Did you know that the hydrangea is the 4th wedding anniversary flower? I didn’t. I didn’t even know there were “anniversary flowers” to begin with. Who comes up with this stuff? I mean, isn’t it completely arbitrary? Maybe I can start saying that a can of Hormel Chili is the new 1st anniversary present. Forget the whole “paper” thing. I mean, what’s more romantic than a can of Hormel Chili? Despite my annoyance with certain weird traditions, I have to admit that hydrangeas are gorgeous.
Hydrangea Kiss is the only color that I purchased from the Color Club Spring 2012 Blossoming Collection, and I don’t know what really attracted me to it. Yeah, it’s pretty but is it really unique? Not really.
I don’t know if it’s the same with other polishes from this collection, but I found that the formula was a little thin and sheer. The first coat was seriously like a wash of color on my nails. I ended up applying 3 coats because the second coat dragged a bit, and I had to even it all out. It’s important to let the polish dry a bit in between coats to avoid this.
Are you surprised that I did more stamping? I used a design on BM 314 to stamp the area between the silver striping tape. I bought my striping tape on eBay, and it doesn’t seem to stick very well. I wonder if maybe the heat from the trip from Hong Kong made the glue go bad. It was definitely a pain to manipulate the tape, and it was almost curling up on a couple of areas. Ugh! Still, I really like how this turned out.
Did you purchase any colors from this Color Club collection? What do you think of these nails? Let me know what you think about this and my Hormel Chili idea.
Love your idea!
Which one? I have many. lol
What attracted you to it… uhhh maybe cuz it's nail polish?!?! ;p Oh my goodness if you like hydrangeas you would LOVE the ones in my front yard. They are who knows how old and are seriously the size of a basketball. They're so beautiful!!! I wanted to make the bush a little smaller tho so a couple of weeks ago I pruned it (before it bloomed) so I only have a couple of flowers right now but they are seriously HUGE! My calla lillies are huge also- honestly at LEAST 4 feet tall and the flowers are probably the diameter of a dessert plate. I love them.
Oh and I also love your little stamping between the striping tape. That would drive me crazy though that it's like all un-stuck and stuff. They look nice in your pictures tho!
Very cute combo!
I loooooooooooooooove calla lilies. I love flowers so much, but I dont have any kind of green thumb. I kill ever single plant I ever come in contact with. I killed bamboo. Yes, you read correctly: bamboo. How does that even happen? Your flowers sound awesome. You should take pics of them!!!! The stripping take is driving me bonkers. I think I'm going to throw all of it away and buy some at my nail place to see if it's better. I hate being wasteful.
I don't like being wasteful but I also hate stuff that doesn't work properly. It's failure to behave drives me crazy. I think I took some pics of my callas when they were in good bloom. They bloomed so early this year so now they're in need of dead heading. Maybe if my neighbors weren't always on their porch giving me an audience I'd have deadheaded them today instead of just laying out in the sun. You can get a tan doing yard work too, but shhhhh don't tell my husband.
Hey, laying out in the sun sounds like a great plan to me. lol I always try to make things work but end up getting pissed and annoyed so it kind of backfires on me anyway.
I do the same thing. Booo to wanting to will things into submission!
I want this color!!!! I love it!
Love this colour! It looks quite similar to blue bell walk by nails inc.
You're right! It does look similar…yet I still want the nails inc. version. lol
Love your idea!
Which one? I have many. lol
What attracted you to it… uhhh maybe cuz it’s nail polish?!?! ;p Oh my goodness if you like hydrangeas you would LOVE the ones in my front yard. They are who knows how old and are seriously the size of a basketball. They’re so beautiful!!! I wanted to make the bush a little smaller tho so a couple of weeks ago I pruned it (before it bloomed) so I only have a couple of flowers right now but they are seriously HUGE! My calla lillies are huge also- honestly at LEAST 4 feet tall and the flowers are probably the diameter of a dessert plate. I love them.
Oh and I also love your little stamping between the striping tape. That would drive me crazy though that it’s like all un-stuck and stuff. They look nice in your pictures tho!
Very cute combo! 
I loooooooooooooooove calla lilies. I love flowers so much, but I dont have any kind of green thumb. I kill ever single plant I ever come in contact with. I killed bamboo. Yes, you read correctly: bamboo. How does that even happen? Your flowers sound awesome. You should take pics of them!!!! The stripping take is driving me bonkers. I think I’m going to throw all of it away and buy some at my nail place to see if it’s better. I hate being wasteful.
I don’t like being wasteful but I also hate stuff that doesn’t work properly. It’s failure to behave drives me crazy. I think I took some pics of my callas when they were in good bloom. They bloomed so early this year so now they’re in need of dead heading. Maybe if my neighbors weren’t always on their porch giving me an audience I’d have deadheaded them today instead of just laying out in the sun. You can get a tan doing yard work too, but shhhhh don’t tell my husband.
Hey, laying out in the sun sounds like a great plan to me. lol I always try to make things work but end up getting pissed and annoyed so it kind of backfires on me anyway.
I do the same thing. Booo to wanting to will things into submission!
i like how it looks with the stamps and silver tape.
i think i can get that tape on a "sederia", but all this sederias are closing in Panama..
I didn't know that anniversaries has flowers.. last year was my 4th and I received sunflowers, which are my favorite flower.
I think sunflowers are gorgeous! Congrats on your 4 years!
sunflowers are the best..!! thanks, this year, in september will be my 5th anniversary, we're going to celebrate on Chicago and Lollapalooza!!
That sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy your trip!
I want this color!!!! I love it!
Why has no one weighed in yet on the most pressing issue, which is the appropriateness of a can of Hormel chili for a first wedding anniversary gift? I wholeheartedly support this idea.
Another similarity between you and I: I cannot keep plants alive to save my own life. Literally. If keeping a plant alive were the deciding factor between me living and dying, I would die. Hmm…that's striking me as kind of freaky to think about, for some reason…I hope I never get in that situation!
ANYWAY…the nails! I like this color and feel like I have a similar ChG…Secret Periwinkle, maybe? Doing the detail on these would drive me BONKERS. They remind me of a wedding, for some reason, but maybe that's because you were talking about weddings.
Hormel Chili. You heard it here first, people.
That's what I'm saying. People will only recognize my genius after I die. Hormel Chili for president 2016…that is all.
I agree that Secret Periwinkle is really close to this color…it's a little darker and the formula is way better so I'd definitely pass if you have the CG one.
What is it with us and plants? It actually makes me sad. I used to have like these little cactus plants and they also died. How can I kill cactus and bamboo?
Now that you mention it, they kind of do have a bridal feel to them. Gross! lol
Love this colour! It looks quite similar to blue bell walk by nails inc.
You’re right! It does look similar…yet I still want the nails inc. version. lol
LOL My cousin (who I don't like at ALL) is having her 1st anniversary soon. Maybe I should send her a box of chili… But it tastes good…so maybe I'll send her a case of spam.
This is a very delicate color. It's a shame the formula isnt very nice.
Hey, I kinda like spam. lol I was going to suggest a flaming bag of poop a la Billy Madison but that would be taking it too far and she is family, after all…right??
I know…I hate it when I get a pretty nail polish but the formula bites.
LOL I was waiting for the "Hey, I like SPAM" comment from someone
Meh, if I was dying of thirst the bitch wouldn't even piss on me, so the feeling is mutual. Dog poop it is. XD
Haha…of course I had to like spam. I think I acquired a taste for it even more when I went to Hawaii. Oh boy…that's spam land.
i like how it looks with the stamps and silver tape.
i think i can get that tape on a “sederia”, but all this sederias are closing in Panama..
I didn’t know that anniversaries has flowers.. last year was my 4th and I received sunflowers, which are my favorite flower.
I think sunflowers are gorgeous! Congrats on your 4 years!
sunflowers are the best..!! thanks, this year, in september will be my 5th anniversary, we’re going to celebrate on Chicago and Lollapalooza!!
That sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy your trip!
Why has no one weighed in yet on the most pressing issue, which is the appropriateness of a can of Hormel chili for a first wedding anniversary gift? I wholeheartedly support this idea.
Another similarity between you and I: I cannot keep plants alive to save my own life. Literally. If keeping a plant alive were the deciding factor between me living and dying, I would die. Hmm…that’s striking me as kind of freaky to think about, for some reason…I hope I never get in that situation!
ANYWAY…the nails! I like this color and feel like I have a similar ChG…Secret Periwinkle, maybe? Doing the detail on these would drive me BONKERS. They remind me of a wedding, for some reason, but maybe that’s because you were talking about weddings.
Hormel Chili. You heard it here first, people.
That’s what I’m saying. People will only recognize my genius after I die. Hormel Chili for president 2016…that is all.
I agree that Secret Periwinkle is really close to this color…it’s a little darker and the formula is way better so I’d definitely pass if you have the CG one.
What is it with us and plants? It actually makes me sad. I used to have like these little cactus plants and they also died. How can I kill cactus and bamboo?
Now that you mention it, they kind of do have a bridal feel to them. Gross! lol
LOL My cousin (who I don’t like at ALL) is having her 1st anniversary soon. Maybe I should send her a box of chili… But it tastes good…so maybe I’ll send her a case of spam.
This is a very delicate color. It’s a shame the formula isnt very nice.
Hey, I kinda like spam. lol I was going to suggest a flaming bag of poop a la Billy Madison but that would be taking it too far and she is family, after all…right??
I know…I hate it when I get a pretty nail polish but the formula bites.
LOL I was waiting for the “Hey, I like SPAM” comment from someone
Meh, if I was dying of thirst the bitch wouldn’t even piss on me, so the feeling is mutual. Dog poop it is. XD
Haha…of course I had to like spam. I think I acquired a taste for it even more when I went to Hawaii. Oh boy…that’s spam land.
I like this color, very pretty and girly. Did you know that hydrangeas change color depending on the acidity of the soil? They turn from pink to blue or vice versa.
I did read that on wikipedia!
I didn't know about it before I read it there, though. I think it's totally cool. I really wish I could keep plants/flowers alive.
I like this color, very pretty and girly. Did you know that hydrangeas change color depending on the acidity of the soil? They turn from pink to blue or vice versa.
I did read that on wikipedia!
I didn’t know about it before I read it there, though. I think it’s totally cool. I really wish I could keep plants/flowers alive.