Ever since I was a kid, I have been obsessed with going on a safari. In fact, I’ve been obsessed with archeology and anthropology for as long as I can remember so in my childhood fantasies, I always looked to Africa as the ideal place to make some groundreaking discovery. As an over imaginative child, I fancied myself a Mexican Mary Leakey who would one day find something amazing in Olduvai gorge–which I did try to recreate by digging holes in the yard and calling it a “Plant Club” that I forced my brother and neighborhood kids to join. Oh boy…I was–and still am–a total nerd. As an adult, I have been to Africa twice but North Africa isn’t exactly the Saharan wilderness of my childhood dreams. (And yes, I love North Africa!!!!) Now that I’m taking about Africa, this reminds me of a trip that one of my best friends and I have completely dropped the ball on. When we were in our early 20’s, we promised to make the trek to Tanzania and climb Mount Kilimanjaro before we turned 30. Uhm, yeah…that’s going to happen now. Considering how out of shape I am, I would probably keel over and die halfway up the mountain. This is probably one of my biggest regrets and I still get so mad at myself for not doing this when we had the financial means because of our jobs in the travel industry. Coulda, woulda, shoulda…
As usual, I totally went of on a tangent when my main goal was to show you a pretty polish. Are you ready to see a really awesome color? Here is Morgan Taylor Nail Lacquer So-fari So Good:
I don’t care what anyone says…this color is so freaking gorgeous. I don’t even care that it brings out the red in my skin, I just love it. So-fari So Good is a creamy and glossy greyed out green. I think it looked a lot more green in the bottle, so I was a little surprised at how grey it looked once on my nails, but I still love it! The formula was the usual Morgan Taylor creme perfection…super smooth and pigmented and only needing two coats for full opacity. After yesterday’s disappointment with Something To Blog About, I am glad we bounced back with this one.
So I hope that you’re having a great weekend so far. I promised to make my famous red velvet cupcakes for a meeting at work on Monday so I’ll be doing those tomorrow. Other than that, I am going to be a total lazy ass. Ahhh…it felt good saying that. Thanks for stopping by today!
I really like the color it has on the bottle
A very pretty fall color. Can’t wait for Fall
Love those nail polish colors but where I live (South-East of California) the weather does not start to get cool until November.
I’m hoping that doesn’t happen this year. We’re pretty close since I live in OC, but I live super close to the beach so it doesn’t get as hot as it does inland, but still…I hate it when it’s all gross and hot during Thanksgiving. lol
Lovely! Any thoughts on how the color compares to Essie Maximilian Strasse-Her?
I think that they are definitely similar but So-fari so good has a lot more green in it. I also hated the formula on Maximilian Strasse-Her because my bottle was so thin! I like both, but the formula on this one beats the Essie hands down.
Thanks! My bottle of Essie must not be as bad as yours since it applies just fine, but I’ve always wished Max Strasse-Her was a bit more green. Glad there’s another option out there.
I’m glad yours was fine. I hate it when the formula is so inconsistent! I may pick it up again and see if a new bottle is better because I do like that polish.
1. If you have always wanted to go on Safari and be an anthropologist than we are like soul sistas.
2. I’ve been to Northern Africa! Egypt, in 2010 just before all the bedlam started. I would love to go back to Africa. Or, if I’m being honest, I just want to go everywhere.
3. This is gorgeoussss! There is something about greyed out greens that just call to me.
Jay @ Wayfaring Beauty recently posted..Stop! Collaborate and Listen (/Read)
Every day I lament that I never went to Egypt before all the recent turmoil. I went to Tunisia in 2002 and to Morocco in 2003 and I swear to God I fell in love with the culture, the people, the food….EVERYTHING! I went alone to Tunisia and I have to admit I was a little scared beforehand but everything was alright…I mean, I did get into a little trouble because even though Tunis is pretty westernized, it’s still a little weird to see a woman travel alone. It was problematic at times because I am darker skinned so at times it was assumed I was Tunisian. I took a train out to see the ruins of Carthage and I will never forget that. Morocco was also awesome and I probably had more fun because I went with a friend and we got a guide through the hotels we stayed at in Casablanca, Marrakesh and Fez…ahhh….magical times.
I didn’t know you’ve been to Africa!!!
Oh, now, this color is a complete redemption from that frosty no-no. If I had access to the brand, I would go buy it tomorrow. “That thing is good.”
Ugh, I wish I could be a lazy ass this weekend…jealous! I have tons of stuff to do and it doesn’t seem like a break at all, plus I’ve been working today and will have to tomorrow, too. I know at least the beginning of the week will be nuts, too. Hopefully I get some lazy ass time during the three-day weekend, haha.
I just got a vision of calling myself The African Queen only because I love Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart. Africa was amazing…in fact, I was obsessed with moving to Morocco a few years ago but that dream has fizzled like just about everything else in my life.
This weekend ended up NOT being relaxing and I can’t even look forward to a three day weekend since I work on the holiday. Hell, I’d be happy with a 2 day weekend but that doesn’t happen either. Remind me again why I work where I work…oh yeah, cause I kind of got used to luxuries like food and having a roof over my head…silly me. lol Anyway, yes, this polish is awesome and especially so after that other frosty nightmare. Well, all I can say is hang in there this week and dream of the upcoming long weekend. 
Wow, your pre-story about safari and africa was very nice to read. I’ve lived in Tanzania for two short periods when I was a little, I really liked it and I do hope you during some of your trips visited serengeti national park.. I really liked that, that was safari big time with all those animals.
And yea, I liked the nail polish as well, I remember that China Glaze had a safari collection like last year and this colors reminds me of one of them.

Gelic’ nail art recently posted..Balloon funky french/ balloon nail art
The On Safari collection from CG was my favorite fall collection last year! Ahhh…they had so many amazing polishes. How exciting that you’ve been to Tanzania and have had all of those wonderful experiences!
What a great fall shade! Love it

Lisa N. recently posted..Versatile Blogger Award
Your childhood story beforehand was seriously adorable, I want to be a paleoanthropologist myself! Career path is headed more towards working with animals (which I also love, don’t get me wrong) but it’s still my dream job.
That color is amazing too, I love those sort of dusty, dirty greens. Especially for fall.
Risu recently posted..Speaking of Cute Cat Hats…
I totally agree that it’s a great color for fall.
Well, I’m glad that you’re going to be working in something you love because that’s soooo important. Let me tell you from experience…lol
i’ve always wanted to visit africa, i regret we didn’t go while we lived in italy. it was close and it wasn’t expensive. 7 days cruise, €700 was ok i think.. we didn’t do it.
i need to be honest, i don’t like the color.. it doesn’t look the bottle. at all.
Loving this! very different
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