The product featured in this post was purchased by me.
Hey there peeps! It’s Friday!
Sorry I went there…I just couldn’t help myself. It’s so nice out today so it’s kind of a shocker that I’m not complaining about the weather. I would like to complain about work, but today I won’t just because even I’m getting sick of my own complaining. I’ve gotten this really great burst of energy and inspiration where I want to take care of all the messiness in my life so I’m hoping that it continues and that I don’t lose my resolve. I think that the name of this polish is very fitting for my current mental state: Jindie Nails Live Out Loud.
Shouldn’t we all Live Out Loud? The first thing that I noticed about this polish was the circle glitter. I am so completely obsessed with circle glitter so this purchase was a no brainer. I love the milky white base and how awesome do all those colors look together? It’s like I have some funfetti cake on my nails. The formula on this polish was a little sheer so you definitely will need 3 coats (or more if you apply thin coats) for full opacity.
Let me know what you think of this polish. Thanks for the visit today, and I will talk to you soon.
The product featured in this post was purchased by me.
I have never heard that song until now… It was like a train wreck, I just couldn’t stop staring! O.O Oh geez! I love the circle glitter in this polish, though! It is gorgeous!
NailsLikeLace recently posted..White Hearts on Brown – Wedding Nails
Isn’t is great how polish can inspire you? I’ve always known color can have an effect on mood. Right now I love looking at Spring-colored nails to remind me of the better weather coming soon, and I can’t help but feel happy thinking about sunny days. This polish reminds me of a fresh new start with the colors and circle glitter! Love it!
If you’re looking to get rid of life messiness and don’t mind some cheesiness, I really recomend FlyLady (you can google her). She has routines to get your house and subsequently your mind in order. She is all about simplicity, but achieving it in doable steps. I love her and her 27-fling boogie!
Love this! Love the colours in the glitter- it just looks really fresh and fun!
que bonito! me gusto mucho!
Soooo pretty. Because of you I bought my first Jindie a few weeks back. Need to add this to the list.
Glad you got your burst of energy. :O)
So so cute!
Squeaky recently posted..Snapshot – Chunky Black Holo
I absolutely love this color! Where did you find it? I am having no luck finding it at all! Thanks! Hope you are having a terrific weekend
OMG! Loved this polish! I’m kind of new to your blog so I must ask. Where do you get these Jindie polishes?
I refuse to press that play button, but I do like this polish

Frosso recently posted..Giveaway Time!
This polish is like a child’s birthday party
Bailey recently posted..My Long, Serious History With Justin Timberlake
Hahahahaha…Rebecca Black “Friday.” You are funny.
Aw, I’m happy that you’ve got a little positive spurt goin’ on. This polish is a great representation…I love it!
The weather was really gorge here this weekend, too.
It’s like a rainbow confetti party! Love
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