I think it is abundantly clear how much I was anticipating this collection: I was drooling like Pavlov’s dogs whenever I heard China Glaze and Hunger Games used in the same sentence. When I finally got the whole collection, I was so excited to start playing with all the colors. Without further ado…here are the swatches. Enjoy!
Agro is a dark olive green. It’s shimmery and absolutely gorgeous. This is the kind of color that I need in my collection because how many purples can a person possibly need? A MILLION!!!!! I can’t wait to do some crazy stuff with this color.
Dress Me Up is a very soft and demure color. It makes me think of how Cinna dressed up Katniss to be super girlie and pretty. This is a pretty, creamy color that I am sure I will use often. It’s work appropriate for sure.
Electrify is just a gold and red glitter. There’s not much to say about this. Personally I am not a big fan of glitter. It has to be really unique in order for me to like it so I don’t find this exciting at all. I only applied 2 coats and I’m sure it would take another 2 coats to completely coat my nails. I can see myself layering this on top of another color instead of wearing it on its own. This is kinda like Twinkle Lights minus the green.
Fast Track is pretty…kind of like Classic Camel. This looks great in direct sunlight. Wearing it would make me feel like I’m age appropriate unlike other glitter explosions. Again, the formula was great.
I hate Foie Gras…not the polish, but the food. I really find it gross. There really isn’t anything that excites me about this color. It’s slightly purple and brown in the vein of Metro Chic. I like those dusty brown/purple polishes but haven’t we had enough of them already?
Harvest Moon is one of the polishes I was excited about when I first saw the promo pictures. It’s a coppery shimmer dream that glides onto the nail. I like it. I like it a lot. I know you were thinking of this when you read that:
Oh, you weren’t? Well, whatever. The color is awesome and I don’t care what you think!
Hook And Line is what Color Club Boho Mojo could have been. This was definitely not as difficult to apply as Boho Mojo but it’s still frosty…Frosty…FROSTY! I kind of hate frosty colors but sometimes wear them anyway because I’m psycho that way. I can deal with this color and it might even grow on me after a while. It was freaky streaky when I first applied it but it looked better once it started to dry.
Luxe And Lush is made to be a topcoat. I don’t have anything that looks like this so I’ll definitely be experimenting with it. I kind of like the way it looks on it’s own. It remind me of broken glass…feels just like I’m walking on broken glass. Ah, Annie Lennox you evil bitch. Every time I think of her album Diva I just want to jump off a bridge. That song and Why? just wreck me. Anyway, yeah…me likey the polish.
I don’t really know how I feel about Mahogany Magic. It’s another one of those colors that I call inspired by baby poop. It’s just kinda gross but it could grow on me. I meant the polish, not the baby turds. The formula was divine on this one as well.
Riveting! Hello, goygeous! I freaking love this one so hard. First of all, I’m all into oranges this season and this one does not disappoint. I don’t know why I keep thinking of Orange Jell-o when I look at this. It had a perfect formula as well.
Smoke And Ashes is such a dark color that looks green, blue and black all at once. I had one heck of a time taking a decent picture of this color so it was super annoying. I like how cold this color seems…if that makes sense.
Stone Cold is a matter dream. I have a few matte polishes and they are always so incredibly hard to work with. You have to work super fast or else it gets goopy and then your nails look like a hot mess. This looked perfect with one coat. I will not defile this polish by adding a coat of Seche Vite.
So what do I think about this collection? I like it. I’m not gonna lie and say that my love of The Hunger Games didn’t make me obsess about getting my hands on this collection. Overall, there are some colors that I would pass on such as: Mahogany Magic, Hook and Line, Foie Gras and Electrify. If you have similar colors, I would also pass on Dress Me up and Luxe and Lush. The other six polishes are right up my alley, and I love them. Why do so many collections have to keep popping ? Damn you, China Glaze! So what do you think? What colors are you going to get, if any? Let me know! It makes my day to hear about what other nail polish freaks want to get. Sad, right?
damn you China Glaze is right!!!!!! They need to stop coming out with new colors! There aren't enough hours in the day or nails on your fingers for all of them!
Ugh, I should have gotten Agro and Stone Cold too! I was on the fence with them, stupid me lol. These are now on my radar.
lol…It's so hard to not want everything! Do you have a favorite so far? Thanks for stopping by!
Haven't even gotten any yet
I ordered them online so they are still on their merry way to me. Im pretty sure Riveting will be my favorite since I've been drooling over it since the first press releases.
damn you China Glaze is right!!!!!! They need to stop coming out with new colors! There aren’t enough hours in the day or nails on your fingers for all of them!
So….I was on my way to Little Saigon when my husband asked where I was going…so of course he talked me out of buying anything due to the move, no paycheck for the next 3 weeks, etc…BWAH! I hate being an adult. But if, if, if I could buy some of the colors, I would pick up Dress Me Up and Fast Track. Thanks for swatching!!!
Well, yeah…you have to be responsible. BLAH! Yeah, being an adult sucks big time.
Those are good choices and they will still be around for later just waiting for you.
Ugh, I should have gotten Agro and Stone Cold too! I was on the fence with them, stupid me lol. These are now on my radar.
lol…It’s so hard to not want everything! Do you have a favorite so far? Thanks for stopping by!
Haven’t even gotten any yet
I ordered them online so they are still on their merry way to me. Im pretty sure Riveting will be my favorite since I’ve been drooling over it since the first press releases.
You swatching machine!! You got em all done, and they look great. I actually really liked Mahogany Magic, but I can see the baby poop reference, haha. I am with you on Electrify.. it's glitter. I mean, I DO like glitter, but idk… this one with the 75% gold/ 25% red is just not doing much for me. I wore it today but honestly I'm just like "ehhhh…" It's like OPI Gift of Gold, only too red. It reminds me of Christmas, which is out of season and is just like "fine". It dries super smooth for a glitter tho, which I definitely appreciate.
And for me, Riveting was kinda a loser! I really love the color but at least the bottle I got was so sheer I wore like 4 medium coats and still had a hint of VNL.
I LOVE the color tho so I'll have to wear some matching undies with it and see if that helps. It's such a deep, reddish orange and I love it, so I want it to work. I love China Glaze. I think I'll still pass on the frosty/oily Hook and Line but I might end up getting Stone Cold, although at least at some point I WILL defile mine with shiny topcoat :p I promise not to tell you.
I'm surprised you got vnl after 4 coats. I used 2 coats on all my swatches and Riveting was opaque. Maybe my coats were thick? But yeah…the color is to die for.
I think Stone Cold will look really awesome shiny…but it just looks so awesome matte. I'll shield my eyes when you put some seche vite on it.
I used a pretty thin first coat, but then thickened up quickly. Who knows, maybe I'm crazy. We'll see when I wear it agian… cuz I WILL wear it again.
So….I was on my way to Little Saigon when my husband asked where I was going…so of course he talked me out of buying anything due to the move, no paycheck for the next 3 weeks, etc…BWAH! I hate being an adult. But if, if, if I could buy some of the colors, I would pick up Dress Me Up and Fast Track. Thanks for swatching!!!
Well, yeah…you have to be responsible. BLAH! Yeah, being an adult sucks big time.
Those are good choices and they will still be around for later just waiting for you. 
You swatching machine!! You got em all done, and they look great. I actually really liked Mahogany Magic, but I can see the baby poop reference, haha. I am with you on Electrify.. it’s glitter. I mean, I DO like glitter, but idk… this one with the 75% gold/ 25% red is just not doing much for me. I wore it today but honestly I’m just like “ehhhh…” It’s like OPI Gift of Gold, only too red. It reminds me of Christmas, which is out of season and is just like “fine”. It dries super smooth for a glitter tho, which I definitely appreciate.
And for me, Riveting was kinda a loser! I really love the color but at least the bottle I got was so sheer I wore like 4 medium coats and still had a hint of VNL.
I LOVE the color tho so I’ll have to wear some matching undies with it and see if that helps. It’s such a deep, reddish orange and I love it, so I want it to work. I love China Glaze. I think I’ll still pass on the frosty/oily Hook and Line but I might end up getting Stone Cold, although at least at some point I WILL defile mine with shiny topcoat :p I promise not to tell you. 
I’m surprised you got vnl after 4 coats. I used 2 coats on all my swatches and Riveting was opaque. Maybe my coats were thick? But yeah…the color is to die for.
I think Stone Cold will look really awesome shiny…but it just looks so awesome matte. I’ll shield my eyes when you put some seche vite on it.
I used a pretty thin first coat, but then thickened up quickly. Who knows, maybe I’m crazy. We’ll see when I wear it agian… cuz I WILL wear it again.
Great swatches. Love Fast Track and Dress Me Up. Personally I don't like glitter nail polishes because it's too much work to take off.
I feel the same way! It has to be a really special glitter for me to deal with the pain of removal.
Great swatches. Love Fast Track and Dress Me Up. Personally I don’t like glitter nail polishes because it’s too much work to take off.
I feel the same way! It has to be a really special glitter for me to deal with the pain of removal.