The product featured in this post was purchased by me.
I had such high hopes for today! I went in to work thinking positive thoughts and telling myself that things aren’t so bad. Well, what do you know? Work didn’t completely suck ass today! I did have to deal with a few psychos, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. By the time I got out of work, I was feeling good so I headed over to Target to buy a few things–nothing fun: toilet paper, some razors and some laundry detergent. I wanted to treat myself so I got my favorite iced triple venti non-fat caramel macchiato. Once I was done, I was putting my bags in the trunk and I placed my keys in my purse so I could hold on to my yummy Starbucks. I then proceeded to place my bags–including my purse–in the trunk of my car and closed it. I literally saw it happening in slow motion. FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK! I didn’t have my phone so it’s not like I could call anyone and even if I could borrow someone’s phone, I don’t have any phone numbers memorized. So I walked back into Target and they let me call AAA. However, AAA couldn’t help me because my wallet was stuck in the car so I couldn’t pay for a membership on the spot. I’ve been a member for a long time, but I let my membership lapse in the last year or so. Anyway, they put me in touch with another local place where they charged me $70 to unlock my car. An hour later, I was on my way home. So, how was your day? I hope not craptacular like mine. Anyway, today I’m going to show you a new pretty: Ninja Polish Divinity!
Ninja Polish Divinity is like Fantasy Fire on crack. In my opinion, this polish is way too opaque to really be used as a layering polish. I don’t have Clarins 230 but I do have Max Factor Fantasy Fire (check out previous swatches of FF here) and it’s one of those polishes that will just take your breath away. As gorgeous as FF is, it’s not really meant to be worn alone because it will need a lot of coats and it’s too small and precious to waste. Divinity is opaque at two coats which is what I applied for these swatches. I also wanted to mention that this polish dries to a satiny finish. In case you were wondering, the formula is perfection.
What a difference some top coat makes! I love how this glows and I just couldn’t stop staring at my nails.
I found it impossible to catch the color shift in this polish when I was photographing it with direct light–natural or artificial. These pictures were taken indoors with very low and indirect lighting. The gorgeous color shift is very apparent in person but my pictures just wouldn’t capture it. At least these pictures give you an idea of all the amazing colors in this polish.
Anywho, I hope you’re doing well today, and thanks so much for catching up with me today!
The product featured in this post was purchased by me.
This has happened to me so many times. I’m sorry. At least your car was not running like me.
Wow you really did have a crappy day. I hate when that happens locking your keys in the car. It always does happen in slo-mo doesn’t it? Now on to that gorgeous color! That looks like it’s on fire, it positively glows from within. Look at all the lights inside! How beautiful. I need this polish. Now.
Firstly, I have been pining for this polish. I hate Ninja Polish though for constantly being out of stock and selling out before I even get the alert email–and I check my email everyday!
I locked myself out of the house last week. I do this somewhat regularly. My car has keyless entry, so I had no idea what I’d done until my car wouldn’t open. It was a total “oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck” moment. One nervous breakdown later, my husband phone-coaches me on how to break into the house. It was too easy and I was too grateful to demand an alarm system at the time. In short–I understand how crap-tastic you felt, especially when they day had gone so well!
Aw man, that sucks. I once locked myself out of the car at the gas station in the middle of rush hour… I remember the same slow-mo sense of OOHHHHHH CRAAAAAAAP. Plus when I called my dad (from inside the gas station) to get our AAA number, he laughed at me.
But anyway, that polish is spectacular and I am covetous!
I would like this polish. Gorg. But I can’t do the stalking thing anymore. Congrats in psyching yourself up today . Did your day go faster? My last fun car experience was a dead battery at a gas station. To top it off, I had swapped cars with my daughter and it was def her bad cuz she knew she needed battery,,,,,but neglected to tell me before the swap. It was classic.
Woooow now that’s my kind of polish, that’s for sure. Love it. Ninja Polishes becoming more and more popular, as far as i can tell…i think i need to try their quality!
Thanks for sharing.
Luchessa recently posted..Surprising Spring: A Giveaway a week!
Sorry to hear about your craptastic day
On the plus side, I love this color! I have a few Ninja’s and are all gorgeous!
Ugh that sucks!!! Once Daniel locked his keys in his truck in the parking lot of a store and his dad had like JUST lost Daniel’s spare from when he had our keys to feed the fish while we were on vacation… anyway, we had to call some stupid locksmith, they took like an HOUR to get there, then we seriously paid like 150 bucks. I guess just be thankful it wasn’t that much. It was ridiculous. Sorry that happened to you. I’ve only locked my keys in my truck once, and it was when a boyfriend and I went to the river, so we had to hike out for what seemed like a thousand miles to a ranger station and luckily they drove us back to my truck and had a slim jim and opened my door no problem. Phewwwww cuz I’m sure it’d be 400 bucks to get a locksmith out there in the boonies! Anyway- this polish is really pretty! In the last shot I can see some blue/green in the bottle so I can just imagine how this looks in real life. It’s gorgeous. Damn you for having Fantasy Fire!! :p
Question: is the Starbuck’s within the Target? I have never heard of that. If so, I would never leave.
I’m sorry about your day, but on the plus side, this polish is like BLOWING MY MIND. It’s golden/tangerine shimmery…it has this blue glow on the edges…it’s just…GAH!
Of course you got your hands on this one!