Yeah, get your mind out of the gutter. I was tagged by Amanda and Nicole to complete this set of questions. I think it’s a cool way to get to know the people behind blogs that I frequent! So here I go.
11 Things About MOI
1) I am the oldest of my siblings and have two brothers. I have never really wanted a sister. When my youngest brother was born, I was 10 years old and I can still remember the second my dad called us to tell us that he had been born. It was 5:45 pm and my brother and I were watching Mr. Belvedere. Once my dad told us it was a boy (my parents wanted to wait to find out the sex of the baby), we both jumped around from couch to couch with joy.
2) I think all babies are ugly. Well, 99% of them are ugly. I think they start looking cute at around 6 months.
3) I spent my junior year of college in Paris. It was interesting.
4) One time I went to a movie by myself while I was in Paris. I thought it was some kind of artsy film, but it ended up being some kind of weird scatological porn. I only realized this after like 30 minutes into the movie and after I realized I was the only girl in the theater with 6 other weird guys. Yeah, it was scary.
5) I once went to North Africa by myself…on a whim. I spent a week in Tunisia and just looked around, went to museums and went shopping. It was awesome but kinda scary too.
6) On my second trip to North Africa, my friend and I went to Morocco. She wanted to get a picture with a monkey and a guy was walking around with one. The monkey got kinda crazy and started attacking her while she screamed at me to take the picture. I was laughing and screaming too hard to even take the picture. I went over to try to help her and I think the monkey scratched me. I had a scratch on my arm that took FOREVER to go away and at one point it looked kinda black. I thought I had Ebola or something.
7) I speak English, Spanish, passable French, can read Italian and speak tourist Italian. I’d really like to learn how to speak Arabic.
8) I love cheese. If I could eat cheese all day long, I probably would. My mouth waters to think of blocks of camembert, gruyere, cotija, sharp cheddar, parmesan, romano, gouda…ahhhhhhhhhh!
9) I hate, hate, hate driving. I wish I lived in a city where I could get around without owning a car. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen any time soon in Southern California.
10) The best gift I ever received was from my best friend. (Don’t let your head get too big when you read this, freak!) He picked items that had so much meaning: a cute little wallet to make up for the wallet that someone stole from me on our trip to Italy; a cute pillow to remind me of falling asleep on the train; some savon de marseille to remind me that our final destination was Marseille. It was totally sweet and meant the world to me.
11) I used to have a lot of episodes of sleep paralysis which made me feel like I was going crazy. If you’ve never heard of sleep paralysis, here is scientific explanation: Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move. It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep. During these transitions, you may be unable to move or speak for a few seconds up to a few minutes. Some people may also feel pressure or a sense of choking. Sleep paralysis may accompany other sleep disorders such as narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is an overpowering need to sleep caused by a problem with the brain’s ability to regulate sleep. I had hallucinations where I thought I felt something climb on top of me and try to choke me. Has this ever happened to you?
Ok, so now that you all think I’m a total weirdo, here are the 11 questions from Nicole over at Polish Me, Please!
- When did you start your blog? I started blogging November 2011.
- What is your go-to nail look? Anything purple, actually. Purple makes me happy.One time I was working out with my trainer and he asked me what made me happy, and I said the color purple. He responded that he had never seen the movie. LOL
- Would you rather: Have your nails cut down to the nail bed for the rest of your life OR never wear makeup again? I would rather have my nails cut down to the nail bed since I hate long nails. I don’t wear make up every single day but I still use it fairly regularly.
- What is one thing you wish you would have known as a teen than you know now? I wish I had known how much my parents love me so I wouldn’t have acted like such a turd.
- If you could only have 3 nail products/polishes for the rest of your life, what would they be? China Glaze Grape Pop, OPI Ski Teal We Drop, Sally Hansen Cuticle Remover
- What is one album you could listen to on repeat and never get sick of? Alanis Morissette’s MTV Unplugged
- What is one of your pet peeves? People who say “lie-berry” for “library”
- What would be your perfect day? My perfect day would involve spending quality time with people I love.
- Do your family and friends know about your blog? Only a handful of friends/family know about my blog and they have been sworn to secrecy due to some of the very personal stuff I sometimes write.
- What is the last song you listened to OR the song currently stuck in your head? That I Would Be Good from the aforementioned Alanis album.
- Share your personal mantra or a good quote. I don’t think I really have one but the closest thing would be “Respice Finem” which means “regard the end”
Well, that was fun! I am not going to tag anyone because all the ladies I would tag have already been tagged for the most part.
Okay so I totally agree with youi on number 2, i felt really mean but now I feel better that it's not just me! haha
Also so jelous about you in Paris that is like my DREAM! And your sleep paralysis sounds really scary
I have sever anxiety and sometimes I choke when I'm sleeping and wake up from not being able to sleep, so it's not really the same, but having that choking feeling when you're most vulnerable is really freaky.
This is going to make me sound all webmd, but have you had a sleep study? I immediately thought of sleep apnea when you wrote that. I am a severe self-diagnoser so just ignore me on that.
I had been dreaming about living in Paris since I was in high school so it literally was a dream come true. I'd love to go back but haven't traveled to Europe in like 9 years. Wow, it makes me sad to say that. It was a lot easier before the Euro got so strong and before the economy tanked. It used to be way easier since I worked for the airlines for a few years. Free trips basically!
I am so glad too that I'm not the only one who finds babies ugly. My sister in law told me that I won't be allowed to see their baby until it is older. hahahaha I mean, when they eventually have one.
I'm glad you did this because I had NO idea you were such a traveler!! And going all over the place by yourself! Brave lady! When I tagged you I actually thought that maybe you wouldn't do it.. for some reason I had you pegged as someone who would totally NOT be into this (notice it didn't stop me from tagging you, whoops!). Thanks for participating, it was fun to see how much we have in common. Seems like quite a bit besides the traveling. My travels are always domestic. :-/ Also- I did NOT know that your blog was just about as old as mine! For some reason I thought you'd been around for a while… I don't think ALL babies are ugly, but I'll tell you right now SOME are freaking hideous!! And it's weird cuz like EVERYONE says "awwww… (s)he's so cuuuuuute!!!" about every baby so when there's a real hideous one it's like *cricket noise* awkward. There's a baby in my family like that. I can't say much for fear the parents will somehow read this but oof. Trust. Me. I don't have any sisters or desire to have sisters either. Someone (maybe my mom, who, btw, has sisters!) once told me that girls with sisters seem to be crazy and sorry to all you sisters out there but… sometimes it seems true. Like they grew up with too much competition or something. Whateva. And also- lie-berry, pacific (specific), their/there/they're, should of (should HAVE) type things drive me CRAYZAY!!
You forgot the best one: ax for ask. I think my eyeballs spin in their sockets when I hear that one. You are totally right that I am so not into participating in tags and stuff like that but I guess I just thought it would be nice since I really enjoyed reading other people's answers. Granted, I'm not that interesting but it was still fun to complete. I was totally laughing when I read your whole baby comment…that's so mean. lol One of my brothers was the ugliest babies. Even my mom said it which is saying something considering all moms think their babies are cute. hahahaha But oh my God he was so adorable once he hit like the 4-5 month range. I so agree with the whole sister thing. I am lucky that I have a few cousins who are like my sisters without the growing up together and fighting 24/7.
Oh god… I axed him… SO annoying! I just wanna be like "You DO know you sound like an idiot, right?" Oh- how about "mines"? It's MINE, people. Grrr… I could go on and on about all this.
I KNEW you wouldn't be into these but I'm glad you did. I thought your answers were super interesting!
One last thing- my cousin was so ugly when he was born (cone headed, discolored, etc) my aunt didn't even wanna hold him!!! Hahahahaha. Now THAT is how you know it's bad!
OMG!!!!!!!!! That is the saddest and funniest thing ever. Awww…can we say childhood trauma?
The ironic thing is he's REALLY cute now! haha. Thank god, that'd be terrible if that was your legacy and then you grew up ugly, too!
Okay so I totally agree with youi on number 2, i felt really mean but now I feel better that it’s not just me! haha
Also so jelous about you in Paris that is like my DREAM! And your sleep paralysis sounds really scary
I have sever anxiety and sometimes I choke when I’m sleeping and wake up from not being able to sleep, so it’s not really the same, but having that choking feeling when you’re most vulnerable is really freaky.
I love this! I didnt know you had traveled. I would love to go to Europe someday. And i agree about the baby thing. People think im evil or something but really, babies just look like… Babies! Get over yourselves, people! Lol
Yay! Another baby hater. Hahaha! I gotta say that I do find them cute once they start growing into their looks and features. I'm not a total baby hater! Ahhh…I miss traveling so much. I wish I could afford it but it's totally NOT in my near future plans unless I win the lotto.
This is going to make me sound all webmd, but have you had a sleep study? I immediately thought of sleep apnea when you wrote that. I am a severe self-diagnoser so just ignore me on that.
I had been dreaming about living in Paris since I was in high school so it literally was a dream come true. I’d love to go back but haven’t traveled to Europe in like 9 years. Wow, it makes me sad to say that. It was a lot easier before the Euro got so strong and before the economy tanked. It used to be way easier since I worked for the airlines for a few years. Free trips basically!
I am so glad too that I’m not the only one who finds babies ugly. My sister in law told me that I won’t be allowed to see their baby until it is older. hahahaha I mean, when they eventually have one.
Lol lol you are hilarious!!
You know that's how I roll. Miss you!
I’m glad you did this because I had NO idea you were such a traveler!! And going all over the place by yourself! Brave lady! When I tagged you I actually thought that maybe you wouldn’t do it.. for some reason I had you pegged as someone who would totally NOT be into this (notice it didn’t stop me from tagging you, whoops!). Thanks for participating, it was fun to see how much we have in common. Seems like quite a bit besides the traveling. My travels are always domestic. :-/ Also- I did NOT know that your blog was just about as old as mine! For some reason I thought you’d been around for a while… I don’t think ALL babies are ugly, but I’ll tell you right now SOME are freaking hideous!! And it’s weird cuz like EVERYONE says “awwww… (s)he’s so cuuuuuute!!!” about every baby so when there’s a real hideous one it’s like *cricket noise* awkward. There’s a baby in my family like that. I can’t say much for fear the parents will somehow read this but oof. Trust. Me. I don’t have any sisters or desire to have sisters either. Someone (maybe my mom, who, btw, has sisters!) once told me that girls with sisters seem to be crazy and sorry to all you sisters out there but… sometimes it seems true. Like they grew up with too much competition or something. Whateva. And also- lie-berry, pacific (specific), their/there/they’re, should of (should HAVE) type things drive me CRAYZAY!!
You forgot the best one: ax for ask. I think my eyeballs spin in their sockets when I hear that one. You are totally right that I am so not into participating in tags and stuff like that but I guess I just thought it would be nice since I really enjoyed reading other people’s answers. Granted, I’m not that interesting but it was still fun to complete. I was totally laughing when I read your whole baby comment…that’s so mean. lol One of my brothers was the ugliest babies. Even my mom said it which is saying something considering all moms think their babies are cute. hahahaha But oh my God he was so adorable once he hit like the 4-5 month range. I so agree with the whole sister thing. I am lucky that I have a few cousins who are like my sisters without the growing up together and fighting 24/7.
Oh god… I axed him… SO annoying! I just wanna be like “You DO know you sound like an idiot, right?” Oh- how about “mines”? It’s MINE, people. Grrr… I could go on and on about all this.
I KNEW you wouldn’t be into these but I’m glad you did. I thought your answers were super interesting!
One last thing- my cousin was so ugly when he was born (cone headed, discolored, etc) my aunt didn’t even wanna hold him!!! Hahahahaha. Now THAT is how you know it’s bad!
OMG!!!!!!!!! That is the saddest and funniest thing ever. Awww…can we say childhood trauma?
The ironic thing is he’s REALLY cute now! haha. Thank god, that’d be terrible if that was your legacy and then you grew up ugly, too!
I love this! I didnt know you had traveled. I would love to go to Europe someday. And i agree about the baby thing. People think im evil or something but really, babies just look like… Babies! Get over yourselves, people! Lol
Yay! Another baby hater. Hahaha! I gotta say that I do find them cute once they start growing into their looks and features. I’m not a total baby hater! Ahhh…I miss traveling so much. I wish I could afford it but it’s totally NOT in my near future plans unless I win the lotto.
Lol lol you are hilarious!!
You know that’s how I roll. Miss you!