OPI – Do You Lilac It?

I love purple. I love every shade and variation of purple. Sometimes, I look like a deranged Barney with my purple make-up, purple glasses, purple clothes, purple shoes, etc..

Anyway, this is an old nail polish color that I had admired but never picked up…probably because I am on purple polish overload. I saw it on my last trip to my nail polish supply place so I just grabbed it on impulse. It’s actually a really beautiful color, but I am sure that I have similar colors. I’m still glad I got it.  (Nail polish addict denial)

What's Your Verdict? - Do You Lilact It?

Bisous mes chéris et à bientôt!

12 thoughts on “OPI – Do You Lilac It?

  1. I absolutely LOVE this purple polish – it's one of my favourites, and I've never seen it look terrible on anyone. 🙂 Glad that you like it a lot, too.

    It's cool that you have purple glasses! I haven't seen too many people with those.

  2. I love this color! Saw it on a blog a long time ago and had to have it! It looks gorgeous paired with a dark purple too, if you wanted to do cool nail art!

  3. Hi Olivia. Thanks for stopping by. That is a great idea. I layered a lighter lilac purple (NARS Pokerface) with a darker metallic purple fishnet and really liked it. I am definitely going to layer a dark purple on this color too.

  4. I absolutely LOVE this purple polish – it’s one of my favourites, and I’ve never seen it look terrible on anyone. 🙂 Glad that you like it a lot, too.

    It’s cool that you have purple glasses! I haven’t seen too many people with those.

  5. I love this color! Saw it on a blog a long time ago and had to have it! It looks gorgeous paired with a dark purple too, if you wanted to do cool nail art!

  6. Hi Olivia. Thanks for stopping by. That is a great idea. I layered a lighter lilac purple (NARS Pokerface) with a darker metallic purple fishnet and really liked it. I am definitely going to layer a dark purple on this color too.

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