I know that February is a short month, but I’m still shocked that March is right around the corner. I recently got the news that my place will be ready by May 1st which means that I only have to stay at my temporary place for 2 more months. You have no idea how happy this makes me because I’ve felt displaced since December. It has definitely been rough, but I feel like I am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel so I just have to wait it out for 2 more months. So that’s great new for me that has definitely put me in a much better mood–which brings me to other things that put me in good mood: pretty polish! Today I am sharing with you my swatches of KBShimmer Sól What? and their pomegranate sugar scrub. Let’s take a look at my swatches below. Continue reading “KBShimmer Sól What? – PPU & IPU March 2020”
Tag: Indie Pickup

KBShimmer Un-brrr-lievable – PPU & IPU December 2019
Hi all and Happy December! I hope that you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and that you survived Black Friday/Cyber Monday relatively unscathed. I had one helluva a weekend! I finally moved out of the place I had called home for eons and parted ways with my baby brother (who is 29!). He has been living with me pretty much since he was 18 so I can imagine that it will be a huge adjustment for him. On my end, as much as I love him, I was ready to push him (violently) out of the nest. My current living situation is complicated to say the least and it will be around 4-6 months before I can move in to my new permanent place. Trust me, it’s more messy than you can even begin to imagine. To top it all off, I got sick in the middle of all of this and now I’m a snot-filled mess with a cough that doesn’t let me sleep. As always, the timing is impeccably putrid. Since I don’t have much good news today, I’m just going to get to it and share my swatches of KBShimmer Un-brrr-lievable which is this month’s PPU offering. Let’s take a look! Continue reading “KBShimmer Un-brrr-lievable – PPU & IPU December 2019”

KBShimmer The Nothing – PPU & IPU November 2019
Hey there! How are things? I’m doing ok–just chugging along as I watch the year slip through my fingers. Work has been going well so I can’t complain about that. Isn’t it nice to be content with work? I’ve had so many bad jobs in the past that I am just so happy to work at a place that doesn’t make me want to cry. Since we’re nearing November, you know that Polish Pickup is just around the corner. Today I have KBShimmer The Nothing as well as a new yummy sugar scrub to share with you so let’s take a look! Continue reading “KBShimmer The Nothing – PPU & IPU November 2019”