It was an epic battle but someone had to lose. Considering my recent failure, I figured I might as well go out in a blaze of glory. So I concede defeat; Nicole you are victorious in the great battle of not cutting our talons nails for the longest period of time.
Last night I noticed that I had a tiny little break/rip on one of my nails. Then I noticed the same on 3 other nails. That was pretty much a death sentence to my nails because it was just a matter of time before I snagged it on something and ripped it off. Just thinking about it makes me cringe.
I went crazy with my nail clippers. I cut my nails as short as humanly possible without hurting myself. Look how weird my nails look now! It feels amazing to not have to worry about my long ass nails
I give these about a week before they grow enough for me to be able to square them. Fun times.
Tomorrow I am going to pick up the paperwork from my doctor’s office for my dog. I am so freaking excited I can barely stand it. I had an idea today: would it be tacky if I threw myself a puppy shower? You know, like a baby shower but for a puppy. Let me explain my reasoning. I have gone to countless baby showers for friends and family which means that I have bought them countless presents for their babies. I am happy to celebrate their choice to have a baby so does that mean that I get jack shit because I’m fairly certain that I’m never going to have a baby? Why can’t they celebrate my puppy and the fact that I will not be bringing a screaming snot-monster that will one day be a horrible teenager into the world?
Here is some stuff that I bought for my puppy. I really feel like an expectant mother. I always end up having long conversations with people about pets when they seem me buying all this dog stuff.
This bed looks so comfy. I wish I had one of these when I was a baby.
I got him a food bowl and two toys. The newspaper looking one makes a crinkly noise and also has a squeaky ball. The other one yells “Oh noooooooooooooooo!” when you press its belly.
This is like a shamwow for dogs. lol It’s supposed to be super absorbent so I can dry my dog off after a bath. Of course I also bought a leash.
Lastly, I purchased a mat for his crate. I still haven’t purchased a crate, though. I saw a lot of them on ebay so I might buy one there.
Can you tell I’m so ready to get a dog? As you can tell, my carpet is a light color. I am wondering how long it will stay that way once I get a dog. I doubt turds look good on it. I don’t know how I’m going to deal with the mess that comes along with having a dog, but I am sure it will be more than worth it.
P.S. I was kidding about the puppy shower. Well, only sorta kidding. Celebrate my puppy damnit!
You can wear super vampy polish now! I love dark polish on my nails when they get short.
This convo reminds me of Sex and the City, when Carrie throws a shower for not having a baby, and has a registry and everything, as a statement to her lifestyle to others whose showers she has attended. Pets are cherished family members to many. I have had cats all my life. When I went to college and got a job, those years were really hard because I had no kitty and it was a huge void for me. When I got Dante, I would talk about him to anyone that would listen! People came to see him, meet him, because they heard so much about him! So I don't think your puppy shower is THAT outlandish
That is exactly what I thought of when I started talking about my puppy shower. lol I love SATC. I am not really thinking of having a puppy shower but it sounded fun. Usually when I get excited, I start thinking things up and my mind races a mile a minute. I'm sure I'm getting way ahead of myself because if I don't stop buying polish, I will never be able to save enough money to buy my dog. Well, at least I might be able to foster some dogs in the meantime. I'll be dog-less but my nails will look awesome.
Also, love the Mr. Bill dog toy! LMAO!
I am wondering if it's going to scare the crap out of my dog. I might just record the first time I give it to him just to see what happens. Oh brother, my blog will no longer feature nail polish…just my puppy.
I think a puppy shower is an awesome idea!!!
You can wear super vampy polish now! I love dark polish on my nails when they get short.
This convo reminds me of Sex and the City, when Carrie throws a shower for not having a baby, and has a registry and everything, as a statement to her lifestyle to others whose showers she has attended. Pets are cherished family members to many. I have had cats all my life. When I went to college and got a job, those years were really hard because I had no kitty and it was a huge void for me. When I got Dante, I would talk about him to anyone that would listen! People came to see him, meet him, because they heard so much about him! So I don’t think your puppy shower is THAT outlandish
That is exactly what I thought of when I started talking about my puppy shower. lol I love SATC. I am not really thinking of having a puppy shower but it sounded fun. Usually when I get excited, I start thinking things up and my mind races a mile a minute. I’m sure I’m getting way ahead of myself because if I don’t stop buying polish, I will never be able to save enough money to buy my dog. Well, at least I might be able to foster some dogs in the meantime. I’ll be dog-less but my nails will look awesome.
Also, love the Mr. Bill dog toy! LMAO!
I am wondering if it’s going to scare the crap out of my dog. I might just record the first time I give it to him just to see what happens. Oh brother, my blog will no longer feature nail polish…just my puppy.
I think a puppy shower is an awesome idea!!!
Aww, Sorry to hear about your nails, sucks, Just had that too!
only becuase I spoil the hell out of them <3
So excited about your new pup! A Puppy Shower is not a bad idea. That is your new baby. I should have had one for my two, they cost me a fortune,
I think everyone is convincing me that it will be a good idea to actually have this puppy shower. LOL What kind of dogs do you have?
two huskies
I would SO rather go to a puppy shower than a baby shower. That sounds so fun. Especially if guests could bring their dogs too haha sorry, i am just obsessed with puppies
And that sham wow thing does not work. We bought those before and uh yeah, we still needed towels afterwards. Basically we cover the entire bathroom in towels and let the dog shake a couple times, then attack her with huge beach towels. We have an Australian Shepherd, so she has a very thick double coat, which is pretty much impossible to dry. And she's terrified of blow driers and that sort of thing, so we just kind of let her air dry haha
Awww…burst my bubble, why don't you?! I really thought that thing would work. I guess I can just use it as a mat to clean him off when he comes in from a walk or something. I am so deluded right now that I overestimate how much I'm going to be able to train my dog. I mean, in my head he's basically making me lunch so you know a rude awakening is coming my way.
Aww, Sorry to hear about your nails, sucks, Just had that too!
only becuase I spoil the hell out of them <3
So excited about your new pup! A Puppy Shower is not a bad idea. That is your new baby. I should have had one for my two, they cost me a fortune,
I think everyone is convincing me that it will be a good idea to actually have this puppy shower. LOL What kind of dogs do you have?
two huskies
I would SO rather go to a puppy shower than a baby shower. That sounds so fun. Especially if guests could bring their dogs too haha sorry, i am just obsessed with puppies
And that sham wow thing does not work. We bought those before and uh yeah, we still needed towels afterwards. Basically we cover the entire bathroom in towels and let the dog shake a couple times, then attack her with huge beach towels. We have an Australian Shepherd, so she has a very thick double coat, which is pretty much impossible to dry. And she’s terrified of blow driers and that sort of thing, so we just kind of let her air dry haha
Awww…burst my bubble, why don’t you?! I really thought that thing would work. I guess I can just use it as a mat to clean him off when he comes in from a walk or something. I am so deluded right now that I overestimate how much I’m going to be able to train my dog. I mean, in my head he’s basically making me lunch so you know a rude awakening is coming my way.
Awwww. Puppy!!! So jealous. I have been wanting a puppy for the longest time.
Me too! I was born wanting a puppy and have never had a pet. I think that now at 32, I am more excited than a little kid. hahaha
Ahhhhh!!! This is the best post ever. And I don't even care that I won! We really both lost, in a way, keeping our nails long for this long. Haha. I can't wait to chop my nails… Probably tonight! I want to go as short as you (I've been fantasizing about it every time my gross unpainted nails touched my skin yesterday before I painted them. I think I'll just file em way down tho. Those kind of nails that are so short they can't catch on anything cuz all they touch is your skin sound so nice though… My long-nailed fingers are wiggling in happiness right now!
Now- the puppy!! Yayyyy! I hope by the time you read this you have the paperwork and are picking out a puppy online (like you probably haven't already done that a billion times!!). Do you really think you can't afford to buy one? Cuz if you really don't there are all kinds of rescue places (which I'm sure you know) where you can even get purebred dogs (if that's important to you) and you can probably get them for like 200-300 instead of 700+. Just a thought! I don't care about purebred-ness so all the dogs we have ever had I got from a Maltese rescue place, the Humane Society and another small animal rescue place. I'm sure CA is teeming with animal rescue places just like we are up here. Idk about a "shower" exactly but I'd def have a puppy party when you get your dog. Maybe not too soon tho if (s)he's scared of a lot of people. My Minnie was terrified at first but now she's coming around. And can I just tell you how hard I laughed at your "I have light carpet… I don't think turds will look good on it" comment?!? Omg you killed me! Turds will not look good but at least they're (usually) solid! Haha. You should get some Chem Dry carpet cleaner for the pee spots you're inevitably going to have. That stuff works really well. And there's some arm and hammer stuff at like petco that's good for getting rid of the odor so they don't continue to go in that spot. Anyway- I'm very excited for you!! And some puppy posts mixed in w the np posts sounds great.
I like the idea that we are both losers. LOL It just feels so great to not have any nails to catch on stuff. As short as my nails are right now, I still have massive tip wear from Ocean Rush. How does that even happen when your nails aren't even touching anything????
Everyone is just waiting to see what happens once I get my dog and how I will deal with the mess. Ok, I don't think I'm super psycho clean or anything but apparently a lot of my friends think I am…which is kinda weird. But anyway, I think I will have 5 heart attacks the first time he shits on the carpet or (god forbid) has an accident on my tan microfiber sofas. My place is not pet or kid friendly at all. I am just going to have to deal with it and stop worrying so much about that stuff. I am super worried about my place smelling like dog, though. I don't know how that will work out.
Oh Lord, I have been stalking adoptapet and petfinder for months. They do have tons of adoptable dogs but my heart is so set on a wheaten. It's like I can't get enough of them. I love their hair and the big fau they have on their heads and their beards…and how bouncy they are. My heart melts. They have some wheaten mixes but I just really want a pure bred wheaten and I haven't seen any in months…unless they are so old they are gonna die soon.
There are a lot of places to buy wheaten puppies but I'm afraid of buying a puppy mill puppy if I just get one off the internet. There is one breeder about an hour away from me that I hope I can get a puppy from. They go for $1,000 from her kennels. The nice thing is that I can actually go there and see the parents and how the puppies interact with one another. Another breeder super close to me wanted like $2,000 which is way out of my price range.
Oof that's expensive!! Well, save your pennies while you try to get used to a doggish house. Haha. It shouldn't be too bad with one small dog. He'll shed of course but that can be vacuumed up and with regular cleaning it shouldn't smell dog-y. And- what dog pees on a couch?! None of mine did so you should be ok there. He might, however, get muddy paws on it in the winter! But they wash off.
That's ridiculous that you got bad edge wear again!!! Did you wrap your tits?? (haha, that was on purpose!) I love that color tho! It's so pretty.. just like all the Laylas. I feel like I could/should buy them all too!
The good thing about wheatens is that they shed very little. They have hair, not fur, so they have very little dog smell and are considered hypoallergenic. All the websites say that they require tons of grooming but the people at the pet expo told me that they brush them out 2-3 times a week.
I had this conversation with my cousin because I asked her if it's ok to wipe their butt after they poop…cause I dunno. What if they poop and they get some on the hair around the area? Which I read happens to wheatens because of their long coat. Does that mean I'm going to have to trim around his butthole? Also, I thought about putting booties on him all the time when we go for a walk so that way I can just take them off when we get back home. Oh man do I sound psycho right now? I don't know if this is normal behavior…lol
You sound psycho!! Haha. Seriously tho, I am half joking but half serious… but I mean it in a nice way. Idk about booties… I mean, you just dont want him tracking any dirt into the house? Just give his little feet a wipe when you come in. And my dog also doesn't shed, she has to get her hair cut like a human, and sometimes she does get a little poop on her butt when her hair is too long (like way over due for a grooming, this almost never happens, so don't get all freaked) but when that does happen I cut it off with scissors. Wiping wont help… cuz I mean, think about it.. it'd just smear into the hair worse. Your best bet is to just keep him groomed (have the groomer give him a "sanitary" or something like that where they trim the hair real good around their privates and bottoms) and then if something icky happens, cut it off or give him a bath depending on what exactly happens. I wouldn't worry too much about it though, I mean, it's a dog… they're gonna be a little dirty but it's not like it's going to totally f up your house. It's only one little dog.
LOL…I am just worried cause you know you've been to a house where it just SMELLS or they have pets and it's like you can see where they last took a dump or something. I'm just picturing something like that. I have this weird thing about scents. I take like 3 showers a day because I convince myself that my head smells. I know it doesn't…I'm just weird and I can't help it.
I guess that's a little ocd but whatever. I know I can't bathe my dog every day but maybe I can do the doggy wipes or something? I dunno. I hope I don't make my dog all psychotic too…you know how they say they start to act like their owners. This is all good info for me. I do read a lot online but sometimes you just need to hear it from all different sources.
Just remember that those people with dog-smelling houses don't clean house the way they're supposed to. And- you're not going to have spots if you clean them up right away. I'm not even obsessive about cleanliness and I have a big dog and a little dog and my house isn't all dog-tastic. Granted, I do have hardwood floors but when we lived in a duplex (and that's where we potty-trained both of our dogs, who supposedly both "always" pottied in the house according to their paperwork) we had carpet and the only stain was from where I spilled red juice. It's kinda hard work to get those super nasty dog houses that we've all been into. Idk what's wrong with people. You'll probably have the cleanest dog in town!
How big exactly are wheatens? I remember researching them when I was getting a dog but I don't remember what size they are exactly.
They are considered medium size dogs. The males weigh between 40-45 lbs. They have really long terrier legs so they look bigger especially if their hair is long…but when you shave them or cut their hair all short, they look super scrawny which I love. Their hair is so soft like silk.
I get so excited talking about it. hahahaha
Awww they sound like a giant Minnie (my dog)!! I love long haired dogs that DON'T shed.
Oh, your poor nubs! When you said you cut them down I had no idea that short! I'll send some speedy growth mojo your way so they come back soon!
PS. I love that you got your new puppy-to-be a Mr. Bill doll. <3
My nails grow really fast so I tend to cut them down like this often. My fingers just look even more stubby! Awww my poor sausage fingers!
Believe it or not, I didn't even know about Mr. Bill. I just thought it was so cute when I saw it at target. My brother was the one who told me about the skits. lol
I have sausage fingers too! Lol
Awwww. Puppy!!! So jealous. I have been wanting a puppy for the longest time.
Me too! I was born wanting a puppy and have never had a pet. I think that now at 32, I am more excited than a little kid. hahaha
Ahhhhh!!! This is the best post ever. And I don’t even care that I won! We really both lost, in a way, keeping our nails long for this long. Haha. I can’t wait to chop my nails… Probably tonight! I want to go as short as you (I’ve been fantasizing about it every time my gross unpainted nails touched my skin yesterday before I painted them. I think I’ll just file em way down tho. Those kind of nails that are so short they can’t catch on anything cuz all they touch is your skin sound so nice though… My long-nailed fingers are wiggling in happiness right now!
Now- the puppy!! Yayyyy! I hope by the time you read this you have the paperwork and are picking out a puppy online (like you probably haven’t already done that a billion times!!). Do you really think you can’t afford to buy one? Cuz if you really don’t there are all kinds of rescue places (which I’m sure you know) where you can even get purebred dogs (if that’s important to you) and you can probably get them for like 200-300 instead of 700+. Just a thought! I don’t care about purebred-ness so all the dogs we have ever had I got from a Maltese rescue place, the Humane Society and another small animal rescue place. I’m sure CA is teeming with animal rescue places just like we are up here. Idk about a “shower” exactly but I’d def have a puppy party when you get your dog. Maybe not too soon tho if (s)he’s scared of a lot of people. My Minnie was terrified at first but now she’s coming around. And can I just tell you how hard I laughed at your “I have light carpet… I don’t think turds will look good on it” comment?!? Omg you killed me! Turds will not look good but at least they’re (usually) solid! Haha. You should get some Chem Dry carpet cleaner for the pee spots you’re inevitably going to have. That stuff works really well. And there’s some arm and hammer stuff at like petco that’s good for getting rid of the odor so they don’t continue to go in that spot. Anyway- I’m very excited for you!! And some puppy posts mixed in w the np posts sounds great.
I like the idea that we are both losers. LOL It just feels so great to not have any nails to catch on stuff. As short as my nails are right now, I still have massive tip wear from Ocean Rush. How does that even happen when your nails aren’t even touching anything????
Everyone is just waiting to see what happens once I get my dog and how I will deal with the mess. Ok, I don’t think I’m super psycho clean or anything but apparently a lot of my friends think I am…which is kinda weird. But anyway, I think I will have 5 heart attacks the first time he shits on the carpet or (god forbid) has an accident on my tan microfiber sofas. My place is not pet or kid friendly at all. I am just going to have to deal with it and stop worrying so much about that stuff. I am super worried about my place smelling like dog, though. I don’t know how that will work out.
Oh Lord, I have been stalking adoptapet and petfinder for months. They do have tons of adoptable dogs but my heart is so set on a wheaten. It’s like I can’t get enough of them. I love their hair and the big fau they have on their heads and their beards…and how bouncy they are. My heart melts. They have some wheaten mixes but I just really want a pure bred wheaten and I haven’t seen any in months…unless they are so old they are gonna die soon.
There are a lot of places to buy wheaten puppies but I’m afraid of buying a puppy mill puppy if I just get one off the internet. There is one breeder about an hour away from me that I hope I can get a puppy from. They go for $1,000 from her kennels. The nice thing is that I can actually go there and see the parents and how the puppies interact with one another. Another breeder super close to me wanted like $2,000 which is way out of my price range. 
Oof that’s expensive!! Well, save your pennies while you try to get used to a doggish house. Haha. It shouldn’t be too bad with one small dog. He’ll shed of course but that can be vacuumed up and with regular cleaning it shouldn’t smell dog-y. And- what dog pees on a couch?! None of mine did so you should be ok there. He might, however, get muddy paws on it in the winter! But they wash off.
That’s ridiculous that you got bad edge wear again!!! Did you wrap your tits?? (haha, that was on purpose!) I love that color tho! It’s so pretty.. just like all the Laylas. I feel like I could/should buy them all too!
The good thing about wheatens is that they shed very little. They have hair, not fur, so they have very little dog smell and are considered hypoallergenic. All the websites say that they require tons of grooming but the people at the pet expo told me that they brush them out 2-3 times a week.
I had this conversation with my cousin because I asked her if it’s ok to wipe their butt after they poop…cause I dunno. What if they poop and they get some on the hair around the area? Which I read happens to wheatens because of their long coat. Does that mean I’m going to have to trim around his butthole? Also, I thought about putting booties on him all the time when we go for a walk so that way I can just take them off when we get back home. Oh man do I sound psycho right now? I don’t know if this is normal behavior…lol
You sound psycho!! Haha. Seriously tho, I am half joking but half serious… but I mean it in a nice way. Idk about booties… I mean, you just dont want him tracking any dirt into the house? Just give his little feet a wipe when you come in. And my dog also doesn’t shed, she has to get her hair cut like a human, and sometimes she does get a little poop on her butt when her hair is too long (like way over due for a grooming, this almost never happens, so don’t get all freaked) but when that does happen I cut it off with scissors. Wiping wont help… cuz I mean, think about it.. it’d just smear into the hair worse. Your best bet is to just keep him groomed (have the groomer give him a “sanitary” or something like that where they trim the hair real good around their privates and bottoms) and then if something icky happens, cut it off or give him a bath depending on what exactly happens. I wouldn’t worry too much about it though, I mean, it’s a dog… they’re gonna be a little dirty but it’s not like it’s going to totally f up your house. It’s only one little dog.
LOL…I am just worried cause you know you’ve been to a house where it just SMELLS or they have pets and it’s like you can see where they last took a dump or something. I’m just picturing something like that. I have this weird thing about scents. I take like 3 showers a day because I convince myself that my head smells. I know it doesn’t…I’m just weird and I can’t help it.
I guess that’s a little ocd but whatever. I know I can’t bathe my dog every day but maybe I can do the doggy wipes or something? I dunno. I hope I don’t make my dog all psychotic too…you know how they say they start to act like their owners. This is all good info for me. I do read a lot online but sometimes you just need to hear it from all different sources.
Just remember that those people with dog-smelling houses don’t clean house the way they’re supposed to. And- you’re not going to have spots if you clean them up right away. I’m not even obsessive about cleanliness and I have a big dog and a little dog and my house isn’t all dog-tastic. Granted, I do have hardwood floors but when we lived in a duplex (and that’s where we potty-trained both of our dogs, who supposedly both “always” pottied in the house according to their paperwork) we had carpet and the only stain was from where I spilled red juice. It’s kinda hard work to get those super nasty dog houses that we’ve all been into. Idk what’s wrong with people. You’ll probably have the cleanest dog in town!
How big exactly are wheatens? I remember researching them when I was getting a dog but I don’t remember what size they are exactly.
They are considered medium size dogs. The males weigh between 40-45 lbs. They have really long terrier legs so they look bigger especially if their hair is long…but when you shave them or cut their hair all short, they look super scrawny which I love. Their hair is so soft like silk.
I get so excited talking about it. hahahaha
Awww they sound like a giant Minnie (my dog)!! I love long haired dogs that DON’T shed.
Oh, your poor nubs! When you said you cut them down I had no idea that short! I’ll send some speedy growth mojo your way so they come back soon!
PS. I love that you got your new puppy-to-be a Mr. Bill doll. <3
My nails grow really fast so I tend to cut them down like this often. My fingers just look even more stubby! Awww my poor sausage fingers!
Believe it or not, I didn’t even know about Mr. Bill. I just thought it was so cute when I saw it at target. My brother was the one who told me about the skits. lol
I have sausage fingers too! Lol