One of the sucky parts about having to be at work at 5 am is that I never want to stay up past 8 or 9 pm which means that I miss all of my favorite shows. A few minutes ago, I finished watching last night’s episodes of The Following and The Blacklist. HOLY CRAPOLA!!! Tom’s true identity coming out shocked the hell out of me and then Claire is alive?! I nearly shit myself and now I have to wait a whole week to see what other information we get. Ughhh!!!! I’m so impatient. I’m currently watching Resurrection which is a new show that I’m liking–as if I needed more shows to add to my list. Anyway…today I have the Zoya Magical Pixie Collection to share with you so I hope you won’t groan because I’m sure you’ve seen a billion swatches of these already. I wasn’t planning on purchasing these because they looked like CHUNK city.
No, not that Chunk. Still, they appeared to be so chunky and thick that I figured I would hate them. Ultimately, I decided to give them a try and figured that they would be perfect for today’s Textured Tuesday which is organized by the lovely Amy from The Fancy Side. Let me share my swatches with you and then I’ll let you know what I really thought…
Soooo…I didn’t hate these. In fact, I think they are quite lovely. If you’re looking for the pretty and fine Pixie Dust finish, move along because they are really chunky and do feel considerably rougher than the Pixie Dusts. While the glitter is chunkier, I found the formula rather easy to control and the glitter does lay flat. Overall, I like these, but I must prefer the finer Pixie Dust formula. I used OPI’s Glitter Off Base Coat (review coming soon) so removal was a breeze, but I can imagine that these are a nightmare to remove on their own. You may also notice the new nail shape here! I’m still getting used to it and I think I filed them down a little too short, but I think that once I get a little more length going, I will really like the new shape.
I did put these up on my blog sale along with a crapton of other stuff so make sure that you stop by to check everything out…especially because I reduced the prices on so many things. Click here for my blog sale page. While you’re here, don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a mini set of the OPI Sheer Tints! The giveaway is open for a few more days so go enter now! Thanks a bunch for continuing to visit despite the sporadic posting. I hope you’re all doing well, and I will talk to you soon!