NARS Blushes Depotting

I have a confession to make: nail polish was not my first addiction. Long before I became obsessed with nail polish, I was obsessed with make-up: blushes, lipsticks, eye shadow palettes…everything! I quickly discovered that NARS had my absolute favorite blush formula so I started stocking up. As much as I love the product inside, I abhor the packaging. At first I quite liked it because it’s black and sleek and has a nice rubberized finish. After time, the rubberized coating starts to break down and it becomes sticky and gross. I HATE IT. With NARS blushes setting you backΒ  $30 a pop now, I find it really unacceptable. I was quite excited when I saw that NARS was offering an empty palette so I jumped on it and paid $18 for the large palette. I’m sure that you can find about a bagillion tutorials online to depot shadows, but I am a dunce and knew I would have problems. Let me show you how it went.



First start out with the things you will need: blushes, a knife and a flat iron.

NARS Blushes Depotting

The flat iron is an old one that I don’t use anymore so I wasn’t worried about messing it up.

NARS Blushes Depotting

You are then going to pry the blush out of the compact. I found that sliding the knife around the perimeter worked well and helped loosen it up enough where I could pull the blush out.

Once you pry the blush out, you are ready to remove the metal pan containing the blush from the plastic pan.

NARS Blushes Depotting

Once you place the blush on the flat iron (make sure you have preheated it), you should keep an eye on it because the plastic will start warp and melt. I left it on for 30 seconds at first and put it back if the glue wasn’t completely soft.

NARS Blushes Depotting

I then removed the sticker from the compact and placed it on the back of theΒ  blush pan before placing it in the empty palette.

If you are only placing blushes in this palette, 16 full size blushes fit in it snugly. I have a few cream blushes that I obviously can’t depot and place in palette because they will dry out.

The process is a little tedious but I found that it was well worth the effort to be able to get rid of the gross sticky packaging. I also love hat a flat palette like this takes up so little space. If you’re interested in buying the NARS Pro Palette, you can buy it here for $18. Do you have any favorite blush formulas? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon.


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NARS Blushes NARS Blushes NARS Blushes

16 thoughts on “NARS Blushes Depotting

  1. I have never done that and was super confused why there were such random items in your intro pic.

  2. I’ve been meaning to depot a lot of my makeup. I would probably end up in a Zpalette shopping spree because I’d need eyeshadows and blushes and then one separate for travel… I’d go ham with it.

    And btw, Exhibit A is one of my favorite blushes. I love it so much!
    Jeanatte recently posted..Revlon | SpeedyMy Profile

    1. I loved the process and love having most of my NARS blushes in one place. I was especially happy to get rid of that gross packaging that I hate. And I agree with Exhibit A…so beautiful.

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