wanted to do carrot cake but I don’t think that would hold up well with everyone in the family. We have some picky eaters over here
Doh! I love carrot cake. Whoever doesn’t like carrot cake is just missing out. hehehehe
I love the shoes what are they?
Which ones?
The black and tan.
I got them at Ross for cheap. If you mean the brand, they’re Sam & Libby.
Gawd, I love that Orly Dark Shadows one. I'm a sucker for anything purple/blue.
The peeptoe shoes are so cute! I don't like feet either, but I could put up with looking at my toes/other people's toes if the shoes were that pretty!
Omg you have no idea how gorgeous the polish is. I just painted my nails with it, and it's love! I'll post some pic shortly.
I really like those shoes too…so fuss free. I wish they had them in white because they would have been perfect for the summer. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
love your new shoes and the awesome new polishes
Thank you! I am pretty excited about breaking in my new shoes and trying my new polishes, of course!
Gawd, I love that Orly Dark Shadows one. I’m a sucker for anything purple/blue.
The peeptoe shoes are so cute! I don’t like feet either, but I could put up with looking at my toes/other people’s toes if the shoes were that pretty!
Omg you have no idea how gorgeous the polish is. I just painted my nails with it, and it’s love! I’ll post some pic shortly.
I really like those shoes too…so fuss free. I wish they had them in white because they would have been perfect for the summer. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
I havent cut mine yet either!!! Almost did last night but then remembered you'd said I'd lose so I just flattened the tips. I feel like they get all soft looking after a while. Anyway- I'm anxious to hear about the Dark Shadows polish and I am going to look for poshe cuz 11 bucks for a big-ass bottle?! Steal!! I love seche but it's an open relationship. Everyone loves seche and I'm allowed to see other polishes, too. ;p Best of luck on your polish moratorium. Doo doo dooooooo! (trumpet death sound).
Oh and PS- love your countdown. Hahaha.
It had to be done. How else could I function not knowing exactly how much longer I had to go?
I am wearing this Nail-Aid Collagen Builder that seems to keep my nails feeling cement strong. Supposedly it increases the strength of your nails 10x…whatever that means. I know maybe I'm talking it up, but Mysterious Curse is blowing me away. I seriously love it.
I know I got the Poshe super cheap because I go to my crazy cheap beauty supply stores. I don't know what the normal retail price is but I'm sure it's a lot higher. Hopefully you'll find it at a decent price. I am really not picky about nail polish smells but Seche was really getting to me. At one point I felt my nails smelled like vomit while they were drying. I just couldn't deal with it! lol Poshe doesn't seem to have a real strong scent and it stays shinny way longer than Seche. And it's thinner so it goes on more smoothly. Yes, I'm leaving Seche for Poshe. Thank God we didn't have kids…
Valid point on the countdown
Otherwise you'd never make it
I want to find a crazy cheap beauty supply store like yours!
Boooo. I don't even know what to look for. Gotta keep my eyes open I guess. Now that you said Seche smells like vomit I'm probably going to smell it too. Good thing I just got done painting my nails and I love them so much I'm gonna try to keep them for a while so I wont re-do them for a couple days at least. I've been looking for an excuse to go to Sally's so maybe I'll head there tomorrow and grab some Poshe to give it a try. I also wanna try NYC fast dry topcoat but don't know where to find that. I better start with Poshe anyway… I don't need 8 billions dif topcoats. haha.
when you said boycott, i was scared you meant boycott on wearing polish haha but you said "buying" : ) good idea. i'd love to try mood polish. and i appreciated your comment on my blog. for some reason it's not showing up so i can't reply, but i am able to read it
Glad you stopped by! I really liked reading your posts…you have a writing style that I enjoy.
I'm going to try the mood polishes soon. They're calling my name although it doesn't seem like they change enough. I would NEVER stop wearing nail polish…never fear!
love your new shoes and the awesome new polishes
Thank you! I am pretty excited about breaking in my new shoes and trying my new polishes, of course!
I just bought the same two Orly's as well!…but I got Buried Alive and After Party too ….see I'm getting a jump start on your enabling
Oh you're pure evil. lol I can't wait to see the other ones. I only let myself buy one and this one was the one that I liked most.
I havent cut mine yet either!!! Almost did last night but then remembered you’d said I’d lose so I just flattened the tips. I feel like they get all soft looking after a while. Anyway- I’m anxious to hear about the Dark Shadows polish and I am going to look for poshe cuz 11 bucks for a big-ass bottle?! Steal!! I love seche but it’s an open relationship. Everyone loves seche and I’m allowed to see other polishes, too. ;p Best of luck on your polish moratorium. Doo doo dooooooo! (trumpet death sound).
Oh and PS- love your countdown. Hahaha.
It had to be done. How else could I function not knowing exactly how much longer I had to go?
I am wearing this Nail-Aid Collagen Builder that seems to keep my nails feeling cement strong. Supposedly it increases the strength of your nails 10x…whatever that means. I know maybe I’m talking it up, but Mysterious Curse is blowing me away. I seriously love it.
I know I got the Poshe super cheap because I go to my crazy cheap beauty supply stores. I don’t know what the normal retail price is but I’m sure it’s a lot higher. Hopefully you’ll find it at a decent price. I am really not picky about nail polish smells but Seche was really getting to me. At one point I felt my nails smelled like vomit while they were drying. I just couldn’t deal with it! lol Poshe doesn’t seem to have a real strong scent and it stays shinny way longer than Seche. And it’s thinner so it goes on more smoothly. Yes, I’m leaving Seche for Poshe. Thank God we didn’t have kids…
Valid point on the countdown
Otherwise you’d never make it 
I want to find a crazy cheap beauty supply store like yours!
Boooo. I don’t even know what to look for. Gotta keep my eyes open I guess. Now that you said Seche smells like vomit I’m probably going to smell it too. Good thing I just got done painting my nails and I love them so much I’m gonna try to keep them for a while so I wont re-do them for a couple days at least. I’ve been looking for an excuse to go to Sally’s so maybe I’ll head there tomorrow and grab some Poshe to give it a try. I also wanna try NYC fast dry topcoat but don’t know where to find that. I better start with Poshe anyway… I don’t need 8 billions dif topcoats. haha.
when you said boycott, i was scared you meant boycott on wearing polish haha but you said “buying” : ) good idea. i’d love to try mood polish. and i appreciated your comment on my blog. for some reason it’s not showing up so i can’t reply, but i am able to read it
Glad you stopped by! I really liked reading your posts…you have a writing style that I enjoy.
I’m going to try the mood polishes soon. They’re calling my name although it doesn’t seem like they change enough. I would NEVER stop wearing nail polish…never fear!
I just bought the same two Orly’s as well!…but I got Buried Alive and After Party too ….see I’m getting a jump start on your enabling
Oh you’re pure evil. lol I can’t wait to see the other ones. I only let myself buy one and this one was the one that I liked most.
Poshe thickens slightly. I am halfway through a bottle of it (I switch to drying drops or regular top coat when I can to conserve) and its still workable but thicker. It doesnt make those whispy spider web things like SV does when it gets bad. I have to locate a place that sells poshe around here….I hate ordering topcoats on the internet….it's not an exciting shipment lol. I am a poshe convert if you can tell lol. It doesnt reek like SV.
I am on a no buy until the spiderman collection from OPI comes out, and even then I only want one bottle. We can do it
Well, you're not going to have to wait very long. Doesn't the Spiderman collection come out this month? I don't think that I will be getting any colors from this collection…maybe just Call Me Gwen-ever. It's the only one that I find mildly interesting. Once I saw swatches of the whole collection, my excitement waned.
You actually got me into Poshe.
So far I do like it a lot more than Seche. I know there is a Poshe thinner too so maybe I'll look for that. I still like Seche Restore to revive and thin out problem polishes.
Poshe thickens slightly. I am halfway through a bottle of it (I switch to drying drops or regular top coat when I can to conserve) and its still workable but thicker. It doesnt make those whispy spider web things like SV does when it gets bad. I have to locate a place that sells poshe around here….I hate ordering topcoats on the internet….it’s not an exciting shipment lol. I am a poshe convert if you can tell lol. It doesnt reek like SV.
I am on a no buy until the spiderman collection from OPI comes out, and even then I only want one bottle. We can do it
Well, you’re not going to have to wait very long. Doesn’t the Spiderman collection come out this month? I don’t think that I will be getting any colors from this collection…maybe just Call Me Gwen-ever. It’s the only one that I find mildly interesting. Once I saw swatches of the whole collection, my excitement waned.
You actually got me into Poshe.
So far I do like it a lot more than Seche. I know there is a Poshe thinner too so maybe I’ll look for that. I still like Seche Restore to revive and thin out problem polishes.