Hi everyone! Today I’m super happy to be featuring a blog from a gal whom I adore for all the trouble we get into together on twitter: Amy from The Fancy Side. If you haven’t checked out her blog yet, you should. Go. Do it. Now! If you want to know what she’s like, you have to follow her on twitter as well because the things that come out her mouth are hilarious and I know we are all going to have a good laugh whenever she is involved in the conversation. Not only is she a really fun person to know, but she is also kind, compassionate and is always there to listen and encourage me when I’m having a craptastic day. I hope that you all enjoy the following post.
So, I’m kind of intimidated that I’m here on Cynthia’s blog talking to all of you, but I’ll try to act natural. *Deep Breaths*
I’ve been following Cynthia’s blog for FOR-EVAH, and finally I just decided to force my internet friendship on her. She was a big inspiration behind starting my own blog. So when she asked me to do a Blogger Spotlight, I thought long and hard on what to do. I wanted to do a manicure inspired by Cynthia. There are a lot of things her blog has taught me, but here are 2 of them. 1. Jelly Stamp Sandwiches are fun. 2. Stamping with Holographic polish is AWESOME. I thought to myself, why not combine the two. So here it is.The first picture is the stamp, before being covered with the top layer of the Jelly Polish. The second is the completed sandwich, and the third is outside in the sun so you can see the amazingness that is the sandwich.For this look, I’ve started with two coats of L’Oreals Lolly Jolly, and then stamped it with the Bundle Monster plate BM-203 in Color Club’s Harp on It. For an accent I did a true jelly sandwich with OPI’s Which is Witch?. Finally I topped all off with a final thin layer of Lolly Jolly.I hope you enjoyed this look, and can be inspired by Cynthia, just as I am.
Its totally such a cute manicure! Love it
Amy did great 

Lisa N. recently posted..Hobby Polish Bloggers May Challenge – Nature Inspired
Yes, she did!
This is so cute!!! And I’m glad this posted today because since her blog isn’t wordpress my phone absolutely REFUSES to let me comment on her posts so this will remind me to do that when I get home tonight. Anyway- this looks awesome and I like how the holo stamping shines through the jelly on top. I have flash black which is a good holographic polish but it doesn’t seem to want to stamp for me. I’ll have to give it another try. Thanks for sharing ladies, and thanks for always being hilarious on Twitter.
You know, I think twitter brings the freak out in all of us…it’s like we come up with the funniest shit on there and it’s just all so natural and organic. LOL Since I don’t have a smartphone or anything, how do you comment from your phone? I mean, doesn’t it take forever to write out a comment? I guess it would drive me nutso. lol
I want to print this out, put it on the floor, and roll around in it. This totally made my day. Thanks for being an awesome friend. So glad I forced my internet friendship on you.

Amy recently posted..Blogger Spotlight on Of Life and Lacquer
Do it! Do it! Do it! lol You didn’t have to do much forcing–you know we’re both major weirdos so it was just a matter of time.
She did a great job!
Love the holographic jelly sandwhich! The design is very delicate & feminine. Loved how she “forced friendship” on you. Sometimes you have to do just that and look at the results, you guys are good friends now.
Hehehe…she didn’t do much forcing.
Yet another lovely person I met because of my polish obsession. haha
This is such a nice design, the pattern is nice and subtle but still sparkly!
POW Nails recently posted..Geometric Multicolour Nail Art
I totally agree. It’s not totally in your face but it’s still beautiful.
Very cute mani Amy! Lolly Jolly is giving me a craving for a cherry lollipop…i’m easily influenced

Frosso recently posted..Pomegranate Lacquer Enchanted Lagoon
Gee, thanks…now I want one too. It’s such a cute mani, huh?
SUPER cute mani!
Yes, she did an awesome job!
“…finally I just decided to force my internet friendship on her.” Hahaha!
“…I thought long and hard on what to do.” That’s what she said!!!
Adorable mani and extremely good choice on the holo stamping. I’m always really impressed by that.
Listen to Cynthia..check out Amy’s blog and follow her on Twitter!
That’s what she said…LMAO. Yes, everyone must follow her immediately.