Bettina Nail Enamel – Beautiful Cremes




A couple of weeks ago, I decided to order a bunch of Bettina polishes. Nine polishes, to be exact, and I learned a very important lesson: always google swatches before you order nail polish online. I ordered the whole Bettina Picnic collection sight unseen and I got an unpleasant surprised: they were all shimmers when I thought I was ordering cremes. Don’t get me wrong, they are pretty, but I really had my heart set on cremes since that is my favorite finish. Don’t worry, though: someone already bought the whole collection from me so they will be getting a lot of love in another home. So I ended up with just 3 of the original 9 polishes but don’t feel bad for me because they are the most amazingly creamy and delicious creams my tan chubby fingers have gotten a hold of in a really long time. Let me show you what I’m talking about.

Grape 1

Grape 2

Grape 3


Ocean 1

Ocean 2

Ocean 3

Β Ocean

Peppermint 1

Peppermint 2

Peppermint 3

Β Peppermint

I was not lying when I said that these three polishes are creme perfection. Just look at them!! They are shiny and smooth and oh so pretty. I can never resist a beautiful creme and the formula on these babies is just amazing. I will forever be a Bettina fan and I can’t wait to get my hands on more of these pretties. For those of you who may be interested, you can order Bettina polishes directly from their authorized US Distributor: Rosame Distributors. Each polish retails for $3.59 and there is a minimum order of 6 bottles but no more than 12. You can check out all the colors at and then you can email Janet at with your choices and she will send you a Paypal invoice. Super easy and super fast!

I’m super happy that I have two days off where I can just be lazy and not have to worry about my horrible job. So after work, my brother and I decided to go to Target to purchase some stuff we needed. Since it was too hot to cook, I ended up picking up this massive sandwich for dinner. This meat behemoth is a Torta Cubana:


This is only HALF of the torta and I only ate half of this before I wanted to die from meat overload. This thing had milanesa (breaded/fried steak), chorizo and ham along with all the various topping. Holy crap this is the King of Sandwiches. It made me think of how much Joey liked sandwiches on Friends which then in turn reminds me of one of my favorite episodes:

LMAO!!! I love how he was trying to shield his sandwich from the car backfire that they initially thought was a gunshot. I miss this show!

Well, I hope you’ve had a nice day today.Β  In case you don’t follow me on FB, I am giving away a bottle of Morgan Taylor Lacquer Nautically Inclined. In order to enter, just go to my post for Nautically Inclined here and leave a comment. I will choose a winner on Friday! Good luck and thanks for stopping by today.


17 thoughts on “Bettina Nail Enamel – Beautiful Cremes

  1. Shiny. πŸ™‚ Whenever I see a cream polish with such a glossy finish, it makes me think of candy-coated chocolate. (Perhaps because my nails are the size and shape of m&m’s?) Regardless, those colors look awesome with your tan! I love peppermint; is it similar to Essie’s Avenue Maintain? (Kind of hoping so, or else I may need to buy my first Bettina polish… But at least they’re cheap!)

  2. These are really pretty! I’ve wanted to try Bettina for a long time. I have a question tho- is the blue really called peppermint and the green called ocean or did you type this up drunk or did I read it drunk? If one of us isn’t drunk, that’s pretty ironic! πŸ˜‰ thanks for sharing the distributor’s info. I always wondered how people got Bettinas.
    Nicole recently posted..American Tie Dye (Fourth Of July Nails)My Profile

  3. These polishes really are perfection! gorgeous gorgeous! I always swatch colors online beforehand for that reason too many times I bought them and either were too shimmery and just a topper or it just doesn’t swatch like it looks in the bottle and no one wants that dissapointment. :/
    amanda (mae) recently posted..NOTD 153 – Elevation LaceMy Profile

    1. I always do that so I have no idea why I totally spaced out on this and didn’t google swatches. I guess I just got so excited when I saw the bottle shots on the website that I just jumped the gun.

  4. “…they are the most amazingly creamy and delicious creams my tan chubby fingers have gotten a hold of in a really long time.” Given how much polish comes your way, AND how much you love creams, I’m not certain if Bettina realizes how enormous of a compliment this is, hahaha!
    OMG, that sandwich…it makes me full just looking at it, hahaha.

  5. Mmm, love the Bettina cremes, but couldn’t figure out how to get them, until I stumbled across this post! Thanks!! =D Is there a shipping cost?

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