Dear Wen,
I really hope that you live up to all your promises. Every time I see Chaz Dean’s freaky funky face during my late night insomnia infomercial sessions, I keep wondering if you’re really worth the price. Granted I have spent a small fortune trying to figure out what shampoo will work best for my hair but you are kinda pricey so if you don’t work, I’ll be super pissed off.
Crazy Hair Girl
So, I got my first shipment of Wen today which I wasn’t expecting. I had really been interested in getting it but I always found it too pricey. Well, when I saw an ad for it on Swagbucks, I decided to go ahead and do it. In case you’ve never heard of Swagbucks, it is this awesome online search engine where you can earn Swagbucks that you can then redeem for various prizes. I always end up redeeming my points for Amazon Gift Cards or Paypal. It really is a lot more than just a search engine and you can earn points by taking polls, filling out surveys, watching videos and so much more. I’ve actually earned a few hundred dollars in gift cards since I started using it. There really is no catch! If you’d like to check it out and join, you can use my link:
So the main reason I decided to order it was because Swagbucks was offering 1,200 Swagbucks for trying out Wen. (1,200sb is almost enough for $15 in amazon gift cards.) The kit came with the cleansing conditioner, their deep treatment, a wide-toothed comb and two free gifts for $29.99 + free shipping. Pretty cool! This is what came today:
I wanted to use it immediately so I jumped in the shower. I have very short hair (I’ve been sporting a sort of pixie cut for the last 8 months) but it’s very fine, thin and oily. I tend to wash my hair every day…sometimes more than once. Whenever I hear people wash their hair every other day or every two days, I gag. I’m glad they can get away with that but if I tried it, my head would be a grease ball.
I also have a lot of issues with scents so I was worried if it would end up giving me a headache. The scent was not overpowering but it did smell medicinal. Gross. I followed the directions and then proceeded to rinse out my hair thoroughly. I was surprised that my hair actually felt squeaky clean and that the scent went away. Now that my hair is dry, it feels incredibly soft, and it is super manageable which never happens with my hair.
This really isn’t a review yet since I just tried it today. I will be sure to post more info at the first week mark. I really hope this works for my hair!
Can't for your review of Wen..I'm still on the fence. But I sure could use those swagbucks. LOL
I am hopeful!
And yes, those swagbucks sure made me happy.
Aww Chaz Dean doesnt have a freaky face
i love him!! Lol i cznt wait for your review
i love my wen been using it for a 2years and my hair is very healthy. Hope it works for you.
Yes he does!!! He kinda looks like the lion lady that too much plastic surgery. You know he's had work done…a little too much work. Well, I'm not gonna judge…
The two gifts that came with it are in the almond mint scent and they smell so good. The conditioner cleanser in pomegranate doesn't smell too bad and my hair doesn't keep the scent once it's dry so I'm ok with it. I just wonder how greasy my hair will get after a day.
I've been on the fence with trying Wen for a reaaaally long time now. I've gotten as far as putting in my credit card info then backing out. Chaz's face might be my issue…I cant trust a face like that. I still really want to try it though!
LOL!!! I'm glad you understand the face issue. I know it's just my first day using it, but I love how soft my hair feels. With the whole swagbucks deal it really only cost me $19.99 after I cash in my points for gift cards. I couldn't pass it up!
I saw the informercial for Wen the other night and was very tempted to order. I'll wait for your review!
Can’t for your review of Wen..I’m still on the fence. But I sure could use those swagbucks. LOL
I am hopeful!
And yes, those swagbucks sure made me happy.
Aww Chaz Dean doesnt have a freaky face
i love him!! Lol i cznt wait for your review
i love my wen been using it for a 2years and my hair is very healthy. Hope it works for you.
Yes he does!!! He kinda looks like the lion lady that too much plastic surgery. You know he’s had work done…a little too much work. Well, I’m not gonna judge…
The two gifts that came with it are in the almond mint scent and they smell so good. The conditioner cleanser in pomegranate doesn’t smell too bad and my hair doesn’t keep the scent once it’s dry so I’m ok with it. I just wonder how greasy my hair will get after a day.
I’ve been on the fence with trying Wen for a reaaaally long time now. I’ve gotten as far as putting in my credit card info then backing out. Chaz’s face might be my issue…I cant trust a face like that. I still really want to try it though!
LOL!!! I’m glad you understand the face issue. I know it’s just my first day using it, but I love how soft my hair feels. With the whole swagbucks deal it really only cost me $19.99 after I cash in my points for gift cards. I couldn’t pass it up!
I saw the informercial for Wen the other night and was very tempted to order. I’ll wait for your review!