Today I have a new-to-me brand to share with you: Vapour Organic Beauty. I first came across Vapour when I was looking for some new foundation solutions since my skin is incredibly difficult to work with when the winter months arrive. Perusing through their site, I immediately noticed that the also had a line of nail polish so I’m glad to be able to share my experience with the following three products.
Because of my constant swatching and the fact that I am a bit of a clean freak, my hands are constantly beat up. One of the most important and crucial things that you can do for your hands and nails is to keep your cuticles well-moisturized. I always make sure to have a good moisturizing lotion on hand as well as some cuticle oil. Since it has been rather chilly and dry here in Southern California, my cuticles have been in a deplorable state. After using my usual cuticle remover, I proceeded to use Vapour’s Replenish Organic Nail & Cuticle oil. The first thing that I noticed about it is that it has a very pleasing and citrus-y scent. Like all cuticle oils, it is best to really work the product into your nails and cuticles if you don’t want it to just sit there and give your greasy fingers. Replenish is made with a unique collection of high-grade organic oils and botanicals traditionally used for facial treatments including Evening Primrose, Pomegranate Seed Oil and Reishi Mushroom. I felt that Replenish sank in to my skin fairly quickly and my cuticles are still soft and moisturized despite numerous hand-washings throughout the day. Of course you have to keep using the a product like this to see long-term results so I will let you all know what I think down the line.

Ether is an inky midnight blue with some purple tones to it. It also has a shimmery quality that is only visible in direct and bright light. The formula was very nice and easy to control–I didn’t have to do any clean up! While it was a little on the thin side, I only needed two coats for full coverage. The thing that most surprised me about this polish is how incredibly shiny and glossy it dried before I even applied a top coat. Vapour’s Velocity Top Coat is a quick drying top coat, but I did not feel that it gave me the results that I was expecting. While it does dry the polish fairly quickly on the surface and leaves a very glossy finish, I don’t think that it dried the polish completely because 2 hours later, I accidentally bumped my nail and it made an indentation.
Overall, I am very much liking the Replenish nail and cuticle oil and will continue to use it especially during these cold and dry months. Ether is a lovely color that I would wear regularly even if it is not entirely unique. I very much like the formula and finish of the polish even though I didn’t quite get the results I was hoping for with the Velocity quick drying top coat. You can find more information on their diverse product lines by visiting The Replenish cuticle oil, Velocity top coat and Vernissage polishes retail for $12 which is definitely on the pricey side for such tiny bottles. An important note: Vapour Organic Beauty does not test on animals nor are any of the raw ingredients in Vapour tested on animals. Have you ever tried products from Vapour Organic Beauty? Are you familiar with their line of products?
Thanks for checking in with me today and I will talk to you soon. I hope you enjoy your weekend and stay warm!
Disclosure: The products featured in this post were provided to me by the manufacturer or their PR firm. For more information, please see my disclosure tab.
I really like that color and I always love trying new cuticle oils.
My hands have been a complete disaster mess lately, but since my manicures have also been sucking I’m like eh, whatever. I have been trying this new (to me) California Mango cuticle oil I saw at Sally’s and a few other bloggers apparently use but idk if it’s anything special yet. I love the smell, it has that fresh, slightly bitter perfect mango scent to it, but I think my badger cuticle balm still does the most good for my cuticles.
Nicole recently posted..What’s Your Fancy Friday
I still haven’t picked up the badger cuticle balm!! I keep forgetting about it. Today I got my other Julep box and it had this hand and cuticle stick balm or something. I just tried it and it’s super moisturizing and not greasy and OMG it smells sooooooooooooooooooooooo good. So far, the best cuticle oil I have ever used is CND Solar Oil…that stuff is the shiznit.
Loving this color…and I can’t believe you didn’t have to do any clean up. That’s amazing.
I was kind of surprised too! The brush is kind of thin so I was surprised that it applied so well.
Cynthia recently posted..Julep Madison
Love this shade!
Polish Alcoholic recently posted..Splattered “Who’s wearing what”
Thanks! I really like it too.
Cynthia recently posted..Julep Madison
That color is super-sexy on you!
I’m kind of intrigued about the Julep product you mentioned in your reply to Nicole. How does that happen when the post is about another brand?
this color is gorgeous!! I love my Julep rollerball cuticle oil
it smells so good too!
Amanda (mae) recently posted..NOTD 106-Featured Color Friday – Charla