Sation Delete Your Junk Male

Today’s post is dedicated to my friend, Nancy, whom I have known since I was 8 or 9 years old. The name of this polish fits perfectly with the advice that I had given her a couple of weeks ago. I hope it makes her smile. Sation Delete Your Junk Male is the only polish from the Miss Antoinette Spring 2013 Collection that I found at my nail place the last time I was on a Sation hunt. I definitely need to go on another hunt because I need the rest of the colors in this collection! So let’s look at my new pretty:

Sation Delete Your Junk Male

Sation Delete Your Junk Male

Sation Delete Your Junk Male

Sation calls this polish an electric cerise red which I feel is fairly accurate. If you love jellies, you will love this polish. It has that glossy and squishy quality to it, but it is also super sheer. I had to apply 4 coats here and I could still see some VNL. I was also a little sad to see that the super pretty pink micro-glitter/shimmer was really hard to see once it was on my nails. You can definitely get a flash of it when you’re out in the sun and it’s glorious but fleeting.  Can’t win them all!

I don’t know why I’ve been so bummed out lately. I think that my hate for my job is finally starting to wear me down so today I headed over to Sephora for some polish retail therapy. Since they finally had the speckled Illamasquas, I want to go check them out in person. Once I got there, I went absolutely insane and grabbed a bunch of stuff including 2 Dior polishes: Rosy Bow and Gris Trianon along with all the speckled Illamasquas. While I was standing in line to check out, I looked down at my basket, and I thought to myself: “What the hell are you doing? You’re not rich, bitch!” So I put most of the stuff back. I did however come out with more than I should have but here are my new prized posessions:


These are Superstition, Speckle and Venous. Aren’t they pretty? I’m obsessed with Illamasqua polishes so I can’t wait to try these out–especially Speckle!

There is a lot of stuff that I wanted to write about but frankly, I’m so tired right now. I will leave it for a later post. Thanks for stopping by today, and I hope you have a good weekend. Talk to you soon!

20 thoughts on “Sation Delete Your Junk Male

  1. Hope things get better at work. I’ve been there with the stress/pissed off shopping. Lol, then reality sets in and I have to put back everything.
    I can’t wait to see your swatches of Venous. For some reason I’m not into the speckled polish, maybe I need to see it in person to appreciate it.

    1. Sadly, I don’t think things will get better so I just have to make the best of it while I’m still there. I just hate it so much! lol I just need to focus on finding something new so I can move on from work misery. Venous is definitely going to be one of my favorites.

  2. eek, job isnt going so well? thats rough. Love Speckle, it made me think of you when I bought it. It goes on like a dream, I am resisting buying more. They are kind pricey…
    btw, totally off topic: did you see that thepolishaholic found OPI black spotted in San Gabriel??? I hope that means its coming to the US
    Amy recently posted..Pop Beauty Loud LimeMy Profile

    1. I know…it really bites. I just hate my job so much that it’s starting to affect my life in a very negative way. I just have to focus on making the best of it while I’m still there. I also wish Illamasqua polishes weren’t as pricey, but I’ve noticed that I don’t mind paying because the quality is just that amazing. What the freak? I’ve been meaning to go to that polish place in SG that she talks about but I just haven’t made it over there yet. I have a bottle of Spotted and I literally have only used it once. lol

      1. I can see how it would be one of those polishes to use once… I get caught up in hype a bit, MUST OWN ALL THE NAIL POLISH!!! RAWR! Dont let work affect you too much. I know how hard it was to find this job, but at least you have a source of income while you search for a different one… maybe? I hate looking for jobs… le sigh
        Amy recently posted..Julep Carrie, Hex Nail JewelryMy Profile

        1. I’m definitely grateful for actually having an income and now I just have to focus on finding something new. I’m just so bummed that I’m even finding it hard to muster the motivation to jump back into looking for work.

  3. I’m right there with you sweetheart…job hate/distress has been driving me to polish therapy! I love name of that Sation! One of those that I could purchase just for the name (tee hee)and I think I am going to have to splurge on some Speckles for my B-day, coming up soon!
    Tina recently posted..You Know its Cold When Your Tips Turn Blue!My Profile

    1. OOhhh…perfect time to splurge! 🙂 I need to stop medicating with polish because I thought I had cleaned out so much during the great blog sale of 2012, but I’m quickly building up the hoard. 🙁

  4. You’re lucky… the sephoras near me don’t have any of the speckled Illamasqua. I’m not planning on getting them but I want to see them in person. They don’t even have my two I’ve been wanting , Load and Radium…. It’s annoying. I did almost the same thing you did last weekend st sephora. I needed a new face primer and I couldn’t find one I liked under $30 so I sucked it up and got inline. Right as I was about to be called up next I said “fuck it” put the primer back and dashed out of the store. I was having retail issues that day.

    1. I want to get a bunch of illamasquas and now I’m kind of becoming obsessed with Dior polishes…I mean, really? Do I really need to chart my path to financial ruin in polishes? I don’t go to Sephora as much (ever since that whole bad CS gripe) so I just go when I need something that I can’t get elsewhere easily. I just hate going sometimes because I want everything. Do I really need a $30 hair gel? NO!

  5. The Sation looks really good on you! I like the idea of the micro shimmer/glitter in a jelly.
    I’m looking forward to seeing your new Illamasqua swatches!

    1. I wish it showed up more in my pictures. It’s hard to see it even in the sun but it’s worth it when it peeks through. Oh man, I have like 6 new Illamasquas to swatch. I have issues.

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