I literally just finished my tape manicure…just a little late. I have been late with everything lately which is super annoying. I’ve been lacking a lot of inspiration when it comes to my manicures or anything in general, actually. I hope it’s just temporary! So anyway, here is my tape manicure for today’s challenge:
I don’t think that I have used You Belong To Me since the first time I swatched it, and my only question is: WHAT WAS I WAITING FOR??? I really love this color especially because it has this really beautiful hidden shimmer. These pictures make the color look more blue when in real life it has more of a green tone to it. The formula was ok–a little thick but nothing a few drops of thinner can’t fix.
I hope that the following qualifies as a tape manicure? I mean, I did use stripping tape…
I used a sponge to apply Choose Me! over You Belong To Me and the stripping tape I applied in a crisscross pattern.
Sorry, I couldn’t help it. This song was huge when I was in 6th/7th grade and I remember everyone wearing their jeans and sweatshirts backwards. I tried to join in on this fad until my mom made me change and told me to stop acting like a fool. Ahhh…I love my mom. hahaha.
So back to the final mani: I still hate my sponging but I do like the colors. Again, the pictures make everything look more blue than green. Choose Me! is such a pretty polish which is a dupe of OPI Catch Me In Your Net/Zoya Charla/Orly Halley’s Comet/WNW Teal Of Fortune/Sinful Colors Kissy so it is definitely more green than these pictures makes it out to be. The beautiful shimmery flecks make this polish a favorite of mine…along with the other dupes as well.
So, let me know what you think of my tape manicure. Don’t forget to check out the other challenge submissions below as well. Thanks for stopping by–catch up with you later!
I like it. I like that each nail has it’s own design. I’d like to see you do something in fall colors.
I think I can probably do a better sponging job with a polish that isn’t glittery with flecks in it. It was really hard to control and build up. Just for you, I’m going to try a fall one.

Cynthia recently posted..31 Inspired Days of Nail Art – Day 13: Tape Manicure
Pretty! Totally counts as a tape mani
I just got a bunch of striping tape – can’t wait to use it for this purpose! I’;; probably end up using it for this more than leaving it on 
Such a pretty blue <3
Polish Pixelle recently posted..31 Inspired Days of Nail Art: Day 13 ~ Tape Mani
I bought some striping (stripping?) tape on ebay and it came from somewhere in China. It did not work at all. It seemed that the adhesive melted off or something so it would not stick on my nails. I have tried to do a few manis where I leave the tape on but it would just pull up. I won a giveaway from Amanda (Mae’s Beauty Reports) and she included a set of tape that actually works! lol I think this is the only way I will really use it from now on as well. Despite my messy sponging, I really do like it for the colors.

Cynthia recently posted..31 Inspired Days of Nail Art – Day 13: Tape Manicure
Cynthia have you tried 2 or 3 colors on wax paper. Then take a brush dipped in acetone and marry each color where it meets before you dip the sponge in it? I have only done this once but it turned out pretty good. And a side note, I love short nails for nail art. I think the short nails look great! Xoxo
Hi Kami…I have not tried the brush with acetone to marry the colors, but I do swirl the colors a bit where they join with a toothpick so I guess it’s basically the same thing but the acetone must thin the colors out bit. It’s worth a shot!
I am enjoying my short nails right now…I hate having long nails because I tend to really get bad breaks and my nails seems to grow more narrow the longer they get. It’s weird…and I hate the shape.
Cynthia recently posted..OPI Tickle My France-y & We’ll Always Have Paris
Funny that you linked this song, I was just watching that movie with Justin timberlake and that girl and they try to be bed buddies and they end up falling in love, it’s now in my head-again!! This is so pretty, I haven’t tried my striping tape yet, it’s on the to do list now!!
Nicole recently posted..Water Mar-BOO-led the Sequel
That part in FWB is really funny. I think JT has great comedic timing and I really like Mila Kunis as an actress. Oh yes, you must try your stripping tape…I bet you’ll come up with something really awesome.
Cynthia recently posted..OPI Tickle My France-y & We’ll Always Have Paris
It looks cool! I think it’s a better use of striping tape than for actual striping! I think it’d be neat to see the greener tones to it “in real life”, as well.
Big Daddy Mac will make ya…
Jump! Jump! Ahhh…things were so simple back then. Why didn’t I enjoy my life back then when I didn’t have all this grown up shit to worry about?? However, I had a whole bunch of other teen issues that seemed just as crappy back then.
Yes! I was annoyed that the green didn’t come out so well in my pictures. They are both great colors…blue or green.
Cynthia recently posted..OPI Tickle My France-y & We’ll Always Have Paris
I have totally had this thought, as well! I thought things were *so* tough as a teen and now I’m like, man, you were an idiot, haha. I guess it’s just a matter of perspective, but I wish I knew how easy it actually was back then so that I could have enjoyed it!
oooooooo I am loving these blues! I just saw this in my email pop up the other day the preview and I thought they were so pretty, love them!
amanda (mae) recently posted..HMOTD 8 – Pumpkins
Thank you! I do love blue nail polish. I wish my “gradient” had turned out better but I still like it.
This is beautifully done! I should really try using striping tape soon
And now I’ve got the song stuck in my head!
Tessa recently posted..Swatch spam: Pretty Serious Hello World! Collection
Stripping tape is just about the easiest nail art to do ever. You always do such pretty nail looks so I’m sure you’ll do something great with it.