EDIT: There seems to be some conflicting information as to whether this is legit or not. I can say that I do tend to get tons of freebies so I am a bit of a risk taker. I would not, however, click on any links they might send me or something of that nature. I hope this is a legit freebie. Please use your own discretion when filling things out online.
Hi Ladies! I just submitted my request for a free bottle of Nails Inc. nail polish thanks to another master enabler who let me in on the deal. It looks like they still have polish available so head on over to Amazing Beauty and fill out their form. Hey, it’s free so it’s worth a shot, right? They have 6 different colors to choose from
I just did it, so hoping it is legit!!
Thanks for the info!
Miranda recently posted..stila: stay all day foundation, concealer & brush set Review + FOTD
I hope so too. Fingers crossed!
Cynthia recently posted..Deal Alert: Free Nails Inc. Nail Polish
AH! Thanx for this Cynthia!
I filled out my form. Hopefully they’ll ship to sunny South Africa
I hope it works! A few people are saying it’s not a real freebie so maybe it’s just fake.

Cynthia recently posted..Deal Alert: Free Nails Inc. Nail Polish
Some of the ladies in a polish group on facebook checked into this & last I heard them say of it, Nails Inc had sold their domain (or something like that). So pretty much whomever this is was just trying to get peoples info…sorry, I signed up too
I also remember seeing a picture of this ad with a huge red ban sign on it (a circle with a slash thru it)! Just thought I’d let you know.
Ahhhh…poop. In the freebie world, it’s really hard to tell what’s real and what isn’t. I hope it’s real but I’m not holding my breath after reading all these comments.
Cynthia recently posted..Deal Alert: Free Nails Inc. Nail Polish
Well there’s a catch of course u have to pay shipping I just got an email
Really? I haven’t gotten any email yet. A few people who did it a while ago told me that they got an email confirmation (not asking for money) and someone else was told to click through their website and check our their sponsors for free shipping. Hmmm….this is sounding fishy.
Cynthia recently posted..Deal Alert: Free Nails Inc. Nail Polish
Ok sorry maybe I’m not understanding the email I copied and pasted what they sent to me I thought it was saying we’ll send once we do something with sponsers ok I guess I don’t understand but under you’ll see what they sent me me help me understand. I thought maybe alittle fishy but I was hopeful 2. Sorry if I said something that might not be true.
We would like to start by saying a big thank you for applying for your free nail polish from
We will start shipping the requests within 14 days –
in the mean time please re-visit the above web address and click through our sponsors whom are delighted to pay
for the postage costs enabling this wonderful full size nails inc polish to be shipped to you !
Once done so your click will be recorded and we will move your request to our dispatching team.
We hope you enjoy your chosen shade !
From all at the Nail’s inc promo team x
ps – DO NOT be tempted to apply for this gift again while back on our page – multiple orders will be erased
and we do not want any-one to miss out ! Thanks Once Again
Yes, this is what someone else mentioned. I guess it sounds like they want you to see other offers from sponsors…kind of like when you get offers that you can just click and say “pass” when you are on certain websites. I have no idea if this is going to work or not. Honestly, I don’t find it risky because it’s not like they were asking for social security numbers or anything, but it is annoying if it’s just a scam for them to harvest information and spam our emails.
Hopefully it works.
Yes I hope it does 2 we’ll see soon enough
hmm.. I signed up for this a couple of days ago when it was going around on Facebook. I never got a confirmation email. Figures you have to pay shipping.. and then is it still a scam? Wouldn’t do it.
I never got an email confirmation. Some people got emails saying their polish is on its way, others are being told they have to pay for shipping and other are being asked to revisit the website and click through their sponsor offers in order to qualify for free shipping. Definitely weird.
Oh man,i hope this is not a scam or whatsoever cause i already joined,and it says it also ships worldwide so i fill in my details asap

Nicole recently posted..My Nail Polish Online’s Giveaway – Oh Splat!
I hope it’s legit. I guess we are just going to have to wait and find out.