After the big fail at my doctor’s office, I decided to change my nail polish to get the stench of disappointment off my fingers. Incidentally, last night one of my lovely readers told me that red is a color that schizophrenics gravitate towards after I posted about red being my color of confidence. It made me laugh because it reminded me of one of my roommates at the psych ward. She was an older lady who snored so loud that it took me a week to finally be able to sleep with her snoring in the bed across the room. I remember that the first night I was admitted, it was past midnight so I had to go to sleep right after they checked me in and strip searched me…yeah….strip search. I guess I can imagine people try to sneak dangerous things in. So anyway, once I got into bed, this lady was snoring so loud and made so many choking sounds that I actually got up to talk to a nurse because I thought she was dying or something. Sorry for the tangent. The reason why I laughed was because my roommate was schizophrenic and she was obsessed with wearing red lipstick. She had no teeth, but she couldn’t live without her red lipstick. Go figure.
The color I chose today is Calligraphic Calico by Finger Paints. Finger Paints can be found exclusively at Sally Beauty Supply. I’ve had this color for a while and I really like it. I think Finger Paints puts out pretty decent polishes, and I do grab some when they have a sale going on.
Then I used Essie’s As Gold As It Gets to paint my tips. It’s not that noticeable in these pictures but it looks pretty cool in the sun.
Calligraphic Calico is a color that I really like. It’s orangey with a little pink and very subtle gold shimmer. I’m really happy that we’ve been seeing so much orange lately because I love the way it looks. So what do you think?
Haha, sounds like my boyfriend…the snoring, not the red lipstick
Bless your soul. lol
Haha, sounds like my boyfriend…the snoring, not the red lipstick
Bless your soul. lol
hahaha That lady reminds me of all the little old ladies that used to shop at the grocery store I worked at in HS and beginning of college. They would come in, a COMPLETE mess but still have on the thickest layer of lipstick ever, and a crooked-ass wig!!! I guess it just makes them feel better to be made up! haha. Hey, whatever floats your boat! ;p
I really like this orange. It looks a little soft in these pics and I like it. I may need to look at it next time I go to Sally's
I love the formula of FP but the one time I wore black expressionism by itself it chipped off (like ridiculously!) in a few hours. That being said, when I wear it as a base for something, it's perfect. Weird, huh?!
OMG LOL. My mom tells me that her neighbor wears fake lashes sometimes and doesn't take them off. So in the morning she goes out looking like a trainwreck with mascara smudges and crooked fake lashes. That sounds just as bad as crooked wigs. Yes, it's definitely a soft orange…not like the neon oranges of this season. I really like it and love looking at my nails in the sun when I wear it. I've never had any issues with FP so maybe it's just certain colors.
Yeah it was really weird, it was only that time, so I wrote up this sad sad sad review about how it got all chipped but then it works fine as a base… who knows! My other FP color Putty In My Hands and all their flakies are perfect! Go figure.
hahaha That lady reminds me of all the little old ladies that used to shop at the grocery store I worked at in HS and beginning of college. They would come in, a COMPLETE mess but still have on the thickest layer of lipstick ever, and a crooked-ass wig!!! I guess it just makes them feel better to be made up! haha. Hey, whatever floats your boat! ;p
I really like this orange. It looks a little soft in these pics and I like it. I may need to look at it next time I go to Sally’s
I love the formula of FP but the one time I wore black expressionism by itself it chipped off (like ridiculously!) in a few hours. That being said, when I wear it as a base for something, it’s perfect. Weird, huh?!
OMG LOL. My mom tells me that her neighbor wears fake lashes sometimes and doesn’t take them off. So in the morning she goes out looking like a trainwreck with mascara smudges and crooked fake lashes. That sounds just as bad as crooked wigs. Yes, it’s definitely a soft orange…not like the neon oranges of this season. I really like it and love looking at my nails in the sun when I wear it. I’ve never had any issues with FP so maybe it’s just certain colors.
Yeah it was really weird, it was only that time, so I wrote up this sad sad sad review about how it got all chipped but then it works fine as a base… who knows! My other FP color Putty In My Hands and all their flakies are perfect! Go figure.