Fifty Shades Of Crap

I just finished Fifty Shades of Grey, and all I can say is holy horrible writing, Batman! If I ever meet a woman who actually uses the phrase “inner goddess”, I will surely punch her right in the ovary. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker. (Yes, Anchorman is one of my favorite movies ever!) I can’t think of any fictional character that has annoyed me more than Anastasia, and considering that I am a voracious reader, that’s really saying a lot. So, how do I explain that I read this book in one day? I mean, it’s not that I found the kind of retarded sex scenes that interesting. I can pretty much guarantee that because one of the main unfortunate side effects of being on an SSRI is that you pretty much have the libido of a corpse. So whatever. I am just really interested in finding out what happened to Christian that made him that way. I wonder if they’re really planning to adapt this trilogy into some mainstream non-porn films. I guess I should start on part 2 soon…

In other random news, I’ve been feeling kinda crappy. I have someone in my life who completely stresses me out and I’m finding it difficult to deal with the whole situation. For the last two nights, I’ve been having strange nightmares which in turn have me in a state of anxiety all day. I’m trying to not let it affect me so much but my resolve is crumbling. I know maybe I’m just hitting a low tonight, so I hope that I will feel better tomorrow.

Have you read the Fifty Shades of Grey books? What do you think of them?


84 thoughts on “Fifty Shades Of Crap

  1. Hahaha, the title of this post made me laugh so much.
    Oddly enough, my mum tried to read this book but only got about halfway through before she found herself too repulsed. I read a few scenes from it but just laughed at how bad it was – I just cannot bring myself to read such rubbish when there are so many good books out there far more deserving of my attention! 😛

    1. I'm glad you found it amusing! 🙂 I do agree that there are a lot of other books more worthy of attention, but sometimes I just need a little mindless reading that doesn't require too much thought. This book definitely did not require ANY thought. Incidentally, I was just perusing your site and the first post that caught my attention was the one about book to film adaptations. I usually can't bring myself to watch a movie based on a book that I really, really love. (Except maybe some Jane Austen adaptations!) One of my favorite novels ever, Love In The Time Of Cholera by Garcia Marquez, was made into an atrocious movie. I almost cried. I haven't watched Catch-22, the film, because I doubt anything could be as brilliant as the book. Let us know if you end up watching it!

      1. I know what you mean, I have some books that I go to that for me at least are mindless reading (P.G. Wodehouse is one, Spike Milligan is another – apparently my idea of mindless reading is comedy, rather than books with easier language etc).
        Ahh yes, that was an interesting post to see people's reactions. I think I am the same as you – the more I love the book, the more concerned I am about the film. I'll make note not to watch Love In The Time Of Cholera then, which isn't among my favourites but I did enjoy it (and I love his writing). I doubt Catch 22 could be as good as the book, but I think I'll try it anyway but just make sure I go into it with little to no expectations for it! I think when I do watch it I'll post something up about it, regardless of my thoughts about it.

        1. I was (am!) such a lit geek for most of my childhood. I wanted to read instead of going out to play which worried my parents to no end. What kid wants to read instead of going out to play outside!? I am in total awe of Garcia Marquez because 100 Year Of Solitude had such a profound impact on my life. I was 17 when I read it and it opened up the world of Magical Realism. Ahhh…I know no one will ever make a movie based on that book because it's basically impossible, but if they did, I would just about die. I hope the Catch 22 movie isn't a total disaster. I think I have heard it's not bad, but still. Looking forward to your thoughts about it!

  2. I read all three books. They do explain why Christian is the way he is but the third book has him calling Ana "Mrs. Grey" ALL THE EFFIN TIME! Yeah I get it, guy, do you? It's not even cute. You two sound like old goldfish with Alzheimers. Is it bad that I was physically rolling my eyes at some of the sex scenes? Makes me wonder if the author ever had sex before, until I reread the intro bio thing and found out she was married. If you do read the other books, they get decent plot wise if you ignore all all the lame sex. The plot comes and goes. I found typos for gods sakes…..

    I can kinda relate to the rest of your post right now. Nitz's mother is being a really negative person and VERY difficult to deal with right now. It makes you feel like a rock in a hard place because for her there is no right answer and no way to make her happy. I just try my best to stay upbeat…. Try not to get your weekend wrecked over it, okay?

    1. I just started the second book. It seems ok, I guess. I just want to punch Anastasia in the face. I'm sure I'll get through the 2 books this weekend. I have never really read romance novels…is this what they are like???

      I try to just stay neutral but it's so hard when someone insists on bringing you down with them. Sorry to hear about your bf's mom…that is really tough because it's not like you can cut the chord!

  3. I haven't, nor will I ever read 50 Shades of Grey. I don't get it, what makes it so different I from any other raunchy romance novel? And I'll admit it, I have read a lot of those. I spent my summer between 18 and 19 reading every copy my local library had… I was a lonely girl! Lol

    1. LOL!!!! I was just asking Candy if this is what all romance novels are like cause I've never read one. Honestly, I do find them entertaining…mindless entertainment and definitely not the kind of stuff that I read regularly. You should give them a try! lol Do you have an ereader?

      1. There was one series of novels a really loved about a small town and they wrote about all the couples. Each book was a different couple set in the same town.. My mother bought a box of books at a yardsale once and they were just awesome….and I can't remember the damn titles! UGH! No, Cynthia, they are not all like this. Some are good. Some respect women. Jessica, I think I did that too when I was that age, LOL!

        1. That sounds like a pretty interesting premise! I wish you could remember the names! lol I love it when I randomly discover a book like that…such a treasure.

          Unfortunately, I was not into romance novels at that age. I was probably going through my porn perv phase. I know….embarrassing but true.

  4. Hahaha, the title of this post made me laugh so much.
    Oddly enough, my mum tried to read this book but only got about halfway through before she found herself too repulsed. I read a few scenes from it but just laughed at how bad it was – I just cannot bring myself to read such rubbish when there are so many good books out there far more deserving of my attention! 😛

    1. I’m glad you found it amusing! 🙂 I do agree that there are a lot of other books more worthy of attention, but sometimes I just need a little mindless reading that doesn’t require too much thought. This book definitely did not require ANY thought. Incidentally, I was just perusing your site and the first post that caught my attention was the one about book to film adaptations. I usually can’t bring myself to watch a movie based on a book that I really, really love. (Except maybe some Jane Austen adaptations!) One of my favorite novels ever, Love In The Time Of Cholera by Garcia Marquez, was made into an atrocious movie. I almost cried. I haven’t watched Catch-22, the film, because I doubt anything could be as brilliant as the book. Let us know if you end up watching it!

      1. I know what you mean, I have some books that I go to that for me at least are mindless reading (P.G. Wodehouse is one, Spike Milligan is another – apparently my idea of mindless reading is comedy, rather than books with easier language etc).
        Ahh yes, that was an interesting post to see people’s reactions. I think I am the same as you – the more I love the book, the more concerned I am about the film. I’ll make note not to watch Love In The Time Of Cholera then, which isn’t among my favourites but I did enjoy it (and I love his writing). I doubt Catch 22 could be as good as the book, but I think I’ll try it anyway but just make sure I go into it with little to no expectations for it! I think when I do watch it I’ll post something up about it, regardless of my thoughts about it.

        1. I was (am!) such a lit geek for most of my childhood. I wanted to read instead of going out to play which worried my parents to no end. What kid wants to read instead of going out to play outside!? I am in total awe of Garcia Marquez because 100 Year Of Solitude had such a profound impact on my life. I was 17 when I read it and it opened up the world of Magical Realism. Ahhh…I know no one will ever make a movie based on that book because it’s basically impossible, but if they did, I would just about die. I hope the Catch 22 movie isn’t a total disaster. I think I have heard it’s not bad, but still. Looking forward to your thoughts about it!

  5. For some inexplicable reason I read all three books! I felt compelled to give them a fair chance, but I can now say with some confidence that they're all rubbish. I almost stopped reading the first one after the tampon scene… I was 'EWWWW'ing out loud at that bit – I still cringe every time I think of it! *shudders*

    One of the things that really makes me roll my eyes is that pretty much every man Anastasia knows seems to be in love with her… For God's sake, she's the most insipid girl ever! What the heck do they see in her?!

    I really don't understand how they're going to make 50 Shades into a movie without including all the sex. I mean…that's pretty much all there is. But rumour has it that Ian Somerhalder is angling for the part of Christian, and since I'm slightly in love with Somerhalder it might be reason enough for me to watch it. XD

    1. LOL @ the tampon scene. Well, it takes a lot to gross me out and that didn't phase me. The only thing that really made me sick is how stupid Anastasia is. I mean, really stupid. The whole idea that every man in her life is in love with her and she is too "innocent" to notice really irks me. Since I read one, I have to read them all. I guess I'm a masochist.

  6. I read all three books. They do explain why Christian is the way he is but the third book has him calling Ana “Mrs. Grey” ALL THE EFFIN TIME! Yeah I get it, guy, do you? It’s not even cute. You two sound like old goldfish with Alzheimers. Is it bad that I was physically rolling my eyes at some of the sex scenes? Makes me wonder if the author ever had sex before, until I reread the intro bio thing and found out she was married. If you do read the other books, they get decent plot wise if you ignore all all the lame sex. The plot comes and goes. I found typos for gods sakes…..

    I can kinda relate to the rest of your post right now. Nitz’s mother is being a really negative person and VERY difficult to deal with right now. It makes you feel like a rock in a hard place because for her there is no right answer and no way to make her happy. I just try my best to stay upbeat…. Try not to get your weekend wrecked over it, okay?

    1. I just started the second book. It seems ok, I guess. I just want to punch Anastasia in the face. I’m sure I’ll get through the 2 books this weekend. I have never really read romance novels…is this what they are like???

      I try to just stay neutral but it’s so hard when someone insists on bringing you down with them. Sorry to hear about your bf’s mom…that is really tough because it’s not like you can cut the chord!

  7. "You're a real hooker. I'm gonna punch you in public." God, I love Anchorman! I may need to watch that tonight!
    I have avoided the 50 Shades of Gray phenomenon because I've heard it is crap-tacular. Although, the guy next to me on the plane ride home was reading it and I was really grossed out by that, lol.
    And I can empathize with the SSRI thing. No sex drive whatsoever while I was on them. I stopped taking mine in March and went through GOD AWFUL withdrawal…they don't tell you about that part! I was on the lowest dose available, too, and it probably took two months until I didn't feel like barfing every second.
    I am also having a difficult time right now. The company I work at has been struggling since late April, and yesterday they had a third round of lay-offs. I was informed that I no longer earn commission, I take a 20% cut to my base salary, and I don't have health insurance. Problem 1. I can't live on less than half my salary. Problem 2. Work is going to be an absolute shit show of misery until I get out of there. Problem 3. The only way for the company to survive is to sell, and God knows what will happen then. I feel completely exhausted and yet can't sleep. The weekend was ruined and then next week will be even worse. I have been putting out resumes over the past few months, but I have amped that up this weekend, for sure.
    So…I need to watch Anchorman, and you do, too!!! "I'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am. You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science. "

    1. I keep asking myself if maybe we knew each other in another life because we seem to like the same stuff so often. I know you sometimes meet people with similar tastes but seriously…it's like all the time. hahaha I was laughing so hard at all the Anchorman quotes. I think my favorite is the whole sex panther interlude…"60% of the time, it works ever time."

      I could have probably written everything you wrote verbatim regarding my job last year. That place had been going down for years and then I was given two departments to run instead of one despite a double-digit pay cut…not to mention that we were consistently not paid on time. I don't even know how I made it there for so long–I guess it was just my stupid loyalty. Then, once I had my breakdown (work had a huge hand in pushing me over the edge), I found out how much they had cut our health plan benefits because I was stuck with some pretty huge bills. So, I totally KNOW what you're going through right now. My heart hurts for you because I know how stressful it was and how I stopped sleeping just trying to figure out how I was going to make everything work. My sales department wasn't so bad, but the other one that was thrust upon on me was a completely different beast that I had never worked in. It was a nightmare. I think my biggest lesson was that no job is worth my sanity. I should have gotten out of there when my manager had a stress-related heart attack. I'm glad that you've been proactive about getting your resume out for a while now. I'm sure you'll find something soon! I'll keep you in my thoughts and don't let it consume you.

      If you don't mind me asking, how long did you deal with withdrawal symptoms? I am curious about the withdrawal because prozac isn't supposed to have bad withdrawal because of the supposed long time it takes to get out of your system. I started out on the lowest dose which did nothing for me, then doubled it which did nothing and then doubled it again which finally made a difference.

      Oh, and you do know that a new Anchorman movie is coming out, right?! Stay classy, Lesley.

      1. WOW. We really must have known each other in a past life! I would agree with the loyalty issue…I've been there nearly 10 years and have known the family since I was 13 years old. I also completely agree that no job is worth your sanity. One of my customers said don't try and do everything because you're not going to be able to…just do what you can and go home. I think that's good advice. I just DREAD the day-to-day, ugh.
        Yeah, I mean, people survive losing their jobs, so I know it'll come out OK, and hopefully even better. It is just a BAD situation right now.
        So, SSRI withdrawal story. I don't mind talking about it because a lot of people have questions. I started taking them when mom stuff initially went down due to panic attack type stuff. I was on 10mg of Lexapro because that's what the dr. had as samples. I switched insurance and was taking 10mg of Celexa because that's what that pharmacy carried. Overall on both, I noticed I was tired all of the time, gained a lot of weight, and had no sex drive. Both of them also kind of hurt my stomach…I had to take antacids every day. I started having more and more stomach issues on the Celexa and decided to just stop it to see if it would help (this was discussed with the dr.). About five days into it I was throwing up and just feeling unbelievably nauseous. I went back to the dr. to ask if he could give me something to help with the nausea and he said it couldn't be withdrawal, I was on too low of a dose, it must be my anxiety and I should just get back on the meds. I was like, thanks for nothing, a-hole, and ended up toughing it out myself with some old Zofran and Dramamine (both of which make you very tired). I missed a fair amount of work…I just couldn't do it. They say these drugs take 4-6 weeks to be 100% effective and I would say that's how long it took for me to fully recover. You can taper off of them to help with this, but my dr. was a dumbass and didn't suggest that. I'm also pretty sensitive, so other people may have fewer symptoms.
        Yes, I did know about the sequel! "What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole… wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad; that's amazing. How 'bout we get you in your p.j.'s and we hit the hay?"

        1. I think your customer gave you great advice. I was always guilted into everything…wasn't even allowed to take vacation. How retarded is that? It's not like I was so important that no one would be able to function without me. It was so unfair and I'm still upset about all those years. Can you tell? lol

          It sucks that you have such a close/personal relationship with the owners of the company because that probably makes it even harder. Just remember to put yourself first because, honestly, most employers don't give a crap about their employees at the end of the day. They may say they do, but it's all about the bottom line.

          Ugh! I'm sorry you had to go through the withdrawal crap for so long and that your doc was a dumbass. My doctors usually know that I do all my research about everything and I call them out when they're trying to bullshit me. I know it annoys some of them, but I don't care. I was very lucky that Prozac didn't mess with me that much (besides the hot flashes, weird dreams and no libido). I stopped taking my meds for a couple of months last year because I was feeling so great that I didn't think I needed them anymore. Bad idea. I don't think I had withdrawal symptoms but after about 5 weeks, I was feeling like crap again so I went back to my doctor to get back on them. I won't do that again.

          "Bark twice if you're in Milwaukee. Is this Wilt Chamberlain? Have the courage to say something! Hello? "

    2. Oh, and a guy reading 50 Shades Of Gray is just kinda…wrong? It's really kind of horrible in an amusing way sometimes which is why I'm determined to read the other two books. I'm just glad I didn't pay for them.

      1. A guy reading 50 shades of grey leaves me with nothing but too dirty to type out thoughts of why he was reading that and what he did in the bathroom of that plane. Ew ew ew. EW.

                1. All I can think of now is the masturbating bear from the Conan O'Brien show. I don't know if he still has that skit, but he used to back in the day.

                  1. Oh my gosh…. he does. Remember the hemmorhoid cream dude with the huge ears? And he sang some catchy song.. I don't remember it tho. OOOH guess what- Live At Darryl's (Hall) is on right now. I'm in heaven. 🙂 Too bad I have to go to bed soon to get up for work in the morning.

                    1. Ughhh.. soon enough. I also have to shower first. 🙁 And I'm trying to write up my Jungle Queen post that wont publish till like the 28th.

                    2. I take two showers a day cause I can't go to bed without a shower and I can't wake up without taking a shower. I'm so weird.

                    3. I just hate blow drying my hair, so I take a shower at night time, let it air dry over night and then blow dry it the rest of the way in the morning. Plus, I only allow myself exactly enough time to throw on a little make up and run out the door in the morning. I'm sooo not a morning person.

                    4. The beauty of having a pixie-short cut is that I never have to worry about my hair. Wash and go! lol It's gotten longer so I need to go get a trim. I've been trying to spike it a little on top but it just turns into a big pouf…madame de pompadour!

                      Hope you were ok this morning since you were up so late!!!!

  8. I haven’t, nor will I ever read 50 Shades of Grey. I don’t get it, what makes it so different I from any other raunchy romance novel? And I’ll admit it, I have read a lot of those. I spent my summer between 18 and 19 reading every copy my local library had… I was a lonely girl! Lol

    1. LOL!!!! I was just asking Candy if this is what all romance novels are like cause I’ve never read one. Honestly, I do find them entertaining…mindless entertainment and definitely not the kind of stuff that I read regularly. You should give them a try! lol Do you have an ereader?

      1. There was one series of novels a really loved about a small town and they wrote about all the couples. Each book was a different couple set in the same town.. My mother bought a box of books at a yardsale once and they were just awesome….and I can’t remember the damn titles! UGH! No, Cynthia, they are not all like this. Some are good. Some respect women. Jessica, I think I did that too when I was that age, LOL!

        1. That sounds like a pretty interesting premise! I wish you could remember the names! lol I love it when I randomly discover a book like that…such a treasure.

          Unfortunately, I was not into romance novels at that age. I was probably going through my porn perv phase. I know….embarrassing but true.

  9. For some inexplicable reason I read all three books! I felt compelled to give them a fair chance, but I can now say with some confidence that they’re all rubbish. I almost stopped reading the first one after the tampon scene… I was ‘EWWWW’ing out loud at that bit – I still cringe every time I think of it! *shudders*

    One of the things that really makes me roll my eyes is that pretty much every man Anastasia knows seems to be in love with her… For God’s sake, she’s the most insipid girl ever! What the heck do they see in her?!

    I really don’t understand how they’re going to make 50 Shades into a movie without including all the sex. I mean…that’s pretty much all there is. But rumour has it that Ian Somerhalder is angling for the part of Christian, and since I’m slightly in love with Somerhalder it might be reason enough for me to watch it. XD

    1. LOL @ the tampon scene. Well, it takes a lot to gross me out and that didn’t phase me. The only thing that really made me sick is how stupid Anastasia is. I mean, really stupid. The whole idea that every man in her life is in love with her and she is too “innocent” to notice really irks me. Since I read one, I have to read them all. I guess I’m a masochist.

  10. “You’re a real hooker. I’m gonna punch you in public.” God, I love Anchorman! I may need to watch that tonight!
    I have avoided the 50 Shades of Gray phenomenon because I’ve heard it is crap-tacular. Although, the guy next to me on the plane ride home was reading it and I was really grossed out by that, lol.
    And I can empathize with the SSRI thing. No sex drive whatsoever while I was on them. I stopped taking mine in March and went through GOD AWFUL withdrawal…they don’t tell you about that part! I was on the lowest dose available, too, and it probably took two months until I didn’t feel like barfing every second.
    I am also having a difficult time right now. The company I work at has been struggling since late April, and yesterday they had a third round of lay-offs. I was informed that I no longer earn commission, I take a 20% cut to my base salary, and I don’t have health insurance. Problem 1. I can’t live on less than half my salary. Problem 2. Work is going to be an absolute shit show of misery until I get out of there. Problem 3. The only way for the company to survive is to sell, and God knows what will happen then. I feel completely exhausted and yet can’t sleep. The weekend was ruined and then next week will be even worse. I have been putting out resumes over the past few months, but I have amped that up this weekend, for sure.
    So…I need to watch Anchorman, and you do, too!!! “I’m a man who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That’s what kind of man I am. You’re just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It’s science. “

    1. I keep asking myself if maybe we knew each other in another life because we seem to like the same stuff so often. I know you sometimes meet people with similar tastes but seriously…it’s like all the time. hahaha I was laughing so hard at all the Anchorman quotes. I think my favorite is the whole sex panther interlude…”60% of the time, it works ever time.”

      I could have probably written everything you wrote verbatim regarding my job last year. That place had been going down for years and then I was given two departments to run instead of one despite a double-digit pay cut…not to mention that we were consistently not paid on time. I don’t even know how I made it there for so long–I guess it was just my stupid loyalty. Then, once I had my breakdown (work had a huge hand in pushing me over the edge), I found out how much they had cut our health plan benefits because I was stuck with some pretty huge bills. So, I totally KNOW what you’re going through right now. My heart hurts for you because I know how stressful it was and how I stopped sleeping just trying to figure out how I was going to make everything work. My sales department wasn’t so bad, but the other one that was thrust upon on me was a completely different beast that I had never worked in. It was a nightmare. I think my biggest lesson was that no job is worth my sanity. I should have gotten out of there when my manager had a stress-related heart attack. I’m glad that you’ve been proactive about getting your resume out for a while now. I’m sure you’ll find something soon! I’ll keep you in my thoughts and don’t let it consume you.

      If you don’t mind me asking, how long did you deal with withdrawal symptoms? I am curious about the withdrawal because prozac isn’t supposed to have bad withdrawal because of the supposed long time it takes to get out of your system. I started out on the lowest dose which did nothing for me, then doubled it which did nothing and then doubled it again which finally made a difference.

      Oh, and you do know that a new Anchorman movie is coming out, right?! Stay classy, Lesley.

      1. WOW. We really must have known each other in a past life! I would agree with the loyalty issue…I’ve been there nearly 10 years and have known the family since I was 13 years old. I also completely agree that no job is worth your sanity. One of my customers said don’t try and do everything because you’re not going to be able to…just do what you can and go home. I think that’s good advice. I just DREAD the day-to-day, ugh.
        Yeah, I mean, people survive losing their jobs, so I know it’ll come out OK, and hopefully even better. It is just a BAD situation right now.
        So, SSRI withdrawal story. I don’t mind talking about it because a lot of people have questions. I started taking them when mom stuff initially went down due to panic attack type stuff. I was on 10mg of Lexapro because that’s what the dr. had as samples. I switched insurance and was taking 10mg of Celexa because that’s what that pharmacy carried. Overall on both, I noticed I was tired all of the time, gained a lot of weight, and had no sex drive. Both of them also kind of hurt my stomach…I had to take antacids every day. I started having more and more stomach issues on the Celexa and decided to just stop it to see if it would help (this was discussed with the dr.). About five days into it I was throwing up and just feeling unbelievably nauseous. I went back to the dr. to ask if he could give me something to help with the nausea and he said it couldn’t be withdrawal, I was on too low of a dose, it must be my anxiety and I should just get back on the meds. I was like, thanks for nothing, a-hole, and ended up toughing it out myself with some old Zofran and Dramamine (both of which make you very tired). I missed a fair amount of work…I just couldn’t do it. They say these drugs take 4-6 weeks to be 100% effective and I would say that’s how long it took for me to fully recover. You can taper off of them to help with this, but my dr. was a dumbass and didn’t suggest that. I’m also pretty sensitive, so other people may have fewer symptoms.
        Yes, I did know about the sequel! “What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole… wheel of cheese? How’d you do that? Heck, I’m not even mad; that’s amazing. How ’bout we get you in your p.j.’s and we hit the hay?”

        1. I think your customer gave you great advice. I was always guilted into everything…wasn’t even allowed to take vacation. How retarded is that? It’s not like I was so important that no one would be able to function without me. It was so unfair and I’m still upset about all those years. Can you tell? lol

          It sucks that you have such a close/personal relationship with the owners of the company because that probably makes it even harder. Just remember to put yourself first because, honestly, most employers don’t give a crap about their employees at the end of the day. They may say they do, but it’s all about the bottom line.

          Ugh! I’m sorry you had to go through the withdrawal crap for so long and that your doc was a dumbass. My doctors usually know that I do all my research about everything and I call them out when they’re trying to bullshit me. I know it annoys some of them, but I don’t care. I was very lucky that Prozac didn’t mess with me that much (besides the hot flashes, weird dreams and no libido). I stopped taking my meds for a couple of months last year because I was feeling so great that I didn’t think I needed them anymore. Bad idea. I don’t think I had withdrawal symptoms but after about 5 weeks, I was feeling like crap again so I went back to my doctor to get back on them. I won’t do that again.

          “Bark twice if you’re in Milwaukee. Is this Wilt Chamberlain? Have the courage to say something! Hello? “

    2. Oh, and a guy reading 50 Shades Of Gray is just kinda…wrong? It’s really kind of horrible in an amusing way sometimes which is why I’m determined to read the other two books. I’m just glad I didn’t pay for them.

      1. A guy reading 50 shades of grey leaves me with nothing but too dirty to type out thoughts of why he was reading that and what he did in the bathroom of that plane. Ew ew ew. EW.

                1. All I can think of now is the masturbating bear from the Conan O’Brien show. I don’t know if he still has that skit, but he used to back in the day.

                  1. Oh my gosh…. he does. Remember the hemmorhoid cream dude with the huge ears? And he sang some catchy song.. I don’t remember it tho. OOOH guess what- Live At Darryl’s (Hall) is on right now. I’m in heaven. 🙂 Too bad I have to go to bed soon to get up for work in the morning.

                    1. Ughhh.. soon enough. I also have to shower first. 🙁 And I’m trying to write up my Jungle Queen post that wont publish till like the 28th.

                    2. I take two showers a day cause I can’t go to bed without a shower and I can’t wake up without taking a shower. I’m so weird.

                    3. I just hate blow drying my hair, so I take a shower at night time, let it air dry over night and then blow dry it the rest of the way in the morning. Plus, I only allow myself exactly enough time to throw on a little make up and run out the door in the morning. I’m sooo not a morning person.

                    4. The beauty of having a pixie-short cut is that I never have to worry about my hair. Wash and go! lol It’s gotten longer so I need to go get a trim. I’ve been trying to spike it a little on top but it just turns into a big pouf…madame de pompadour!

                      Hope you were ok this morning since you were up so late!!!!

  11. I have not read the book, but like you, even if I start reading a crappy book, I feel powerfully compelled to finish it. The only 2 books I've ever not finished were Drive (which was subsequently made into a Ryan Gosling movie) and Stranger in a Strange Land. I liked the beginning of that book, but then it got too weird and I lost interest and left it unread. Even still those books being unfinished bothers me so I think I'm going to need to read the rest of them just to get it off my mind. Plus, Drive is really short, like MAYBE 200 pages so lord knows I can read that in a couple of hours. I'm a crazy fast and also super voracious reader. If I read one 50 shades book, no matter how craptacular (and I'm hearing more and more how bad it is, including but not limited to your post) I'd be reading all 3 of them. People who try to legitimize them and be all "It is NOT! These are good books!!" when I say, "oh you're reading the mommy porn book" make me wanna barf and beat them over the head with a better book. Don't get me wrong, I like a salacious brainless book as much as the next girl (ever read Anita Blake Vampire Hunter?) but typos and a nonsensical plot and lame sex scene combined with a character that already annoys me even though I've only read a couple of sentences that you said about her.. can't do it. Thanks for saving me the embarrassment of even contemplating checking it out from the library.

    1. Ok, you just reminded me of an unfinished book and now I am totally obsessing over it. At one of the looney bins I was in (it was just 3 days cause they put a hold on me), I picked up Wide Sargasso Sea which, if you're not familiar with it, is a prequel to Jayne Eyre told from the crazy woman's viewpoint. Anyway, it was super interesting but I got released before I finished it and then I just forgot about it. AAAHHHHHHH!!! Must get this book. Why did they have this book at a mental hospital? I mean, the chick is batshit crazy in it. Hmmm. It reminds me of when they made us do karaoke at another psych ward and they got mad when I started singing Bohemian Rhapsody:

      Too late, my time has come,
      Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time.
      Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go,
      Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth.
      Mama, ooh, I don't want to die,
      I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.

      They were not amused and I riled up some of the other patients. lol

      I've never even heard of Anita Blake! Is it a series of books?

      Also, if you have an ereader and want to read the 50 shades books, I can email them to you.

      And LOL at mommy porn.

      1. I do not have an eReader but thanks for the offer. I like the feeling of a real paper book. Just like I like the feeling of cards in my hands. Is that weird? I think I could shuffle a deck of cards all day. And solitaire soothes me… I'm weird. 😉

        Oh god that is funny about Bohemian Rhapsody at the mental facility! Why would they even allow that as an option. I'm imagining you singing that and then at the part where it rocks out all those people freaking out just start jumping up and down and headbanging. That's probably my favorite song ever, btw. And that's funny they had that book, too… maybe to see if anyone has any perspective on their own situation?? I think I'm gonna have to read those books I mentioned too. Unfinished business…. Grr.

        1. Oh yeah…it got pretty crazy. Honestly, most of the people were perfectly "normal" in the sense that we weren't like incoherent or anything. We did a lot of sitting around and talking to each other. This may sound weird, but sometimes we really had a lot of fun because it was so free in there. We all said whatever we wanted because how much worse could it get? We were already locked up. lol

          1. have you ever read any Ellen Hopkins books? I absolutely LOVE her. She's probably my favorite author. There's a book called impulse that you might like. It's about teens in a mental hospital and that's actually how I imagine it to be inside one of those places now. Sounds kinda like what you just said.

            1. Yeah…it's totally not like what you see in movies. I've only been in two different ones but had 3 total stays. I felt so good in there after the first 2 days because you have a routine and you just have to go with the flow. They do a lot of group therapy stuff which I only participated in during my last stay. I think it helps to give you perspective and to know that you're not the only one with issues. I got super close to this man in there but I never went to visit him because I knew he wouldn't want to see me. As much as we got along, I think he just wanted me to move forward. I always wonder where he is now…or if he's even still alive. He had way more issues than a lot of people in there so it wouldn't surprise me if he had tried to hurt himself again. Anyway, I'm not trying to be all depressing or make light of that stuff…it's just a very surreal experience and it's kind of a weight off my shoulders to share that on here since very few people in my life know about it.

              1. That's ok with me. I find it all fascinating actually. That's part of why I liked that book so much. I'm sure it was dramatized and glamorized to some extent but I felt like it was probably pretty close to real life. I am one of those people who think about people from my past a lot so if I were in your situation I would probably never forget about him. Hopefully he dealt with his issues and is doing much better now.

  12. I have not read the book, but like you, even if I start reading a crappy book, I feel powerfully compelled to finish it. The only 2 books I’ve ever not finished were Drive (which was subsequently made into a Ryan Gosling movie) and Stranger in a Strange Land. I liked the beginning of that book, but then it got too weird and I lost interest and left it unread. Even still those books being unfinished bothers me so I think I’m going to need to read the rest of them just to get it off my mind. Plus, Drive is really short, like MAYBE 200 pages so lord knows I can read that in a couple of hours. I’m a crazy fast and also super voracious reader. If I read one 50 shades book, no matter how craptacular (and I’m hearing more and more how bad it is, including but not limited to your post) I’d be reading all 3 of them. People who try to legitimize them and be all “It is NOT! These are good books!!” when I say, “oh you’re reading the mommy porn book” make me wanna barf and beat them over the head with a better book. Don’t get me wrong, I like a salacious brainless book as much as the next girl (ever read Anita Blake Vampire Hunter?) but typos and a nonsensical plot and lame sex scene combined with a character that already annoys me even though I’ve only read a couple of sentences that you said about her.. can’t do it. Thanks for saving me the embarrassment of even contemplating checking it out from the library.

    1. Ok, you just reminded me of an unfinished book and now I am totally obsessing over it. At one of the looney bins I was in (it was just 3 days cause they put a hold on me), I picked up Wide Sargasso Sea which, if you’re not familiar with it, is a prequel to Jayne Eyre told from the crazy woman’s viewpoint. Anyway, it was super interesting but I got released before I finished it and then I just forgot about it. AAAHHHHHHH!!! Must get this book. Why did they have this book at a mental hospital? I mean, the chick is batshit crazy in it. Hmmm. It reminds me of when they made us do karaoke at another psych ward and they got mad when I started singing Bohemian Rhapsody:

      Too late, my time has come,
      Sends shivers down my spine, body’s aching all the time.
      Goodbye, everybody, I’ve got to go,
      Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth.
      Mama, ooh, I don’t want to die,
      I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all.

      They were not amused and I riled up some of the other patients. lol

      I’ve never even heard of Anita Blake! Is it a series of books?

      Also, if you have an ereader and want to read the 50 shades books, I can email them to you.

      And LOL at mommy porn.

      1. I do not have an eReader but thanks for the offer. I like the feeling of a real paper book. Just like I like the feeling of cards in my hands. Is that weird? I think I could shuffle a deck of cards all day. And solitaire soothes me… I’m weird. 😉

        Oh god that is funny about Bohemian Rhapsody at the mental facility! Why would they even allow that as an option. I’m imagining you singing that and then at the part where it rocks out all those people freaking out just start jumping up and down and headbanging. That’s probably my favorite song ever, btw. And that’s funny they had that book, too… maybe to see if anyone has any perspective on their own situation?? I think I’m gonna have to read those books I mentioned too. Unfinished business…. Grr.

        1. Oh yeah…it got pretty crazy. Honestly, most of the people were perfectly “normal” in the sense that we weren’t like incoherent or anything. We did a lot of sitting around and talking to each other. This may sound weird, but sometimes we really had a lot of fun because it was so free in there. We all said whatever we wanted because how much worse could it get? We were already locked up. lol

          1. have you ever read any Ellen Hopkins books? I absolutely LOVE her. She’s probably my favorite author. There’s a book called impulse that you might like. It’s about teens in a mental hospital and that’s actually how I imagine it to be inside one of those places now. Sounds kinda like what you just said.

            1. Yeah…it’s totally not like what you see in movies. I’ve only been in two different ones but had 3 total stays. I felt so good in there after the first 2 days because you have a routine and you just have to go with the flow. They do a lot of group therapy stuff which I only participated in during my last stay. I think it helps to give you perspective and to know that you’re not the only one with issues. I got super close to this man in there but I never went to visit him because I knew he wouldn’t want to see me. As much as we got along, I think he just wanted me to move forward. I always wonder where he is now…or if he’s even still alive. He had way more issues than a lot of people in there so it wouldn’t surprise me if he had tried to hurt himself again. Anyway, I’m not trying to be all depressing or make light of that stuff…it’s just a very surreal experience and it’s kind of a weight off my shoulders to share that on here since very few people in my life know about it.

              1. That’s ok with me. I find it all fascinating actually. That’s part of why I liked that book so much. I’m sure it was dramatized and glamorized to some extent but I felt like it was probably pretty close to real life. I am one of those people who think about people from my past a lot so if I were in your situation I would probably never forget about him. Hopefully he dealt with his issues and is doing much better now.

  13. Just a response to your comment above re: guy on the plane: EXACTLY!
    And Drive is an excellent, albeit intensely violent, movie!
    And I am also "a crazy fast and super voracious reader!" And it also kind of bugs me not to finish a book or movie.

    1. I haven't finished Inception. Yes, it bugs the hell out of me.

      I think my brother was complaining about how Drive sucked but because I lurve Ryan Gossling, I might have to check it out.

      That guy maybe was just trying to understand what everyone was talking about….maybe his gf was all into it and he wanted to share that with her. NOT!

  14. Just a response to your comment above re: guy on the plane: EXACTLY!
    And Drive is an excellent, albeit intensely violent, movie!
    And I am also “a crazy fast and super voracious reader!” And it also kind of bugs me not to finish a book or movie.

    1. I haven’t finished Inception. Yes, it bugs the hell out of me.

      I think my brother was complaining about how Drive sucked but because I lurve Ryan Gossling, I might have to check it out.

      That guy maybe was just trying to understand what everyone was talking about….maybe his gf was all into it and he wanted to share that with her. NOT!

  15. Ran out of replies again!
    "Just remember to put yourself first because, honestly, most employers don’t give a crap about their employees at the end of the day. They may say they do, but it’s all about the bottom line." I COMPLETELY agree. I always felt guilt at the idea of leaving, but now I know they'll be no emotional aspect whatsoever…they'll just say OK and leave now (I know this because they laid off my friend on Friday and that's exactly how it went).
    The withdrawal definitely sucked, especially given all the other crap that has happened this year, but it doesn't turn me against SSRIs completely. I had made it far enough along that I wanted to try out being off of them for a while (I'd been on it I guess about 2+ years). I feel OK now (somehow…despite the year from hell!), but am not against going on them again should I feel I need to. I think they're cyclical, but obviously it all depends. I think if you have an issue that concerns you enough, then yes, the meds are effective at addressing it.
    "Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era. "

    1. Sometimes companies are just brutal that way. I think I fired around 8-9 people at my last job and it NEVER got easy despite how many reasons they gave me to let them go. That really sucks about your friend. 🙁 I hope she gets something soon but I'm kinda relieved for her that she doesn't have to be there and go through all the day to day drama. You'll find a way out soon…just don't let it all get to you and know that it's temporary while you find something better.

      I'm glad that you're not against going on them again if you need them. Honestly, I think you're doing well because if you weren't, all your recent stress would have made you crumble. I think that's the scariest part for me about eventually going off my meds: what if I break down again at the slightest signs of stress. I feel like I can't trust myself anymore.

      – What is that? Smells like a turd covered in burnt hair.
      – Smells like Bigfoot's dick!

  16. Ran out of replies again!
    “Just remember to put yourself first because, honestly, most employers don’t give a crap about their employees at the end of the day. They may say they do, but it’s all about the bottom line.” I COMPLETELY agree. I always felt guilt at the idea of leaving, but now I know they’ll be no emotional aspect whatsoever…they’ll just say OK and leave now (I know this because they laid off my friend on Friday and that’s exactly how it went).
    The withdrawal definitely sucked, especially given all the other crap that has happened this year, but it doesn’t turn me against SSRIs completely. I had made it far enough along that I wanted to try out being off of them for a while (I’d been on it I guess about 2+ years). I feel OK now (somehow…despite the year from hell!), but am not against going on them again should I feel I need to. I think they’re cyclical, but obviously it all depends. I think if you have an issue that concerns you enough, then yes, the meds are effective at addressing it.
    “Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era. “

    1. Sometimes companies are just brutal that way. I think I fired around 8-9 people at my last job and it NEVER got easy despite how many reasons they gave me to let them go. That really sucks about your friend. 🙁 I hope she gets something soon but I’m kinda relieved for her that she doesn’t have to be there and go through all the day to day drama. You’ll find a way out soon…just don’t let it all get to you and know that it’s temporary while you find something better.

      I’m glad that you’re not against going on them again if you need them. Honestly, I think you’re doing well because if you weren’t, all your recent stress would have made you crumble. I think that’s the scariest part for me about eventually going off my meds: what if I break down again at the slightest signs of stress. I feel like I can’t trust myself anymore.

      – What is that? Smells like a turd covered in burnt hair.
      – Smells like Bigfoot’s dick!

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