Stamping Saturdays #31

I am super late today with my Stamping Saturdays post but better late than never, right? This morning I was supposed to go watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but I totally overslept and ended up going to my nail places. It was a total waste of time because two of my favorite stores were closed. The only good thing was the coffee macaron I had at this awesome Vietnamese-French bakery I like to go to. Anyway, once I got home I started planning my mani. I decided to use Deborah Lippmann Let’s Hear It For The Boy.

Deborah Lippmann Let's Hear It For The Boy 1Deborah Lippmann Let's Hear It For The Boy 2Deborah Lippmann Let’s Hear It For The Boy is a streaky nightmare, but it sure is pretty. If I had paid full price for this, I would be pissed but I got it on clearance on HSN so it’s ok. This is three coats and it’s still kind of streaky.

Kiara Sky Serene Sky 1Have you heard of the brand Kiara Sky? I had not until I saw a huge shiny new display today. I picked up one glitter and two cremes to try the brand out. This is Kiara Sky Serene Sky.

Kiara Sky Serene Sky 2Kiara Sky Serene Sky 3Kiara Sky Serene Sky 4This is two coats of Kiara Sky Serene Sky over Deborah Lippmann Let’s Hear It For The Boys. The polish is full of glitter and is very easy to apply. Isn’t it pretty?

Mentality Black Opaque 1Mentality Black Opaque 2I then used an image from Konad M51 to stamp with Mentality Black Opaque. I just recently purchased this polish for my stamping needs and it’s a decent stamping black. I noticed that this polish dries a lot quicker than the Konad black so you have to work fast before the image dries on the stamper. The image on my pointer finger did not transfer nicely because I waited too long to stamp it. Once thing I like is that the polish isn’t a huge pain to clean up. If you get the konad black on your skin, it is a PITA to clean up because it’s so incredibly pigmented. I will have a more in depth review of the two Mentality stamping polishes that I purchased in a later post.

So what do you do think of this mani? I’m not in love with it, but it’s ok. I can’t wait to try the other two cremes I bought from the new Kiara Sky line so I’ll let you know how they work out next week. Thank you for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon.

11 thoughts on “Stamping Saturdays #31

  1. Just FYI, my brother, who is big into action movies (he does podcasts about them) and who also does not take selfies in my bedroom (I wanted to “like” that FB comment so badly, but couldn’t) said the general consensus on TMNJ is it’s not so bad it’s good and it’s also not good – it’s completely forgettable.
    I could get into a coffee macaron right now, lol.
    I have not heard of the brand, but the glitter is pretty. I like how it makes the DL shade more vibrant. I like the stamp, too, but maybe not together? The base reminds me of delicate wintery things and the stamp reminds me of an artistic interpretation of steam, lol.

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