The very first book in French that I ever read is Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Le Petit Prince. I was 14 years old and my French teacher was trying to slowly introduce us into reading something a little more complicated than our grammar books. If you’ve never read this deceptively simple little book, I strongly recommend that you go out and get yourself a copy. Although it is a “children’s book,” it speaks to us adults on a different level. Even the most jaded and hardened amongst us will see that the story and ideas behind The Little Prince will remind us that too often we let ourselves get wrapped up in things that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes the most simple of things are truly the most important. Before I show you my mani, here are the polishes and items I used to create my manicure:
The polishes I used are all from Sation: Dance With The Drummer, Down and Dirty Flirty, Strumming My Nails and Lemon Pearl. I am going to have to do a review of all of these polishes individually because they are gorgeous. I think I have found my new favorite white…it was seriously perfection.
I also used three stamping plates and Konad stamping polishes in yellow, red and green. I used the black stripping polish for the details in drawing The Little Prince as well as the Winstonia nail art brush. The plates I used are: Konad M84 for the stars, Mash 36 for the rose and Mash 33 for the shooting stars.
I started out by painting my nails with the base colors. As I said before, these colors are amazing–super buttery and smooth. Second, I stamped my three nails with the star designs and the rose before I moved on to my middle finger. I seriously redid that nail about 4 times–I just could not get The Little Prince to look right which kind of shocked me considering how simple the drawing is.
I took these pictures out in direct sunlight so the colors warmed up a bit, but I liked how they turned out nonetheless. I think that out of all the manicures I have done over the past year, this is the one I am most proud of not only because of the cuteness factor but because I adore The Little Prince.
Let me know what you think about this mani…and it better be positive or else we’re going to have some problems. Just kidding…sort of. I’ve been in a very bad mood lately, and I think I just realized that it’s due to all the bottled up anger coming from the situation with the mooch. Have you read The Little Prince? Anyway…thanks for checking in with me today, and I will talk to you soon!
P.S. In case anyone was wondering, the title of this post comes from one of my favorite lines in this book: “Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.”
“Here is my secret. It is very simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”
Disclosure: All Sation polishes and the Winstonia Store brush were provided to me by the manufacturer or their PR. All other products featured in this post were purchased by me. For more information, please refer to my disclosure policy tab.
Oh gosh, I LOVE it!! I’m so impressed with your artwork! Nice job, gf!
Thank you, Jodi!
This is just as adorable as you built it up to be!! I have not read the book, but these nails are just simply awesome!! I love the cartoony drawing of the prince, I love stars so naturally I love those (ESPECIALLY THE SHOOTING STAR!!) and the two colored rose is pretty too. Well done. Well done. These are gonna be a big hit.
Nicole recently posted..My Favorite Green Polish EVER!
I am pretty much in love with these nails as you already know. OMFG, you have to read this book!!! It’s one of those books you can read in a few hours, but it’s so profound and touching. I love it.
Cute little mani.
Thank you, Cindi!
Oh I remember reading Le Petit Prince in one of my French classes. You artistic skills are outstanding- great tribute to the book.
I think it’s pretty much a staple when it comes to French books that are taught in French classes.
Thanks so much, Dom.
The Little Prince and The Veleteen Rabit are two of my favorite “children’s” books.
“What must I do, to tame you?’ asked the little prince.
‘You must be very patient,’ replied the fox. ‘First you will sit down at a little distance from me-like that-in the grass. I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing. Words are the source of misunderstandings. But you will sit a little closer to me, every day…”
Ahhh…Lori! I love the whole part about taming the little fox. I didn’t touch on it because that part is so incredibly raw to me–it’s one of those things that became really personal.
I love The Velveteen Rabbit as well…I can still remember how it made me feel when I read it the first time. I think I even had a cassette/book before I could even read.
I still have the cassette kicking around somewhere!!! My all time fav book is The Velveteen Rabbit! I recently downloaded it for my mom on her iPad and she cried like a baby when she read it again
it brought back memories of her reading it to me about 20 years ago 
i love the little prince, i read it when i was 10 for the first time and i’ve read it like 3 or 4 times in spanish and 1 in italian, il piccolo principe.
mariaemmafaria recently posted..Es todo acerca de rojo y dorado.. y brillar..
It really is a wonderful book. I think everyone needs to read it!
Cynthia recently posted..On ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur…
One of the best stories of all time! You nailed this perfectly

Maribeth recently posted..Barielle Runway Fever Collection (Pictures, Swatches, Review)
Aww! Thank you.
Oh my gosh, that’s beautiful! Adorable and stunning all at once.
The Little Prince is one of my favorites, and I agree, it is really much more than “just” a children’s book.
Thank you so much! I’m glad you like them.
Laura recently posted..Sunshine Award
Thank you so much, Laura!
This is so cute, I’m going to die!!!! I love The Little Prince… It’s just one of those books you have to read again every now and then.
iriel recently posted..Sunshine Award
Thank you, Iriel! You are so right that it’s a book that needs to be re-read.
This is amazing. You did such a great job putting together this mani! You will undoubtedly shake your head for this, but…I worked in a bookstore for 5 years and I never read Le Petit Prince…I know of it, I saw it’s blue spine just about every day and yet I never read it. I think thats the problem in working in a bookstore…there’s just so many that it’s hard not to get distracted by seeing new books you want to read and never getting to read the classics or notably good books. There are many books I regret not taking the opportunity to read. BUT since my bf bought me an ipad mini for Christmas I started to download books on it. I’m currently reading “Lets Pretend This Never Happened” (which is hilarious and really great if you like memoirs of non famous people). It’s a new book so I guess I still get distracted. I also have The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao on my list which was one I wanted to read back in my bookstore days. I’m going to download a sample of Little Prince now so I can remember to purchase it when I’m done with this one
I’m not reading it in French though! I took French for many years and was horrible at it…although I still love to say “poisson” …never gets old 

Frosso recently posted..My First Striping Tape Mani
Uhm, yes…I am going to pretend this comment never happened because we can’t be friends. lol You and Nicole MUST read The Little Prince!!!! When I was in high school, I wanted to work at Borders/Barnes&Noble/Crown Books (anyone remember crown books?!?) so badly but they never hired me…those lame-o’s. I have always been a book freak…I bought so many books when I was in Paris and then I had to figure out a way to cart them all back to California. It was kind of a nightmare. I would always go to this anglophile bookstore called Shakespeare & Co because they stamped all their books with this really cool stamp and I wanted it on all my books. I’m kind of a weirdo. lol I’ve had a kindle for a couple of years now and I have to admit that I love it. I was so against e-readers when they first came out but now I can’t live without it–it’s just so convenient. I seriously had no more room for my books anywhere so I had to pack them up and store them in the garage…that’s probably thousands of dollars worth in books that will probably end up rotting! Sadness. I really want to start reading more contemporary books…I usually stick to classics or I get wrapped up in high fantasy.
Cynthia recently posted..Butter London Marrow
I was totally against ereaders too when they came out… Especially since I was being pushed to sell them (the nook). But once I left the bookstore I pretty much stopped reading because I never wanted to walk in there again and cause its so expensive without my discount (plus we were able to “borrow” hard covers for free). But now that I have an iPad I’m loving reading again. I ended up donating all of my books to thr library cause of space issues. So I appreciate thr ease of ereaders now.
I love this!!!! love your amazing nail art skills too, ok even more jealous now! lol love the colors too
I don’t own any Sations either. Between you and Tara, you are really increasing my wish list and polish collection lol
Amanda (mae) recently posted..NOTD 101 – Hockey is back!!!!
This is phenomenal! So adorable and so well-done. You are correct that “it’d better be positive or else we are going to have some problems!” You definitely need to pin these if you haven’t already!
I *do* have some inappropriate comments about the name “Down and Dirty Flirty,” but I guess I’ll keep those to myself…for now! :p
I remember reading The Little Prince in French class. I also remember that everyone (including me) bought the exact same copy of the book in English so that we could cheat, hahaha. I did legitimately read it in French first and used the English copy just to verify my understanding. I SWEAR! I think it must still be around the house somewhere.
You know I love this!
I just randomly came across this on google and I just had to stop by and tell you how much I love this!! I just love the little prince so much and this mani is a perfect tribute to it! Great job! Xoxox