This might be hard for you to believe, but I do not have any thermal polishes. Sure I have some random cheapie solar polishes somewhere in my hoard, but I have not purchased any thermals…until now. I think that my main concern when it comes to thermals is that they have a shelf life so when you have 4,000+ bottles of polish like someone whose name starts with the letter CYNTHIA, it’s almost a waste. However, every time I see swatches of Vapid Lacquer Sweaters N Denim, I just die a little inside for not having it. So of course I put my objections aside and bought this little bottle of autumn gorgeousness. Every time I see this polish, I think of this song:
Before I get too carried away, let me show you my swatches of this polish in both the warm and cold states.
Vapid Lacquer Sweaters N Denim (warm)
Vapid Lacquer Sweaters N Denim (cold)
Vapid Lacquer Sweaters N Denim (transition)
Vapid Lacquer Sweaters N Denim is breathtaking any way you look at it. Because the polish has a nude color in its warm state, it looks a little sheer. It took three coats for the polish to look opaque on my nails but it was well worth it. Since I did not initially know if top coating it would affect the color changing qualities, my swatches do not include a top coat. I was a little giddy watching the polish change colors so of course I had to capture it in this nerdy video:
Pretty, isn’t it? The polish remained in the warm color on my nails unless I ran them under cold water or got close to a cold draft. Considering I live in California and it’s basically never cold here, I guess I will have to console myself with seeing the beautiful coppery shimmery nude most of the time.
How do you feel about thermals? I am still not happy about the short shelf-life, which most people say is about a year, but I really wanted to have Sweaters N Denim in my collection. I don’t see myself buying many other thermals just because I won’t get enough use out of them before they stop changing colors, but I do not regret this purchase. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!
Brand: Vapid Lacquer
Price: $11.00 /15ml
Purchase: Vapid
Cynthia, I see “Who Needs Luck?” was not the only bottle you picked up from Vapid. Sweaters ‘N Denim was my first thermal too. Gorgeous swatches by the way!
Both colors it changes into is pretty!
“like someone whose name starts with the letter CYNTHIA”…lololol.
It will not surprise you that I do not have any thermals for the same reason. I have one Ruby Wing that Fross gave me, but it doesn’t change colors anymore.
Regardless…this is definitely pretty. Reminds me a little bit of Mystic Glacier.