Orly Skinny Dip

I don’t tend to purchase many Orly polishes and I don’t know why. They are just as easily accessible to me, but it seems that I don’t pay much attention to their collections. Even when I am aware of their upcoming collections, I am not as excited to get my hands on them. Their Summer 2012 Feel The Vibe Collection is full of neons which are super popular right now. However, I wasn’t really feeling the colors. The only one that I was interested in is Skinny Dip: of course it’s a blue that I love, and it had this super pretty light purple microshimmer flash in the bottle. As I have come to expect, the purple pretty much disappears once the nails. It dries satiny so you need a top coat if you want a shiny finish. I applied 3 coats and I felt that it needed all three. It is a sheer polish, but it’s easily buildable.


I’ve never really done sponging which I think looks amazing. I wanted to use some glitter (gasp!) to sponge on my tips so I looked through all my glitter polishes. I chose Wet N Wild Believe Me It’s Real which came out for the holidays in 2011. I had such a hard time finding this collection because it was a Walgreens exclusive and it seemed that no one had even heard of it. Since I don’t have Gelous, I had to apply like a million coats of Poshé to smooth out the glitter. This glitter is rough and eats up top coat like a mofo.

I can’t believe I still haven’t cut my nails yet. O_o I think this is the longest they have EVER been even when I wore acrylics. It’s been so weird getting used to the length, but I think I’m finally getting the hang of it.

I think the people I see regularly at the gym are going to start calling me the crazy nail girl. What do you think of this combo? Not too flashy?

42 thoughts on “Orly Skinny Dip

  1. I LOVE this. I tend to stay away from orly, too. I don't know why. I always look at the new stuff, but rarely buy anything from them. *shrugs*

    1. Thanks!

      Poor Orly is feeling neglected now. I always feel like their collections are like an after thought after every other brand causes a splash. They do put out some really great colors once in a while and I like that their bottles are a little bigger.

  2. I'm really digging the sponging technique. It looks good and your nail length doesn't look back, IMO.
    I just read a post on diy ombre nails using a sponge that I will try one day soon.

    1. I really like sponging too! It's a nice effect with minimal work. I tried doing ombre and gradient nails with sponging but they didn't turn out. I think I picked colors that didn't work well together.

    1. Thanks Olivia! How have you been? I had just typed out: Where have you been? and then erased it and checked your blog. LOL That's so weird.

  3. I LOVE this. I tend to stay away from orly, too. I don’t know why. I always look at the new stuff, but rarely buy anything from them. *shrugs*

    1. Thanks!

      Poor Orly is feeling neglected now. I always feel like their collections are like an after thought after every other brand causes a splash. They do put out some really great colors once in a while and I like that their bottles are a little bigger.

  4. I got one of these polishes from Sally's last week. I ended up grabbing Glowstick which I'm wearing right now. This one is SUPER sheer and idk if it'd ever build up, but it doesn't matter cuz I wore white underneath. This yellow is WHOA SHUT THE HELL UP bright. It's awesome. Plus, it makes me look positively hispanic in the tan-skin department.
    Your sponging looks wonderful! I really like the combination of colors and it just looks awesome. Good job! I have got to try a gradient while my nails are long. This sponged glitter and my future possible disaster (aka gradient) just don't look the same on tiny nails. I better get on it cuz they're getting long! I sometimes wonder if people notice my nails and think I'm a crazy nail lady, too. Oh well, I hope they do! Cuz it's pretty fitting. 🙂
    Oh and PS: I only have a few Orly's too. This is going to sound weird but I don't like their slightly grippy handles. I feel like they attract dust and since honestly my nail polishes mostly get used once and then hang out for a long while it kinda grosses me out. Plus, sometimes I take a nail polish over to my mom's and I put it in my bag of cotton balls and I hate when the little cottony fibers get stuck to that handle. That's nit picky, but whatever. That's how I'm feeling right now.

    1. I think glowstick would look hideous on me. lol

      I know everyone says that sponging is easy but I thought it was hard. I had to practice and I wasted a whole nail wheel!!!! I think I was reading that a kitchen sponge works better? I didn't try it but I guess I could next time…if there is a glitter next time. I had such a horrible time removing it that I cursed glitters to hell. I would looooooove to do gradient nails but they just don't look right to me. I've tried it a couple of times and they just looked ugly. Big fail.

      That's funny that you don't like the Orly handles. I kinda like that about them…just like the way they feel in my hand. Firm grip! But I do hate that rubberized coating on NARS products. OMG they attract everything and since the packaging is black, every single thing shows up. DRIVES ME BONKERS!!!

      1. I don't have any NARS but those handles on the orlys weird me out. I like the size but just the sticky-ish coating.. not so much. Idc about handles tho really.. those blogs that break down the brush and handle and bottle and EVERYFREAKINTHING kinda drive me nuts. Unless it's a problem, like a MAJOR problem, I really don't give a…. You get the point.

        I should try a kitchen sponge next time.. that makes sense since they're more porous… makeup sponges aren't porous at all hardly so they're not as forgiving. I really wanna try a gradient but I haven't as of now so… I might just sleep on this trend. Haha. And speaking of glitter- do you foil it off?? I did that this weekend and was soooo happy. The glitter polish came off in ONE swipe… I kid you not!! And it was the WnW coloricon polishes that are like micro, small hex and large hex glitter (aka glitter HELL!!!). I was soooo thankful for the foil method. Even posted my foily fingers on Twitter. haha.

  5. I’m really digging the sponging technique. It looks good and your nail length doesn’t look back, IMO.
    I just read a post on diy ombre nails using a sponge that I will try one day soon.

    1. I really like sponging too! It’s a nice effect with minimal work. I tried doing ombre and gradient nails with sponging but they didn’t turn out. I think I picked colors that didn’t work well together.

    1. Thanks Olivia! How have you been? I had just typed out: Where have you been? and then erased it and checked your blog. LOL That’s so weird.

    1. Thanks dear! 🙂 I really like it a lot too. I am even thinking of wearing it on my toes now. I really liked the way the glitter looked but it was like bionic glitter or something because I had a horrid time removing it…more than usual and I even used pure acetone. 🙁

  6. I don't think it's too much! I think it's tasteful and eye catching. I think it's great!

    LOL Nicole for the "SHUT THE HELL UP" yellow description. Too friggin' funny!

    1. I always worry that my nails are too out there and yet I always do random stuff. I think the length makes me feel like everything looks crazier. I am actually getting used to my nails being long (longer) so it's kinda cool.

      haha….Nicole always has the best ways to describe things. 🙂

    1. Thanks! Were you able to get any? I know a lot of people were looking for them. I also read that they are dupes of some glitters that nails inc. put out around the same time.

  7. I got one of these polishes from Sally’s last week. I ended up grabbing Glowstick which I’m wearing right now. This one is SUPER sheer and idk if it’d ever build up, but it doesn’t matter cuz I wore white underneath. This yellow is WHOA SHUT THE HELL UP bright. It’s awesome. Plus, it makes me look positively hispanic in the tan-skin department.
    Your sponging looks wonderful! I really like the combination of colors and it just looks awesome. Good job! I have got to try a gradient while my nails are long. This sponged glitter and my future possible disaster (aka gradient) just don’t look the same on tiny nails. I better get on it cuz they’re getting long! I sometimes wonder if people notice my nails and think I’m a crazy nail lady, too. Oh well, I hope they do! Cuz it’s pretty fitting. 🙂
    Oh and PS: I only have a few Orly’s too. This is going to sound weird but I don’t like their slightly grippy handles. I feel like they attract dust and since honestly my nail polishes mostly get used once and then hang out for a long while it kinda grosses me out. Plus, sometimes I take a nail polish over to my mom’s and I put it in my bag of cotton balls and I hate when the little cottony fibers get stuck to that handle. That’s nit picky, but whatever. That’s how I’m feeling right now.

    1. I think glowstick would look hideous on me. lol

      I know everyone says that sponging is easy but I thought it was hard. I had to practice and I wasted a whole nail wheel!!!! I think I was reading that a kitchen sponge works better? I didn’t try it but I guess I could next time…if there is a glitter next time. I had such a horrible time removing it that I cursed glitters to hell. I would looooooove to do gradient nails but they just don’t look right to me. I’ve tried it a couple of times and they just looked ugly. Big fail.

      That’s funny that you don’t like the Orly handles. I kinda like that about them…just like the way they feel in my hand. Firm grip! But I do hate that rubberized coating on NARS products. OMG they attract everything and since the packaging is black, every single thing shows up. DRIVES ME BONKERS!!!

      1. I don’t have any NARS but those handles on the orlys weird me out. I like the size but just the sticky-ish coating.. not so much. Idc about handles tho really.. those blogs that break down the brush and handle and bottle and EVERYFREAKINTHING kinda drive me nuts. Unless it’s a problem, like a MAJOR problem, I really don’t give a…. You get the point.

        I should try a kitchen sponge next time.. that makes sense since they’re more porous… makeup sponges aren’t porous at all hardly so they’re not as forgiving. I really wanna try a gradient but I haven’t as of now so… I might just sleep on this trend. Haha. And speaking of glitter- do you foil it off?? I did that this weekend and was soooo happy. The glitter polish came off in ONE swipe… I kid you not!! And it was the WnW coloricon polishes that are like micro, small hex and large hex glitter (aka glitter HELL!!!). I was soooo thankful for the foil method. Even posted my foily fingers on Twitter. haha.

    1. Thanks dear! 🙂 I really like it a lot too. I am even thinking of wearing it on my toes now. I really liked the way the glitter looked but it was like bionic glitter or something because I had a horrid time removing it…more than usual and I even used pure acetone. 🙁

  8. I don’t think it’s too much! I think it’s tasteful and eye catching. I think it’s great!

    LOL Nicole for the “SHUT THE HELL UP” yellow description. Too friggin’ funny!

    1. I always worry that my nails are too out there and yet I always do random stuff. I think the length makes me feel like everything looks crazier. I am actually getting used to my nails being long (longer) so it’s kinda cool.

      haha….Nicole always has the best ways to describe things. 🙂

    1. Thanks! Were you able to get any? I know a lot of people were looking for them. I also read that they are dupes of some glitters that nails inc. put out around the same time.

  9. Oooo this makes me excited to try mine on. I really love the blue even if it loses that slight purple in the bottle. It looks good with the sponging too…had no idea you owned glitters! j/k I knew you had at least one 😛

    1. For someone who claims to hate glitter, I have a disturbing amount of them. lol I really like this polish too. If it had kept the purple flash on my nails, I would have been in love for sure.

  10. Oooo this makes me excited to try mine on. I really love the blue even if it loses that slight purple in the bottle. It looks good with the sponging too…had no idea you owned glitters! j/k I knew you had at least one 😛

    1. For someone who claims to hate glitter, I have a disturbing amount of them. lol I really like this polish too. If it had kept the purple flash on my nails, I would have been in love for sure.

  11. I looke at this in Ulta a while back and didn't feel that impressed, but your swatches look great and make me want it. I love Orly but often I wait for the clearance bin at Sally's before I get them.

    1. It seems that I never find any good polishes on clearance at Sally's. I swear I am always looking and the only thing I see are gross crackle polishes. 🙁 I wish Orly put out more interesting stuff. Ultimately I guess it's good for my wallet that I don't find them that interesting. 🙂

      1. Orly is bit and miss for sure, like their FX collections… Just killer. So far this year I've been a bit disappointed by the blandness.

  12. I looke at this in Ulta a while back and didn’t feel that impressed, but your swatches look great and make me want it. I love Orly but often I wait for the clearance bin at Sally’s before I get them.

    1. It seems that I never find any good polishes on clearance at Sally’s. I swear I am always looking and the only thing I see are gross crackle polishes. 🙁 I wish Orly put out more interesting stuff. Ultimately I guess it’s good for my wallet that I don’t find them that interesting. 🙂

      1. Orly is bit and miss for sure, like their FX collections… Just killer. So far this year I’ve been a bit disappointed by the blandness.

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