I am such a polish loser. I keep saying that I need to stop buying so much nail polish, but I fail spectacularly every single time. I know that a strict no-buy doesn’t really work for me because all the pent-up pressure just makes me go on gargantuan binges which pretty much put me back in the negative. Sooo…what should I do? Maybe limit myself to a couple of bottles per week? (Sounds like I’m talking about alcohol!) I think I need an intervention.
This is what I ended up getting at the Walgreens sale. The colors I picked up are: Glass Pink, Winterberry (2), Kissy, Nail Junkie, Let’s Meet, Rain Storm, Ciao Bella, Savage, Blue By You, Slate, Why Not, Leap Flog, San Francisco and Irish Green. After this purchase, I am awaiting delivery of my first a-england polishes, and I am so excited. I can’t wait to get them. At this point, I really need to back off the polish purchases. I know this is a lot of unhealthy retail therapy, and I need to find a new outlet and coping mechanism.
Since I spent all morning/afternoon cleaning like a maniac, I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch. By the time I finished, it was 4 pm and I was starving. But…polish first! I went to Walgreens to get my polishes and then, as I was driving back home, I saw that a new sandwich place had opened up so I stopped to check it out. Well, I ended up getting this:
This is a philly cheesesteak in all its delicious gooeyness. I could actually feel it coating my arteries as I consumed it. Here’s another thing that I’m going to seriously work on: no more eating out. I really enjoy cooking so I think it would be very beneficial–financially and health-wise–to stop eating out. I’ve been eating way too much junk lately and haven’t been to the gym in weeks…this is NOT good. This new sandwich place claimed to have authentic philly cheesesteaks. Now, I’ve never been to Philadelphia (airport doesn’t count) so I don’t know how authentic this is, but it sure was yummy with the mushrooms, onions, peppers and cheese. Why is everything that goes directly to my thighs have to taste so good??
I have a few more manicures to share and then I am completely out of backlogged manis. My nails are still painfully short so I haven’t been doing too much with them so I’m probably going to take a little break from the nail posts until my nails grow out. I do have some other stuff I want to share like my make up and polish storage so I may do that. I haven’t really been writing too much personal stuff lately and there is a post that I have had in my drafts for weeks, but I just haven’t posted it because it’s so personal. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever expressed what I wrote in that post to anyone in my life so it makes me nervous even though there is “some” anonymity to this blog still.
Lastly, a friend posted this on Facebook, and I just thought it was the most inappropriately brilliant thing I had ever seen:
I apologize if you find this offensive, but I still think it’s hilarious.
I hope you have had a nice weekend and don’t forget to enter my latest giveaway! It’s over in a few days.
I am loving your Sinful haul. I was just thinking today (because I love this Cult color I am wearing so much) that I am pretty into blues for my nails, and here you are with a bunch of blues! I have Nail Junkie, that's a good one, and I saw Leap Flog on Nouveau Cheap & have been considering it. There is a Walgreens in a neighboring town that I sometimes go to on my lunch break because it's always pretty well-stocked beauty-wise, so I *may* have to do that tomorrow, haha.
I didn't eat all day today, either! Weird. I used to do that all the time when I was younger, (not that I recommend it), but I get too grumpy now.
Weird thing is that my dad was from Philadelphia and we went there on the weekends to visit my grandparents/aunts often, but I never associated anything cheesesteak-related with Philadelphia! If anything, it'd be soft pretzels. There would be guys selling them on the side of the road. I think the last time I had a Philly cheesesteak was in El Segundo, haha.
Today aside (ahem, Red Robin & Baskin Robbins), I have cut down on eating out A LOT due to the salary situation and it's made a big difference. I don't think I've really lost weight (maybe a few pounds or something), but I am definitely less bloated and just feel better about it. I spent an awful lot on take-out (especially sushi) and I just can't swing it now, but it's working out just fine. It makes me appreciate meals out (like if I go with a friend) much more, too.
I am interested to see what you share with us until your nails grow out!
I personally find those "some ecards" hilarious.
Weekend was pretty good. Too short! Dinner with some friends & their adorable kids last night (plus, it was a good hair day, bonus). Visited my mom this morning, did some assorted shopping (Payless – didn't buy anything, Sally's – bought a few things, CVS – didn't buy anything), errands (gas, bills), indulged for dinner, met a new doggie friend while walking my peanut, and am going to watch Breaking Bad.
It's so weird how we have like parallel days sometimes! My Walgreens has so much freaking polish that it's dangerous. Since I didn't have many Sinful Colors before this, I know I went a little nuts…but for the price, I don't really regret it.
I don't think it's going to be so hard to stop eating out. Actually, I didn't eat today besides a bagel and some Goldfish crackers. I'm such a weirdo. I had so much freaking drama going on today after a situation pretty much blew up in my face so I was preoccupied all day. Now I'm hungry and it's like the worst time to eat…but I will NOT go out and get bad food. I am totally the same in that once I cut out the bad food, I feel so much better and I definitely enjoy my occasional indulgences a lot more.
My Walgreens excursion was disappointing. The one that is usually well-stocked was woefully not well-stocked, so I went to the one nearby. They had more, but I was kinda over it by that point. I felt like all the bottles I picked up I had dupes for. I do still kinda want Leap Flog, though, but I didn't find it. I did find one lone bottle of Winterberry at the first store, but for some reason wasn't that into it. Just kinda 'eh' overall, I guess.
Ugh, a situation blowing up in my face…I was totally there 3-4 weeks ago. I won't get into it (it'd be a long story for not much payoff), but it's work-related and just further intensified my current crappy situation. I hope yours resolves more quickly than mine…I think my only solution is to keep trying for something new.
I completely lean on food to cure bad moods/days. I'm not sure if it's because I'm Italian and food is such a big deal to us or what, but it's like, had a crap day?, oh, I'll go get take-out! I am now forcing myself to look within the confines of the kitchen and it's not so bad, haha.
Well, at least you didn't go nutso at Walgreens so look at it with a positive spin.
It's true that I probably got tons of dupe colors but I just couldn't help myself because of the price. There are a few colors that I wish I could find during this sale, but I don't die if I can't get my hands on them.
Sorry to hear work is still doing that to you. We spend so much time at work that it really messes with your head when things aren't going well. You have the right attitude in just wanting to find something new and get away from all that.
Ah, food. My mom lives to feed people. She literally freaks out when people don't want to eat. It's her way of showing everyone love. I always think that my mom could have been some great culinary mastermind because she has the most amazing palate. She can recreate dishes just by tasting them without knowing what's in them. It's really an art. I wish I had learned how to cook better from her, but she just never wrote anything down. She doesn't measure anything which is frustrating because I ask her how to make things and everything is: "oh, just eyeball it." It drive me nuts.
Oh, wow, your mom sounds very talented! I can cook OK, but I am a "follow the recipe to a t" type of person, so "eyeballing" it is not an option for me! Those are the people who I consider to be actual good cooks!
I know…she makes me so jealous. The bad thing is that she has made us all so picky about food. I have such a hard time eating other people's food because it's "never as good as mom's." I hate that about myself.
I am loving your Sinful haul. I was just thinking today (because I love this Cult color I am wearing so much) that I am pretty into blues for my nails, and here you are with a bunch of blues! I have Nail Junkie, that’s a good one, and I saw Leap Flog on Nouveau Cheap & have been considering it. There is a Walgreens in a neighboring town that I sometimes go to on my lunch break because it’s always pretty well-stocked beauty-wise, so I *may* have to do that tomorrow, haha.
I didn’t eat all day today, either! Weird. I used to do that all the time when I was younger, (not that I recommend it), but I get too grumpy now.
Weird thing is that my dad was from Philadelphia and we went there on the weekends to visit my grandparents/aunts often, but I never associated anything cheesesteak-related with Philadelphia! If anything, it’d be soft pretzels. There would be guys selling them on the side of the road. I think the last time I had a Philly cheesesteak was in El Segundo, haha.
Today aside (ahem, Red Robin & Baskin Robbins), I have cut down on eating out A LOT due to the salary situation and it’s made a big difference. I don’t think I’ve really lost weight (maybe a few pounds or something), but I am definitely less bloated and just feel better about it. I spent an awful lot on take-out (especially sushi) and I just can’t swing it now, but it’s working out just fine. It makes me appreciate meals out (like if I go with a friend) much more, too.
I am interested to see what you share with us until your nails grow out!
I personally find those “some ecards” hilarious.
Weekend was pretty good. Too short! Dinner with some friends & their adorable kids last night (plus, it was a good hair day, bonus). Visited my mom this morning, did some assorted shopping (Payless – didn’t buy anything, Sally’s – bought a few things, CVS – didn’t buy anything), errands (gas, bills), indulged for dinner, met a new doggie friend while walking my peanut, and am going to watch Breaking Bad.
It’s so weird how we have like parallel days sometimes! My Walgreens has so much freaking polish that it’s dangerous. Since I didn’t have many Sinful Colors before this, I know I went a little nuts…but for the price, I don’t really regret it.
I don’t think it’s going to be so hard to stop eating out. Actually, I didn’t eat today besides a bagel and some Goldfish crackers. I’m such a weirdo. I had so much freaking drama going on today after a situation pretty much blew up in my face so I was preoccupied all day. Now I’m hungry and it’s like the worst time to eat…but I will NOT go out and get bad food. I am totally the same in that once I cut out the bad food, I feel so much better and I definitely enjoy my occasional indulgences a lot more.
My Walgreens excursion was disappointing. The one that is usually well-stocked was woefully not well-stocked, so I went to the one nearby. They had more, but I was kinda over it by that point. I felt like all the bottles I picked up I had dupes for. I do still kinda want Leap Flog, though, but I didn’t find it. I did find one lone bottle of Winterberry at the first store, but for some reason wasn’t that into it. Just kinda ‘eh’ overall, I guess.
Ugh, a situation blowing up in my face…I was totally there 3-4 weeks ago. I won’t get into it (it’d be a long story for not much payoff), but it’s work-related and just further intensified my current crappy situation. I hope yours resolves more quickly than mine…I think my only solution is to keep trying for something new.
I completely lean on food to cure bad moods/days. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m Italian and food is such a big deal to us or what, but it’s like, had a crap day?, oh, I’ll go get take-out! I am now forcing myself to look within the confines of the kitchen and it’s not so bad, haha.
Well, at least you didn’t go nutso at Walgreens so look at it with a positive spin.
It’s true that I probably got tons of dupe colors but I just couldn’t help myself because of the price. There are a few colors that I wish I could find during this sale, but I don’t die if I can’t get my hands on them.
Sorry to hear work is still doing that to you. We spend so much time at work that it really messes with your head when things aren’t going well. You have the right attitude in just wanting to find something new and get away from all that.
Ah, food. My mom lives to feed people. She literally freaks out when people don’t want to eat. It’s her way of showing everyone love. I always think that my mom could have been some great culinary mastermind because she has the most amazing palate. She can recreate dishes just by tasting them without knowing what’s in them. It’s really an art. I wish I had learned how to cook better from her, but she just never wrote anything down. She doesn’t measure anything which is frustrating because I ask her how to make things and everything is: “oh, just eyeball it.” It drive me nuts.
Oh, wow, your mom sounds very talented! I can cook OK, but I am a “follow the recipe to a t” type of person, so “eyeballing” it is not an option for me! Those are the people who I consider to be actual good cooks!
I know…she makes me so jealous. The bad thing is that she has made us all so picky about food. I have such a hard time eating other people’s food because it’s “never as good as mom’s.” I hate that about myself.
As you know, I'm in a no-buy since I'm going to chicago in a week.. (YAYYY).. but on Thursday, my mom gave 3 new polishes (because she loves when I do her nails) and on Friday, I bought 4 new polishes (3 of them glittered and one in a blue I was tracking few months ago, but wasn't able to get..)..
Shame on me!!!!
Regarding food on Sunday, I cooked a cinnamon risotto.. it was GOOOOD..!! I had a family lunch at my house, so I cooked for 15 people.. I was almost dying and then my mom had the "amazing" (place sarcasm here) idea to ask me to do every body's nails.. my back still hurts..!!
LOL…we both know that no-buys don't work for addicts like us.
Ohhhhh cinnamon risotto sounds so yummy. I love having people over but it's so much stress to cook for that many people. OMG…poor you. I like to do people's nails but not a whole bunch at once. I hope they appreciated it!
the worst part was that i use plates on my mum and 2 aunts, and for my brother's girlfriend and my cousing I did ombre nails with a make up sponge.. and my mum told me: "I didn't like my nails, I want the ombre nails, take them off and do it again" no please, no asking.. just ordering like I was a 5 year old that have to clean her room.. I was all like WTF. I didn't even answer..
My back still hurts from sunday, and yesterday people in the office asked me to do their nails again.. I don't want to do anyone's nails anymoree..! haha
OMG…lol I would have been so mad at my mom but only moms can get away with that stuff. lol That was so nice of you to do all of their nails.
it was too nice i think .. it's wednesday and my back still hurts, I think i will buy something for it today..
I've been looking but not buying. Well, not buying nail polish anyways. I am clothes shopping a bit more…
I used to buy everything in sight too, but now I pick up the bottle, look at it and say "will this bore me the second I put it on, and I will wear it again?" usually the answer is no, but a few have passed my litmus test. No regrets.
I think I should start asking myself those questions as well because maybe, just maybe, I will be able to talk myself out of a few purchases. I'm going to give it a try and see how that works out.
As you know, I’m in a no-buy since I’m going to chicago in a week.. (YAYYY).. but on Thursday, my mom gave 3 new polishes (because she loves when I do her nails) and on Friday, I bought 4 new polishes (3 of them glittered and one in a blue I was tracking few months ago, but wasn’t able to get..)..
Shame on me!!!!
Regarding food on Sunday, I cooked a cinnamon risotto.. it was GOOOOD..!! I had a family lunch at my house, so I cooked for 15 people.. I was almost dying and then my mom had the “amazing” (place sarcasm here) idea to ask me to do every body’s nails.. my back still hurts..!!
LOL…we both know that no-buys don’t work for addicts like us.
Ohhhhh cinnamon risotto sounds so yummy. I love having people over but it’s so much stress to cook for that many people. OMG…poor you. I like to do people’s nails but not a whole bunch at once. I hope they appreciated it!
the worst part was that i use plates on my mum and 2 aunts, and for my brother’s girlfriend and my cousing I did ombre nails with a make up sponge.. and my mum told me: “I didn’t like my nails, I want the ombre nails, take them off and do it again” no please, no asking.. just ordering like I was a 5 year old that have to clean her room.. I was all like WTF. I didn’t even answer..
My back still hurts from sunday, and yesterday people in the office asked me to do their nails again.. I don’t want to do anyone’s nails anymoree..! haha
OMG…lol I would have been so mad at my mom but only moms can get away with that stuff. lol That was so nice of you to do all of their nails.
it was too nice i think .. it’s wednesday and my back still hurts, I think i will buy something for it today..
I’ve been looking but not buying. Well, not buying nail polish anyways. I am clothes shopping a bit more…
I used to buy everything in sight too, but now I pick up the bottle, look at it and say “will this bore me the second I put it on, and I will wear it again?” usually the answer is no, but a few have passed my litmus test. No regrets.
I think I should start asking myself those questions as well because maybe, just maybe, I will be able to talk myself out of a few purchases. I’m going to give it a try and see how that works out.
awesome sinful haul! that sandwich look's delicious!!
Thanks…and it was. I think it went straight to my thighs, though. lol
awesome sinful haul! that sandwich look’s delicious!!
Thanks…and it was. I think it went straight to my thighs, though. lol