Hello and I hope you’re doing well on this Monday morning. Nothing to report here except for the usual case of the Mondays, so I’m just going to move right along. How are things going with your holiday shopping? I haven’t started buying presents yet so I’m sure that I’m going to wait until the last second and then it will be pure madness. I am a procrastinator so I’ve resigned myself to the inevitable. Today I have something that I think might be a little polarizing: the OPI 50 Shades of Grey Collection. I’ve already come across quite a few people bemoaning the fact that OPI decided to make a collection about “that book/that movie.” To be honest, I have read the books and they are mildly smutty, poorly written and uber predictable. Basically I equate them to the literary equivalent of bad reality TV. I can give you a quick synopsis of the books if you haven’t read them: Beautiful, virginal and brainy girl who doesn’t realize how gorgeous she is despite every man around her being in love with her meets a mega rich bad boy who is scarred and broken by his past. He falls in love with her, she falls in love with him. They have problems because she wants to change him and he doesn’t want to change. They have a lot of sex. He changes for her and they live happily ever after in their mansion. The end. It’s basically a smutty fairy tale which apparently tons of women loved. I wasn’t offended by the sex in the book–I was more offended by the horrible writing. Anyway, I don’t care that the collection was inspired by the books and I can almost guarantee that I will watch the movie cause it’s Jamie Dornan and all. That’s all they needed to say. Now that I blabbed away, let me show you the actual polishes and you can be the judge of whether you’ll want these or not.
So what do you think about these? To be honest with you, I ended up liking this small collection a lot more than I had anticipated. I am a fan of grey polish overall so I quite enjoyed the two lighter greys. The red, Romantically Involved, was a nice welcome pop of color in an otherwise very one tone collection of colors. Formula-wise, all of the polishes were great except for Dark Side of the Mood which required 3 coats for full opacity. Can we all agree that we just don’t nee anymore silver polishes like My Silk Tie? I am so tired of seeing this type of polish in every collection in the last few months especially because it’s not a color I really like. I don’t think it’s as prone to brush strokes as some of the other silver foil/chromes, but it’s best to work fast and not overwork the polish. So what do you think about this collection? Let me know in the comments below. Thank you for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon.
All items featured in this post were purchased by me.
They all look gorgeous on you. Flawless!
Awww! Thank you, Leah.
I’m pretty sure I need Cement the Deal, but I think I can leave the rest.
Jessica recently posted..KBShimmer Too Cold To Hold swatches + review
I love that one. I actually really like the two grey cremes and the glitter. Dang the glitter is pretty. I should have tried it over the charcoal polish.
I happen to like this collection. (I love greys as my collection contains probably 50 shades in itself of greys lol). I love the silver. What the chrome polishes remind me of is steel. Like steel, you see those lines as if brush stroked (; that’s what helps me get over that brush stroke feel. Anyhow, these, all of these polishes look great on you my dear.
Oh and by the way, keep doing what you’re doing. I enjoy waiting for and reading your posts (sometime wishing they were longer). Okay i’ll stop now.
Enjoy your day.
Thank you, Storm! I get what you are saying about the steel look. For whatever reason, it seems that this particular color and finish make me feel like I have lobster hands. I also can’t get over how it shows all of the imperfections. I think there have been 4-5 polishes identical in color/finish that came out in the last 3 months so I’m over them. You know what’s funny? A couple of days ago someone left me a really nasty message about how unecessary it was to talk about other stuff since it had nothing to do with the polish. For a second it made me think that I should just stick to the polish and not talk about anything else. 30 seconds later I got over it and realized people who do that have no class or tact. And how dare someone tell me what I should and shouldn’t post on my own blog? Seriously! Fortunately I have wonderful readers like you.
So glad you didn’t let the nay sayer get the better of you. I adore the swatches but the writing is one of my fave parts of your posts! DIdn’t really know about the book, just knew that it is not something I would read or watch as a movie, and now I know why! LOL poor writing is pretty offensive, I wouldn’t make it past the first chapter. Keep up the good work and we will keep reading! Your swatches are making me take a second look at Shine for Me. Looks like the most unique of the bunch.
Thank you, Lorraine. That means a lot to me especially coming from you! <3
Looks good. Some nice greys in here.
Lisa N. recently posted..Wishtrend: Klairs Moisture Rescue Set Giveaway!
Thanks, Lisa!
I’m glad you like them!
Pretty. But nothing too unusual. I’ll pass.
I agree–very pretty staple shades which most of us polish fanatics have plenty of dupes of.
I love the red! I agree with you on the books. I couldn’t bear to read #2 & #3 because I knew they would just be more of her biting her lip. Good for you for ignoring the negativity and please keep writing!
LOL!!! Yes, her biting her lip and talking about her inner goddess made me want to lobotomize myself. But, I still read all three books. It’s like mindless entertainment.
I have not read the books, but I really like the color grey, so I ordered the mini set. If there it is any I really like on me, then I will order the full size :p
Great swatches, by the way
Thanks, Merlin! I love the mini sets for that reason.
Thank you for confirming I don’t need to read the books! Btw it just occured to me that your blog is the only blog where I actually read all the text. I tend to look at pictures first and then quickly scan the surrounding text but not here. I enjoy your writing style so much… Maybe you should write a book!!
Awww! Thank you, Ruth. That means a lot to me. Sometimes I wonder if I should be more of a picture blog with minimal writing. Sometimes I have tons of pictures stocked up for posts, but I agonize over what to write and get stumped. I want to focus more on writing so that’s a good thing to add to my list for the new year.
I love Embrace the Gray, my favorite is Cement the Deal. Can’t get enough gray polish, it’s become my favorite neutral. That and rose/mauve. What happened to me!?
LOL…So do you like the pantone color of the year? I personally love it but so many people keep saying it’s a grandma color.
Cynthia recently posted..Dollish Polish Go Luigi!
I like the grays but I can leave that silver and the red too. I have enough of those.