I can’t believe how much swatching I got done this weekend and now I have tons of stuff saved up to show you. I was in a swatching mindset and things were just going my way so that’s how I managed to get so much done. One of the collections that I swatched this weekend is the Zoya Naturel Satins Collection. To be perfectly honest, I was totally expecting to hate this one so hard because I just kind of hate dealing with most matte/satin collections because the formula on them ends up being a huge pain in the ass. Well, I know you are dying to hear what I thought (not), so let me show you my swatches before I get into it.
Ok, let m just say that I really like how these look. They are the perfect in between finish–everything that was promised. Surprisingly, the formula is not horrible but it’s not perfect either. For all of these I applied 1 regular coat and 1 thick coat to smooth everything out. The polish doesn’t set up lighting fast, so you have a little time to play with the polish, but it is also very easy to overwork it and get a super lumpfest. I findt he shades here very lovely and perfectly transitional as they were meant to be. I’m a little torn on these. I guess I can say that I don’t love them, but I don’t hate them either. If these had been regular cremes, I would have lost my marbles over them. I guess I can just top coat them, but I just don’t want to have to fiddle with the finicky formula. If I had to pick a favorite, I would go with Sage or Tove. Overall, I am pleasantly surprised with these and can recommend them if you don’t mind the formula and the finish. You can find these on Zoya.com where each polish retails for $9. What do you think about these? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon.
These look nice. I like how soft and wearable they are.
Lisa N. recently posted..Twinsie Tuesday: Monochromatic
These look really good and make me think “maybe I should try them again, maybe I didn’t give them a fair chance” and then I remember how long they took to dry w the thick coats used to try to smooth them out and I’m like nahhhhh. I think the finish is interesting though, just not my thing. They’re like a LITTLE too shiny I think.
Nicole recently posted..Zoya Naturel Satins
I’m so dead. These look so gorgeous on you! Especially the first two! Great swatches!
Sage was my fav from above too

Bailey recently posted..Where Surf Meets Snow: Revere Beach in the Winter
Interesting finish! For some reason I thought these would look like Matte Velvets and I think I probably would’ve preferred that. This satin finish looks a bit rubbery but still interesting somehow..hmm. I’m torn! Tove is a lovely shade!
Emma/Wastinglifestyle recently posted..Picture Polish Week: Sizzle
Potential for super lumpfest…nooo!
You have a good point that these would’ve been killer as straight cremes (at least in my opinion, haha).