China Glaze Classic Chromes – #vintagepolishfriday

Hello dear readers, and welcome to another installment of Vintage Polish Friday. I was looking through my melmers trying to decide what polish to use for today, and I really wanted to use one of the many China Glaze Classic Chromes that I picked up a few years ago. I feel very lucky that I seem to have access to a lot of dusties, but I haven’t been to any in a while. When I found these, I picked up quite a few bottles as well as some Aroma CafΓ© polishes. I get so excited when I find fun old polishes like these. Unfortunately, sometimes the formula isn’t exactly nice when the polish is this old. Let me show you some swatches below.



China Glaze Classic Chromes

China Glaze Classic Chromes

China Glaze Classic Chromes

There is very limited information on the China Glaze Classic Chromes line and I have no idea when this polish was released. Chrome polish is definitely my least favorite finish because it’s so brushstroke-y and it shows every imperfection on your nails. Despite how old this polish is, the formula was ok and didn’t need any thinner. I did have to shake this to high heaven to mix it up, and yet I still had little flecks of pigment that would not dissolve. By the time they got on my nails, I couldn’t brush them off without creating terrible brushstrokes so I just let them be. The color is very vibrant so I like that…but that’s about it. I’ve really been enjoying doing these Vintage Polish Friday posts and hope that I inspire some of you polish collectors to bring out your vintage polishes to share with everyone. If you do decide to join me, don’t forget to use the hashtag #vintagepolishfriday so I can see your manis. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon.


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24 thoughts on “China Glaze Classic Chromes – #vintagepolishfriday

  1. So glad I missed it…
    If you don’t mind changing the ancient one a bit, add a little creme polish in the same shade – you’ll get a satin polish that won’t leave brushstrokes. I did it to all my old pearly polishes. Just an idea.

      1. Let me know how you like it. I had some interesting results, some unique shades – and could keep using those old, out of date polishes. πŸ™‚

  2. I love seeing these older polishes. It’s great that they still get some use, even if they aren’t perfect. (I am not perfect either.)

  3. I agree that chrome polish is my least favorite finish. This ChGl looks so old! The font really dates it.

  4. I remember these China Glaze classic chromes polishes. They were a favorite in the beauty shop. Everybody wanted their nails polished with the pink. I believe they were released about 2004. The collection disappeared just as fast as it appeared. I’ve been searching on and off throughout the years for a color equivalent, but with no luck.

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